~School fight!~

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Arc was going back to school today so he does what he would normally do when he gets ready for school. He runs to school and jumps onto Tamari's back when he sees him talking with Mariyam.

"ACK!!!!" Tamari screams and falls down while Mariyam said in her head "nah we gotta go." and she walks away

"HI TAMARI!!!!!" Arc says loudly so a few people looked at them. Tamari sighs and gets up. "Hi Arc!" Tamari says.

"How have you been bestie!?!?" Arc says while now jumping up and down [INSERT ROBLOX COIL NOISE 😭😭💀💀] "I am doing decent!" Tamari says while dusting off his arm that was now covered in a bit of dirt.

The bell starts to ring. "Oop! Gotta go!! BYEEEEE!!!" Arc says to Tamari while running off.

The day was fine, he skipped one or two classes so now it was lunch time. Arc sat on a bench with Say since Tamari and Mariyam had to discuss something in private.

"Saysayyy?" Arc said while staring at Say with a smug grin. "What." Say looked up at Arc with a slightly annoyed face.

"When we get home can I sit in the canoe???" Arc says. Say thinks for a moment.. "Fine, as long as you stay away from me I'll be good." Say says before looking down at their phone and taking a bite of their sandwich.

"YAYYY!!" Arc says before a group of people walk behind him. A guy with light orange hair looked down at Arc and tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey!" The person says getting Arc's attention. "Hi!" Arc says. "Seriously who the heck would like sitting in canoes, it's just a canoe.

Arc was clearly offended. He stands up and cracks his knuckles "Say that again I dare you!" Arc says, now with an angry look. You could still tell he was mad under his bandages.

"Canoes suck! Come at me! I'll be at you up!" The guy says. "I WILL RIP YOUR NOSE OFF AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!!" Arc says while other people looked up at them. "Ooohhh" some of the people sitting down said.

They start to fight. Arc punched him in the face while the other guy was slapping and kicking him. Say was just recording and smirking.

"Why do you have those bandages on your eyes huh!? What you have no eyes!?" The guy says before ripping the bandages off Arc's face revealing his orange glowing eyes.

Arc screams and covers his eyes. Say immediately puts their phone down and helps Arc cover his eyes. "Pfft- he's a weakling!" The guy said.

"What was your name again?" Say said while looking up at the guy. "Kennith, why?" Kennith said while looking down at Say.

"Well, Kennith. I recorded that. Apologize and I won't report this to the principal." Say says with a huge grin.

"Wha- you can't do that!!! Nobody likes snitches right guys!?" He looks at his 'friends' and they nod in agreement.
"Well, nobody likes a gangster wannabe." Say says.

"FINE! Sorry bandage canoe boy and orange eyed freak." Kennith says while crossing his arms. Him and his 'friends' walk away.

Say rolls their eyes and grabs their phone, then leads Arc to the nurses office for some new bandages. Say's hand suddenly felt wet but they ignore it. They didn't want to deal with Arc crying like he is having a mental breakdown.

They get into the nurses office and close the door. "Hellooo!~" the nurse said to both of them with a smile. Oh, what's wrong with him?" Nurse Teto says in slight concern. [YYYAYAYAYAYAY PATHOLOGICAL FACADE TETOOO!!!!!! But the school nurse. Yayy!]

"Nothing, can we borrow some bandages please?" Say says. "Sure!" Nurse Teto says before standing up and grabbing bandages from a cabinet. She gives the bandages to Say and sits back down in the chair. "Thanks." Say says before walks out and closing the door.

"Buh-bye!!!" Nurse Teto says with a smile and she goes back to working on whatever the hell nurses are typing on computers 27/7 [srsly when I am in the school nurses office I have no ides what that shit on their screen is.]

Say immediately runs into the abandoned looking shed next to the school garden and closes the door so it's dark. [IT'S DARK!]

They start putting the bandages over Arc's eyes. "Thanks Saysay!!!" Arc says before clinging onto say like a koala. "Ugh! Get off!" Say pushes Arc off and walks out of the shed.

"Meanie." Arc says and blows a raspberry at Say and also walks out. He goes back to the lunch room and grabs his lunchbox. He runs into Tamari.

"Dude are you okay??" Tamari says with concern. "Yep! Anyway wanna skip class with me?" Arc says. "YESSIR LETS GOO!!!!" Tamari says and they're both Headed towards God knows where.


(AAAaaAa Kennith bully nooo 😭 I had no one else to think of okkk??? Also PATHOLOGICAL FACADE TETOOOOOO!!! WOOOHOOO!!!)

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