Chapter 2

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Billy and Scout were drinking cider in the sun, relaxing. Everything was nice. Although the wind will soon change direction, for the worst.

"So, you need a name." Scout teases Billy. She had grown like she had another little brother, and he had grown as if he had a big sister he had never had.

"How about Billy?" He jokes, he had clearly picked up Scout's sarcastic tendencies.

"Dumb fuck, I mean a nickname. Erik's Magneto, I'm Spectre. You need one." Scout encourages him to come up with some stupid code name.

"How about...Hurricane? Like wind but-" Billy suggests, then begins to blabber on about how it links before Scout cuts him off.

"Yes! Oh my god we have to get you a cool outfit now, but I'll still look cooler, obviously." Scout cuts Billy off, and emphasises the 'obviously'.

"Who are you?" One of the residents asks a girl, red hair, grey coat. Jean.
She looks around haphazardly, before her observation is cut short.
"Answer the question." The resident demands.

Erik then flies down from what Scout labelled as his 'Mutant-cave'. Like a man-cave, but for mutants, specifically one with metallic manipulation. Upon seeing this, Scout disappeared and reappeared in her usual fight attire, she didn't know how this was going to go. She chugged her cider, as did Billy, and they walked over to where Erik landed, in front of Jean.

"Leave her." Erik demands coldly. "Why are you here?" Erik snaps at Jean. He recognised her, clearly.

"Jean?" Scout asks, after a long staring contest happens between the metal man and the ginger.

"Scout?" Jean returns with a question, before Scout runs towards her and hugs her. Jean could never explain it, but she felt safe around Scout. Scout had given her the big sister talk when Scott and her started dating, but Jean knew her as the one she could go to, had she needed something.

"Cmon, I'll get you some tea." Scout offers, before gesturing to follow.

Tea pours from the metal kettle, as Jean stares out the window.

"Are you hurt?" Erik asks, walking over to Jean with a cup of hot lemon tea - her favourite to Scout's knowledge.

"No." Jean replies shyly.

"You'll have to forgive them, they're not accustomed to uninvited guests." Erik was referring to the residents of the island, except Scout and Billy, who were pouring themselves drinks. The others were gawking at Jean, almost staring her down.

"Please." Erik nods his head towards a seat, telling her to take a seat.

-with Scout and Billy-
"So who's she?" Billy asks, as he brings his drink to his mouth, and burns his tongue.

"Jean. I knew her, once. I don't know if I do anymore. You know, people change in the span of 9 years. She was my brother's girlfriend too." Scout explains, as she rolls her eyes at Billy's incompetent mistake.

"Cool your drink down with some wind, I've told you this a million times Gusty." Scout laughs at her nickname for him. He tried to get her to stop years ago, but of course it stuck.

"Jeez okay Duppy." Billy shoots back.

"I thought we agreed-"

"Ah ah ah, until you stop calling me Gusty, I'm calling you Duppy." Billy stares grinning proudly.

"God you two are like siblings." Erik complains. Scout was pretty emotionless when it came to people - except Erik and Billy. She let everyone else around her fade into strangers. She didn't need more people to worry about dying, then having to see their ghost. It was torturous.

Scout and Billy join Erik and Jean, who are sat opposite each other, drinking tea.

"Why don't you start at the beginning?" Erik enquires. Jean looks down, distraught.

"Who's blood is that?" Erik asks accusatory.

"Erik, she just got here and I'm sure that's not-" Scout begins, before turning to her and noticing the blood, almost popping out on her grey blouse.

"What happened Jean?" Scout asks.

"What?" Jean asks, aimed at both of them.

"On your shirt, who's blood is it?" Erik keeps his cold expression over his face, not daring to show emotion.

"Look, I'm not Charles. I can't read your mind." Erik begins.

Jean sniffles, and speaks again.
"You hurt people." She accuses.

"It's been a while." Erik responds quickly.

"But you did." Jean continues.

"Yes. What did you come here to ask me?"

Erik rushes the conversation, clearly wanting to get out of it.

"How did you stop?" Jean asks, her voice quivering.

Erik sighs, as Jean's eyes begin to gloss over. Billy is watching as he worries for Erik. He was like a father to him, and somewhat to Scout.

Growing up, Scout's parents were detached after finding out Alex was a mutant. They loved Alex, Scout and Scott, but they were detached in a lot of ways, and not always there when they were needed. Erik filled that gap, helping Scout for 3 years after she arrived, until she actually got a grip on her powers.

"I've lived with vengeance my whole life. Ever since I was a child, I-I lost everyone I ever loved so, I hurt people. Yes, killed people. Killed whatever I thought would make the pain go away. It didn't matter how many souls I sent under. So I stopped." Erik closes his monologue. Scout and Billy sat awkwardly, not quite knowing how to respond. Granted they knew everything that happened, but it felt weird witnessing him re-tell the same story.

"I don't know how to stop. I don't know what's happening to me." Jean pauses between each sentence, as if she's carefully watching her words.

"When I lose control, things happen. Bad things. To people I love." Jean admits.
Scout tenses. She had a single person on her mind. Scott.

"Who's blood is that?" Erik asks again, but gets no reply.

"Who's fucking blood is it?" Scout demands, placing her tea down and staring at Jean dead in the eye.

"Isn't that why you came here? What do you think I can do for you?" Erik asks question after question.

"I don't know!" Jean is on the verge of tears, desperately defending herself.

"Yes you do. Who's blood is that?" Erik persists.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jean muffles through her sleeves, trying to wipe away rogue tears.

"Did you hurt someone?" Erik demands.

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