Chapter 5

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"Please remain calm. Medical assistance is on the way." blared from some speakers on helicopter that began to approach the now destroyed mansion.

Everyone watched as the helicopter comes to land in front of them. Several men start to come out of the helicopter, Hank and Scout move to get a better look.

"Moira McTaggert, CIA, so glad you're here." Moira approaches the men streaming out the helicopter.

Raven stares horrified as she shouts "wait!"

"Fire!" A man shouts and every mutant and Moira fall, sound waves shuddering through the air.

Everything was a blur for Scout, until she woke up in some room to the silver haired unnamed guy screaming.

"What?" Raven and Moira ask, panicked.

"What's wrong with you? Is that gonna happen to all of us?" The silver haired guy asks scared.

A blue creature waves it off and says "it's not a big deal I left my meds in the house." It was Hank's voice.

"Oh so that's what Alex meant when he asked what happened to the 'big blue furry you'."

"Yeah." Hank says, looking down.

"What happened? Where are we?" Moira asks the people looking down at everyone.

"Hey. Hey. Hey!" Raven shouts at the men, getting them to respond.

"Hello Mystique." An unfamiliar voice says.

"Agent Stryker." Raven identifies.

"Colonel Stryker. I wouldn't get too close to the wall if I were you. It may create some, discomfort." He says slyly.

"I'm Moira MacTaggert. I'm a senior officer at the CIA." Moira says, introducing herself.

"I know who you are, Agent MacTaggert." He responds coldly.

"You cannot keep me here in this-" Moira protests.

"Actually I can. The psychic events just destroyed every nuke. That event emanated from exactly where we found you. From the world's most powerful psychic. So you are going to tell me, where is Charles X Xavier?" He asks sternly.

"It's not him you should be worried about. There's someone else, someone more powerful." Moira explains.

"If you let us out we can help you." Raven pleads.

"He isn't that gullible, come on now." Scout points out.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" He asks pissed off.

"Told you so." Scout says triumphantly.

"You can put on any face that you want but I know who you are. What you are." He stops speaking and the speaker muffles slightly, and he walks away.

"Hey Moira, uhm. What did you mean when you said someone more powerful than Charles?" Hank asks, worried.

Moira clears her throat. She begins to explain everything she knows about 'El Sabah Nur', the most powerful mutant.

Silence fills the room.

"I'm Peter, by the way." He says to no one in particular.

"Scout." Scout replies, trying to figure out how to get out.

"Im sure the discomfort he mentioned isn't that bad." Scout says confidently.

Scout approaches it, puts her arm towards it and nothing happens.

"Where did your arm go?" Hank asks, confused.

"What do you mean it's right there?" Scout replies with just as much confusion.

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