Chapter 3

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"Please, I-" Jean begins.

"Answer the question Jean." Billy backs Erik and Scout up.

"Stop, Erik, Scout. You're making me angry." Jean demands.

"Good. I want you to be angry. Show me what happens Jean." Erik is becoming exhausted with Jean's unwillingness to answer simple questions, as was Scout.

"I don't wanna hurt you." Jean admits.

"What happens when you're angry? Show me. Show me what-" Erik is cut off.

"Stop." Jean shouts, standing up, millimetres away from his face.

"We've got military. Inbound." One of the female residents runs in, she can sense incoming things - people, gunfire, military, mutants, fucking anything.

"Stay here." Erik says sharply to Jean.

"Gustface, training exercise." Scout announces.

"Okay Duppy." Billy retorts back.

The three of them walk outside, following the woman.

"Two birds, U.S." she confirms.

"Tell everyone to stay calm, but ready." Erik orders.

"What'cha reckon they're here for?" Scout asks, spitting her gum on the ground.

"You're cleaning that up after this, and probably the girl." Erik responds, and Scout replies silently, sarcastically grinning at him, as if to say 'will-I-shit'.

The helicopters near, before landing. Armed men lined the outside of the seating area. They began to run out, holding guns, ready to fire.

"Alright that's close enough." One of the men says to a mutant.

Erik holds his hand up to stop the helicopter completely.

"We have a legal right to be here." Erik explains, getting to the point. "This land was given to us by the U.S government." He continues.

"We have no intention of taking it back." One of the men replies with, approaching Erik, Scout and Billy.

"We're not here for you. We're looking for one of the X-Men. Jean Grey." The man continues.

"I haven't seen her in a long time." Erik lies, but stays completely calm. Any fault in his body language or expression will give the game away.

"Then you won't mind if we have a look around?" The man asks.

"Would you mind if I came to your home, unannounced and uninvited?" Erik responds with a question, not answering the man's.

"Look. I know who you are. I don't wanna fight." The military man admits.

"No, you don't." Erik confirms.

"And he's not even a telepath." Scout adds on, not loud enough to be heard by anyone other than Billy, who struggles to hold in a snort of laughter.

"Then step aside." The man orders.

"We have the same rights as you and your family."

"And like I said, we're not here for you. We're here for a girl who gave up those rights when she attacked a squad of police officers. They have families too. Guess you didn't hear about that."

"We don't get satellite." Billy comments, with which he gets a undermining look from the military man.

The helicopter starts up, not the one right next to them but the one a slight distance away.

"Stop that." The military man orders. "I said stop that right now!" He reiterates.

"It's not me." Erik quickly defends himself.

"It's me." Jean's voice appears.

"Well this all went to shit." Scout says, before getting herself ready for a fight.

"Jean?" Erik asks. Not in a 'you are here?' way, but more of a 'what the fuck are you doing?' kind of way.

"Jean!" Erik shouts.

Jean tilts the helicopter, forcing it into the ground. It begins to lift up the ground beneath it as the propellers spin rapidly. It approaches the men stood around the island, presumably trying to kill them all.

Jean begins to control the other helicopter, after dropping the first in a careless manner.
Erik reached his hand out, trying to control the helicopter.

"Scout fucking help me here!" Erik shouts.
Scout begins to try to focus on Jean's powers, trying to make them 'ghost'.

"Hey Hurricane, try counteract the helicopter's movement." Scout orders, as she struggles to get a grip on Jean's power.

Jean, Erik, Scout and Billy all struggle to fight this one helicopter. Jean notices what Billy is doing, and moves him away. Her lack of control sends him flying the other way. Directly towards the helicopter.

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