~Now let's all agree to never go to the dentist again!~

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Arc was sitting down on the sidewalk Infront of the school waiting for Say to come. After a few minutes Say walks over to Arc.

Arc jumps up and hugs Say tight. [ROBLOX COIL SOUND!] "Arc don't touch me!" They push Arc off and they cross their arms. "You're going to the dentist today.

"OH HELL NAH THERE AIN'T NO WAY!" Arc stomps his foot and crosses his arms. "You have to since you barely brush your teeth!" Say says with disapproval. "FINE!" :(

"Good, we're going at 4:00 so let's get home and wait." Say firmly grabs Arc's hand and walks towards their house. Arc follows behind Say.

[Time skip to when they're about to go]

"Do I really have to go?!" Arc says. "Yeah, you have to go Arc." Say walks out the front door. "Come on." Say says before walking on the sidewalk. Arc follows...

Arc was not happy whatsoever. He hates the dentist. Especially because those stories of dentists taking your teeth and keeping them.

After a few minutes of walking they enter the dental clinic. Say and Arc wait in the waiting room. Say was on their phone and Arc was crossing his arms staring at nothing.

"You're so much like a little child." Say says while staring at their phone. "What? Nuh uh. I'm not a kid." Arc says. "Yeah, you're not a kid but you act like a kid in a young adults body." Say says with a small grin. "I'm not a child!.. hmph." Arc says before the dentist calls Arc's name.

"Go on. I'll be waiting here." Say says. Arc stands up and walks into the dentists room. "Hello, Arc." The dentist says while turning around. Arc actually could tell if it was a boy or a girl.

"Hi." Arc says. The dentist stands up and smiles down at Arc. Arc could tell they were smiling under the mask. "Well, lay down on the bed." The dentist says while gesturing Arc to it.

Arc sits on the bed and eventually lays down. "What should I call you sir???" Arc says with slight discomfort. "Call me Dr. Novo, alright?" Arc just nods. "Damn this guy is creepy.." Arc thought to himself.

"Say ah.." the dentist said before taking off their mask revealing scars from their mouth all the way to their ears. Arc did NOT trust them anymore. So he sits up.

"Oh hell no." Arc says in fear. "What's wrong, Arc?" The dentist says before pulling out a rope and tying Arc's hands to the arm rests.

"LET ME GO WHORE!" Arc says while kicking their legs and trying to break free. "That's not a good way to talk to someone who just tied you up."

The dentist walks over to a drawer and starts looking through it trying to find something. Arc just keeps trying to break free.

The dentist pulls out pliers then walks back towards Arc. Arc takes one look and screams. "SAY HELP ME!!!!!!!" Of course, Say heard because they have great hearing and Arc is louder than a horn on a boat.

Say runs into the room Arc was in and sees what is happening. Say grabs her tRuStY sAw out of her bag and throws it at the dentist. It ends up cutting Dr. Novo's shoulder a little bit but it wasn't too deep.

"Ah shit." Say says before trying to think of what to do. They have an idea, they run towards Dr. Novo and bash their head in the wall. Then they quickly untie Arc and run away with him.

"Thank u Saysay!~" Arc says while running with say out of the dental clinic. "Oh shut up idiot." They say before grabbing Arc's hand and running faster. Arc was floating at this point because Say was grabbing his hand and running faster than a cheetah.

Say immediately walks inside their house and slams the door. "Heh, now let's all agree to never go to the dentist again." Say says before passing out on the couch in exhaustion.


(HEY YALL I'M BACK!! Sorry I haven't made a chapter in a while I was busy with school! This chapter was written in school actually but after that day I accidentally left my phone in my desk on a four day weekend so this one was supposed to come out 4 days ago. There's a tiny Don't Hug Me I'm refrence in the title and at the end of the story. YAYAY! Also, if you have any ideas for this story tell me in the comments! :)  )

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