~Cake and Cupcakes!!!~

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(Yeah, Yeah I'm not dead shush. I was busy with shit ok? Anyway to the storryyyy)

"So next class is.. cooking.. hehe imma make a huge mess in that class." Arc makes his way to the cooking class and sits down in a random chair and waits for everything to start.

A girl that had white hair and a black streak in it walks up to Arc. Arc thought her outfit was a little weird but oh well.

"Hi! What's your name? I have never seen you before." The girl says with a bright smile while holding her hand out to shake Arc's

"My name is Arc, You?" Arc shakes the girls hand. She smelled like sugar cookies and he could smell her perfume from a mile away.

"Oh, my name is Cakey! It's nice to meet you Arc." Cakey puts her hand down once Arc shakes her hand "So, do you have any other people like siblings going to this school?"

"My sister Say is here! Somewhere. Hehe.. Anyway why the fuck did your parents name you Cakey?" Arc was trying to be offensive but not offensive at the same time

"I have no idea to be honest. They're dum dums." Cakey sighs and sits in the chair next to Arc's chair.

The bell rings and everybody started to sit in their chairs and they watch as the teacher walks in.

"Alright everyone. Today we are making cupcakes!" The teacher said with a smile. The teacher looked like a nice lady. She had a light green button up shirt with a collar, a green skirt that goes down to her ankles with white dots. Her hair looked ginger but with a hint of pink, and she had blue eyes. (Nancy?😱)

"Oh boy. . ." Arc whispers to himself. He was NOT good at baking cupcakes so this would be difficult. . .

(HIII! Sorry this is so short also, I am not dead I am alive I just have to practice fuckin piano all the time. But anyway There is a appetite of a people pleasure reference and housewife radio so YIPPEE! I couldn't think of anyone else to be the teacher for baking cuz I already made Cakey a student. Hehe so Nancy is the baking teacher! Anyway BYE FOR NOWW)

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