Chapter 2

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"Your mission is get in, get the information and get out." Charles says, whilst everyone is sat on the plane, being flew by Hank.

"What is this information?" Scott asks.

"It's on a need-to-know basis, and you do not need to know." Charles answers swiftly.

"So for all we know it could be a recipe for raspberry jelly?" Scout asks rhetorically.

"Technically, yes. But that's not what it is." Charles answers, trying to divert Scout's inevitable sarcasm.

"We're here, good luck X-Men, I'll be here if you need me." Charles says, tapping his head.

"Right let's go rock some shit up." Scout says, cracking her knuckles then putting sunglasses on.

Peter laughs slightly, before Scott shot him a look of 'don't encourage her'.

"Sonic, perimeter." Scout orders, and within seconds he returns.

"About 10 armed around each entrance. No easy way in." He says, adjusting his goggles.

"We can't kill anybody." Hank says quickly, being sure to divert any deathly thoughts.

"Hey ghosty, can you get us in?" Scott asks, smirking at his newly made nickname.

"One person yes. Three? Probably not." Scout shrugs, and pulls a 'sorry-not-sorry' face.

"I'm not exactly keen to test that theory." Hank says uneasily.

"Get me in. I'll distract the guards and you open it from the inside, then these two can come in." Quicksilver suggests.

"Okay. Got it." Scout says, before turning invisible.

Scout grabbed Quicksilver's shoulder, turning him invisible. Quicksilver held the back of her head, and they sped off, through the men and through a door, until they were inside.

"Okay, so we need to get this door open, and we need-" Scout begins, dragging on the word 'need', until Peter interrupts.

"A passcode. Great." Peter says, with a sarcastic tone.

"Hey Alexa?" Scout says into nowhere.

"97225783." Alex says, without context.

"We're in, or rather, out." Peter says.

"Jesus you can listen to fast ass talkers. Noted." Scout says, almost laughing.

"Okay, so Peter, you go grab the others, I'll deal with the guards." Scout says, as the doors open enough for Peter to get through.

Surely enough, within seconds, Cyclops, Beast and Quicksilver were next to Scout, ready to kick some ass.

"I have a floor plan of the building, Spectre, you go get the file, don't let anyone see you. Cyclops, you create diversions, Quicksilver, you move guards away from here, and I'll knock them out." Hank plans the attack.

"On it." Scout says, before disappearing from sight.

Scout finds an empty room with nothing but a computer, open on a desk. She grabs the memory stick and begins to download all the data. A man enters the room in a distressed manner. Scout turns around and the face is one she recognises. Magneto.

He tries to pull the memory stick out, using his magnetic mastery. Scout quickly appears, and then 'ghosts' his powers, making him confused.

She quickly begins to fight him hand-to-hand. She goes through his punches, flickering from visible to invisible, as she's focused on blocking his abilities. She quickly destroys the floor, causing him to fall as she floated and began to run through the walls, in search of her companions, with the memory stick in hand, file downloaded.

Scout finds Hank, attacking 4 men who are shooting at him. Scout grabs him, making him intangible and hands him the memory stick.

"Get that back to the plane, I'll get Cyclops and Quicksilver." Scout orders, as the men stare confused as to where the fuck Hank just went.

Hank nods, before appearing to the men again, quickly knocking them down and running to the fire exit, conveniently marked with a massive green 'fire exit' sign.
Scout stands by the unconscious bodies, waiting for Peter to come to whizz them away.

"Hey Sonic." Scout shouts, after he doesn't show up.

"Wassup ghosty?" He asks, appearing next to her in a blur of silver.

"I need you to find Scott, get him here. And on your way, grab Hank." Scout orders.

"Got it Captain." He replies with.

Seconds later, he appears with Scott, and after a couple more, Hank.

"We have a slight problem." Scout announces.

"Which is?" Cyclops asks.

"These men are following orders, from Magneto." Scout says.

"Shit." Hank says.

"Mr Blue Sky swears? Nevermind, what should we do? I can block his powers, but someone needs to get him to the plane." Scout says.

"I'll grab him, you block his powers, and you two stand by if anything goes wrong." Hank orders.

"Got it. Let's go." Peter says, dragging on the 'o' sound in 'go'.

"Sonic, go find him." Scott orders.

"Get you, using nicknames." Scout says, whilst Peter is frantically running around in a blur.

"I wonder where I get it from." He replies sarcastically.

"Found him, he's right above us." Peter says, as he stops suddenly.

"Hank, grab on." Scout says, before changing herself and Hank into a ghost-like state, and floating up.

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