~Morning Chaos!~

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Arc woke up to his annoying alarm clock. He groans and smacks the alarm clock across the room. It hit the wall and shattered into pieces "Ah shit! I broke my only alarm clock."

Arc gets up and checks the time on his phone, it was 6:00 and he only had a few hours to get ready for school.

Arc then runs into Say's room. He knocks the door down and starts screaming. "SAAYYYYYYYY!!!! GETT UUPP!!!' Then Say got up and rubbed their eyes.

"Arc! What the fuck do you want!?" Say obviously sounded very mad that Arc woke them up.

"GET READY FOR FRIGGIN SCHOOL!!" Arc runs up to Say, grabs their hand, and pulls them out of bed.

"Oh shit I forgot the first day was today." Say sighs. "Go to your room and get ready."

"OKAAYYYY!!" Arc runs back to his room and gets ready. He wore his normal white hoodie, Light blue jeans, he carefully fixes his bandages so they wouldn't fall off, He finally puts shoes on because the stupid school rules, and he brushes his blonde hair.

Arc walks into the kitchen to get some breakfast. He sees Say in their normal outfit as well but also wearing shoes. "Hi Saysay!" Arc pats Says head and gets himself some cereal.

"Arc I swear to your non existing mother if you call me Saysay one more time I'll saw your head off!" (Bro got roasted) After Say said that, Arc turned around with a smug grin.

"Okay, Saysay." Arcs smug grin grew wider. Say ran towards Arc and threw him across the entire kitchen.

"DON'T CALL ME SAYSAY!" Say looked absolutely furious. They hated that nickname, and they just hated nicknames.

"Okay chill!" Arc gets back up and grabs his bowl of cereal. He sits at the table and starts eating.

Say just walks into their room to find their bag. A few minutes later once Arc was done eating his cereal he grabs his bag and packs his notebook, pencil, phone, and of course, 1000 mini canoes that filled half his bag.

Arcs backpack was kinda heavy now but he didn't care. He walks into Say's room to check if they're ready "You ready Say?"

Say was sitting on their bed looking at random shit on their phone. Say looks up at Arc and nods their head.

"Okay!! Can I sit in the canoe for being good for half the morning?!" Arc was jumping up and down in excitement.

"You weren't good at all Arc!" Say looks at Arc, they seemed a little annoyed.

"Yes I was! I woke you up, I made my own breakfast, and I didn't throw anything!" Arc crossed his arms. He was mad at Say now.

"No Arc. You may not sit in the canoe." Say looks back down on their phone. Arc sticks the middle finger up at Say and walks out.


Arc and Say we're now getting ready to leave for school. Say noticed how heavy Arc's bag looked. "Arc, what the fuck is in your bag?"

Arc hides the bag behind his back with a confused look. "Huh? What are you talking 'bout?"
Arc was obviously playing dumb.

Say snatches the bag from Arcs hands and they open it. There was so many fucking mini canoes. Say gives Arc a look of disappointment. They sigh and speak in a tone that didn't sound surprised whatsoever. "Alright, I guess I am holding your bag for you until we get to school. Its too heavy for you."

Arc puts his hand to his chest with a shocked face like he was a princess that was just offended. "You think that's to heavy for me!? I am stronger than you!" Arc tries punching Say's arm to prove it but it didn't hurt Say at all.

"Nice try dude. I am carrying your bag for you." Say puts Arcs bag over their left shoulder and their own bag on their right shoulder.

They started walking to school quietly because say was blasting music in their ears while Arc was on Character.Ai because he's fuckin addicted.

(Wow this didn't go so bad, right??? Well, school is out for me tomorrow so I will have more time to post hehe. New chapters of this will now be like, every weekend or Monday. But yippee first chapter!!!)

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