Chapter 3

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"How's the ghosts?" Hank asks, trying to match Scout's humour. In all fairness, he did a pretty decent job.

"They haven't been sighted yet, and the unsuspected ghost hunter is hoping to not sight them either." Scout replies, laughing.

"You can't fear it for the rest of your life you know."

"Watch me." Scout snaps. She wants this to be over, she doesn't want this stupid thing which causes her to see dead people, it sounds better than it is, and that's saying something.

"God I feel like something out of Ghostbusters."

Hank laughs, and then he walks into the school building again, and Scout followed.

"You're staring." Scout says, stating the bleeding obvious.

Hank was staring at a blonde haired woman standing by some double doors.

"Raven." He chuckles slightly and approaches her. "Wow. Um, I, you're-"

"Not blue? Looks like you and I have that in common, now."

"No, no, I meant um you're, you're back." He pauses, and Scout is very tempted to make some snarky sarcastic remark, but she lets Hank have his moment. He's clearly also head-over-heels in love.

"Never thought I'd see you here again."

Raven nods, "Yeah, me neither." She replies.

"I'm blue." A blue boy says.

"Well, you must be Mr State-the-bleeding-obvious." Scout finally got her sarcastic comment out, it was like she was holding in a sneeze.

"I'm Kurt." He introduces himself, clearly trying to ignore Scout's demeaning comment.

"Oh right." Raven says, acknowledging the real reason why she was here

"Kurt Wagner." The boy continues

"Welcome." Hank shakes his hand and welcomes him.

"Jubilee, take Kurt around." Hank shouts towards a girl. Scout recognises her as one of the students in Charles' class from when they first met.

Scout decides that she was going to teach herself how to see ghosts. Sounds difficult, and you are totally right. Scout tried a manner of things, thinking about ghosts, shouting "ghost!" Nothing worked.

"For fucks sake why can't I do it again." Scout curses repeatedly under her breath.

"That's it, I'm giving up and declaring that in that moment I was most definitely seeing things."

"I wouldn't be so sure." A familiar voice says

"Alex! Your back. Thank fuck." Scout says.

"Yeah, come with me." He says

"Ok then Alexa."

"You can't say much Girl Scout."

Scout flips him off, and he just laughs.

"Fine then, I'm taking these." Scout says, grabbing at Alex's sunglasses and putting them on.

"Personally, I think I look much better in these Alexa."

"Yeah whatever."

Alex brought Scout to Cerebro, with Charles, Raven and Hank already there, and a woman Scout didn't recognise.

"Moira I'm going to have to ask that you keep this a secret." Charles says, as he places the Cerebro helmet on his head.

"What is this?" Moira asks.

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