~Another random school day~

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Arc wakes up to his annoying alarm once again, he groans, smashes his alarm. And get up for school

He gets his normal casual clothes on and goes down stairs, Say was sitting at the table on their phone. (OFC 🙄) When Arc sees Say he gets a random boost of energy and runs towards them. "HEY! HEY! HI! HI! SAY! GOOD MORNING!!"

He jumps up and down happily like usual. [FOR THE 1000TH TIME, ROBLOX COIL SOUND] Say turns towards him in annoyance. "Shut your mouth."

"GASP That is so mean! You're such a meanie!" Arc stands there for a moment but he smacks Say in the back of the head and runs away giggling. Say was too tired and bored to care so they stayed on their phone.

[Time Skip]

Arc runs to the front of the school and runs over to Tamari "HEY POOKIE WOOKIE COOKIE MIPY WIPY CHOCOLATE CHIPPY DIPPY!!!" (HELP 😭😭💀) Tamari turns around and gasps "OMG HI POOKIE!!!!"

Tamari and Arc hold hands and jump up and down giggling. [omg double roblox coil sound?] "OMG POOKIE WANNA SEE MY LOCKER?" Tamari says to Arc "OMG YASS!!!" "OK LETS GO!"

Tamari and Arc run off giggling like maniacs leaving Say and Mariyam together. "so... Is your brother annoying too?" Say says "Well, I guess. He did get me a turtle once." Mariyam answers with A kinda blank expression?

"You like turtles?" Say asks. Mariyam giggles a tiny bit. "Yeah, I really like turtles. I know a lot of facts about them." Say smiles (wow so rare!) "That's cool.."

(Back to Arc and Tamari)

Arc and Tamari were walking in the halls until a bell rung. It's time for class. "Oop, bye pookie!" Arc runs to history class and sits in his chair immediately.

His teacher, Ms. Aura, starts yappin to the class about history shit and stuff like that until class ends. (AURA REFERENCE DHHLHLSHJDDJ)

Once he got out ran to the school garden cuz he was bored and he sat at a bench. He saw a guy eating soil. It was that same guy as last time. (OLIVER'S RETURN!!)

"Yo bro why are you eating that?" After Arc says this Oliver turns around "Oi get off my territory." >:(

"bro chill I'm jus tryina have some peace.. And I'm curious. How does it taste?" Arc says. "Hmmm.. Wanna try 

"Ooo sure!" Arc runs over and eats some soil "damn this shits addicting." :0

"I know." Oliver and Arc end up eating a whole bunch of soil.

[Time Skip to when Arc and Say get home]

Arc is profusely throwing up in the toilet "HOLY SHIT ARC YOU ATE WHAT?!"


*vomiting noises*


(HENLO HI HI HEY wassup.. Erm... Yay another chapter. Sorry if this is too short nskhk. BYE

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