Chapter 3

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"You." Magneto states, as Beast and Spectre appear.

"Surprise asshole." Scout says, before blocking his powers.

Hank looks to Scout, who nods, before Hank grabs Magneto and stops him from fighting back.

Scout stays fully focused on blocking his powers, whilst Hank carried Magneto back to the plane, with Peter and Scott surrounding them, being ready to fight any oncoming guards.

They all make it to the plane, where Charles is waiting. Hank puts Erik in a seat, belting him in. Scout continues to focus on stopping Erik's powers.

"Scout, you can relax your powers." Charles encourages.

"I don't trust him, I thought he was supposed to be on some island he was given, with other mutants." Scout replies.

The plane ride is silent, until Scott notices his sister isn't there. He opens his mouth to say something, but she then appears. She was flickering slowly. She was stretching her powers, leading to her visibility being less controlled.

"Approaching home." Hank says.

"Well, thank you Erik for aiding me, I will get Kurt to return you to the island soon. Well done Peter, Scott, Scout. You did extremely well on the assessment. Thank you Hank for keeping them from real trouble." Charles says.

"You're welcome, Professor." Hank says.

"Anytime, Charles. You have some exceptional mutants on your hands." Erik says.

Scout, along with the others, filed off the plane.

"Scott, Peter. Go to lessons. Scout, I want to properly introduce you to Erik." Charles begins.

Hank leaves for the lab, as Scout shakes Erik's hand.

"Erik Lensherr, Magneto." Erik introduces himself, in quite a curious tone.
"Scout Summers, Spectre." Scout replies, returning Erik's powers.
"Thanks." Erik says, as he feels his powers return to him.
"So dare I ask why Sonic, Laser Eyes and I were assessed?" Scout asked.
"Seeing as you arrived recently, I thought it was necessary to see how far each of your abilities reached, in order to further train you all." Charles replies.
"And what's the verdict?" Scout asks in response.
"That's for you to find out later, head to the training facilities and work on the ghost seeing, I'll see you soon. Say hi to Alex for me." Charles shouts, as Scout left the room.

"So how do you suggest I do this again?" Scout asks Hank, as he leans against the wall watching Scout trying to frantically control the spirits of dead people - which was no easy task.
"Focus on one ghost, think about the ghost disappearing from your view, from being able to affect you." Hank suggests.
Scout begins to focus, trying to single out a ghost towards the left of the clump of confused phantoms. She focused on the short brown hair of this man, no older than 43, with green-grey eyes and a tall stature. Just like that, he disappeared suddenly, like a bubble popping.
"Yes! Yes! I can finally sleep, thank fucking God." Scout cheers. The 16 sleepless nights were beginning to get to her.
"Congrats Scout, you're pretty much a master of your mutation. Next we need to focus on the more destructive side - the same way you destroyed half the kitchen." Hank says, confident in Scout.
"Why is that always the way to describe it, and not just 'the thing that makes stuff disappear'?" Scout asks, slightly annoyed, as she silently thanks the ghosts for the help.
"Almost as an encouragement to change the description?" Hank suggests off the top of his head, suggesting to Scout that he had no real reason up until about 7 seconds ago.
"Okay, whatever. Now I need something to 'ghost' unless you want your skin to go poof?" Scout offers. Hank shudders at the thought of his skin practically disintegrating off his bone. Disgusting.

Beep. Beep.
"It's two am already? You're shitting me." Scout says as her watch beeps at her.
"Right, never mind." Hank quickly tries to break Scout's distraction.
"Yes, let's focus on getting this stupid thing at bay, then finally have some sleep." Scout says, almost determined for once to actually control her power.
"Scout, still not sleeping I see." Charles' voice enters the room before he does, the echo slowly fading further away.
"I'm used to it by now." Scout replies with a very annoyed tone.
"I suggest you sleep, Hank as well." Charles is almost pleading.
"If you want all your students to see ghosts in their room and give them insomnia, then sure, I'll sleep." Scout shoots back.
"Scout, I doubt that Apocalypse will come back again." Charles says reassuringly.
"Unless you can suddenly see the future, you have no idea. Anyway, ghosts don't sleep." Scout says in a smart-arse tone.
"And you're not a ghost." Charles responds.
"Actually her mutation has given her the attributes of a ghost, it's incredible." Hank adds.
"See, so I don't need to sleep. If you ever need someone for night patrols I'm your guy!" Scout shouts as Charles leaves the room, shaking his head.
Shortly after, some footsteps echo through the hall.
"Spectre." The voice greets, Erik.
"Magneto." Scout replies.
"Hank, mind if Scout and I have a chat?" Erik asks.
"I'll leave you to it, but no funny business." Hank says, before walking out.

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