~Mysterious Person~

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Arc was now sitting at his desk trying his best not to fuckin eat somebody's flesh. He wasn't even listening to the teacher, he was just staring at the clock waiting for this hell to end.

He noticed some people sitting beside him staring at the bandages on his eyes so he immediately looked down, he didn't want anyone to question him.

As Arc was staring at the clock, his staring got interrupted by the teacher calling his name.

"Arc, did you get that?" Once the teacher stopped talking Arc looked at him and nodded his head.

The teacher spoke up again with a more strict tone. "Then what happened in the book?"

Arc starts sweating and quickly flipping his pages to find the page the class was on but he didn't know.

He heard other people whispering and giggling as Arc was having a mini panic attack.

"Arc I know you are a new person here, but that doesn't mean you don't have to do the work." Once the teacher finishes speaking the bell rings and everybody starts getting up, chatting, and leaving the classroom.

Arc sighs and leans back in his chair, Arc immediately regretted leaning back in his chair because he fell back and hit his head.

He heard a person behind him start laughing. Arc immediately gets up and turns around.

Arc sees a girl with SURPRISINGLY long pigtales, her hair was black, she had a hoodie with no sleeves which Arc thought was kinda weird, she had a black skirt, and long black boots, their eyes were pink with black hearts in them.

Arc then looks at somebody next to her. It was a boy that had black hair, he looked super pale and mortified for some reason, his eyes were almost lime green, he had a black tank top on and grey sweatpants. His shoes were back but they looked old. And for some reason, the boy had a collar on with a chain connected to it. The girl was holding the chain.

Arc gets up and fixes his hair a little bit. He looks at the girl with a look of anger. "Who are you laughing at huh!?" Arc crossed his arms. He hated being laughed at.

"I am laughing at you, who else would I be laughing at?"
Once the girl stopped speaking the boy speaks up.

"Hey... Maika, please don't start a fight." The boys voice was shaky and quiet. The girl that was apparently named Maika turns around and looks at the boy.

"Fine! But this is the ONLY time I'll listen to you!" Maika drags the boy with the chain with her out of the classroom.

Arc sticks the middle finger up at her and goes to find Tamari or Say.

Arc just sits by his locker waiting for something to happen, until he sees Tamari running up to him.

"HI TAMARIII!!" Arc also runs up to Tamari with a huge smile.

Tamari stops Infront of Arc with a smile. "So, did you meet anybody else yet? Were they nice?"

Arc stops smiling and shakes his head. "I have met somebody, but they weren't so nice. It looked like she was holding somebody hostage or something.

Tamari's eyes widen and he chuckled nervously. "Oh... Hehe.. yeah her. That's Maika, she is absolutely insane. She always keeps that person with her but nobody knows why. I suggest you stay as far away from her as possible, we don't want something bad happening to you now do we?"

Arc nods his head. "Alright I'll stay away from her. But who is that boy? Does he even have a name?"

"Nobody knows, Maika never told anybody his name. I wonder why.." Tamari looks like he was thinking now.

"Okay, I'll see ya later!" Arc gives Tamari a high five and walks away. Tamari also walks away but in the opposite direction.

(Alright I am no longer going to post every Monday I guess. I am just going to randomly post a chapter hehe.. Also, YES I DID PUT MAIKA AND YOHIO FROM CRAZY TOWN IN THIS HAHA! I hope you are enjoying this so far :) )

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