~Tamari's Silly Sister~

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(HEY GUYS ITS ME, CHRISTOPHER! not Christopher Pierre shut up Christopher is my name- I'M BACK I'M NOT DEAD YAYAYAY anyway. I got motivation to finish this story and I got the idea for this chapter from my beloved father Sammy so ty Sammy. Also the image above is an image I got from someone on discord without asking hehe, (HoneyImHomeless-) I dunno if the image is showing tho skaksdncnj HEHEebehdhd enjoy!!;$-$n-_)

After a few more classes Arc was walking through the halls of the school, he didn't really know what to do next so he looked at the list.
"ehh.. lunch time? Finally! Now I can eat my fucking food."

Arc looks around and eventually found the lunch room. It was packed with people at the moment. Arc found an empty table so he set his lunch box down and sat at the table

A few seconds later when Arc was eating some of his food (humans hehe) Tamari and a strange looking person next to him sat at his table.

"Hi Arc! Do you mind if me and my sister sit here?"
Tamari said with a tiny smile. Arc was didn't really know Tamari had a sister but he didn't mind

"Sure I guess, I didn't know you had a sister though!.... why isn't she talking?"
Arc says, seeming a little confused.

"Oh, Sorry. I was just distracted. If you want me to speak then I can."
Mariyam says with a blank expression. This person was kinda weird in Arc's opinion.

Arc didn't know what to say anymore, this is getting really awkward.
"Uhh, I don't even know what to say anymore. This is getting awkward..."
Arc says while smiling awkwardly.

"Uhh, what is your name?",
Arc says before he takes a bite out of his 'sandwich' (totally no humans in there)

"My name is Mariyam, you?"
Mariyam says, still with an expressionless face.

"My name is Arc! If you ever judge my name, I'll rip the wires out of you!" :)
Arc says, it wasn't awkward for him anymore. He's comfortable now so he is going to be as crazy as he wants

"Arc, calm down. Don't talk like that."
A voice behind Arc says. Arc turns around, Say was standing behind him.

Arc says before he jumps up and gives Say a huge hug.

Say says, They throw Arc off of them. They sigh and sit down then start eating their lunch.

Arc stands up and looks at Say with anger. He sits back down and looks at Tamari.
"ANYWAY! How was your classes Tamari?" Arc says, acting like he completely forgot what just happened.

"They were fine, but boring. Mrs. Elsner is the only good teacher here. The rest are so strict and boring." Tamari says while tapping on the table with his fingers.

"I think all the teachers are good. You don't understand how hard they worked to get their jobs, and how hard they work to teach children." Mariyam says.

"I agree with that person, the teachers did work really hard to get where they are now. Show them some respect."
Say says while scrolling through TikTok on her phone.

"Ok, jeez you smarties."
Arc says before hitting Say on the back of their head.

"Arc, hit me one more time and your life is gone. Ok?"
Say says, trying not to strangle Arc to death.

"Kk Saysay." Arc says with a smug grin on his face.

Say says angrily before slapping him in the face very hard.

Arc's face went red and his lips started trembling. His eyes started getting watery too.

Say noticed and sighs. "Arc, don't cry. You're going to get everyone's attention." Say says in a calm tone, trying to get Arc to be quiet. Tamari was just watching in confusion, same with Mariyam.

Arc doesn't listen and he starts crying silently. He crosses his arms and turns around.

Say got an idea but they really didn't want to do it. They didn't want Arc crying either.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this." Say thinks to their self before leaning in and hugging Arc. "Arc I'm sorry, stop crying."

Arc stops and turns around. His mood immediately changes and he has a wide smile now.

"Hehehehe.. that's shocking."
Arc says while wiping his tears away. The bell rings and people start leaving the lunch room

"Oop, time to go. BYEEEE!!"
Arc puts his leftover lunch in his lunch pale and runs off. Say just grabs their stuff and leaves in silence.

"What did we just watch?"
Tamari says with a confused expression before turning to Mariyam.

"No idea."
Mariyam says, also turning to Tamari.

Meanwhile Arc was putting his lunch box in his locker. He looks at his list of what to do next and he only had one more class.. Art.

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