~Fire To The Circus~

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(Warning, this chapter has fire and people burning just gotta point that out heh)


Arc was sitting down in the living room because there was nothing else to do and he was sick of being on his phone so much. And Say was sitting in a rocking chair on their phone pretending Arc wasn't even there.

Arc was supposed to go back to school tomorrow so he couldn't stay up until 3:00AM. He suddenly got an idea and looked back at Say.





Arc giggled and jumped off the couch (insert Roblox coil sound HELP I WON'T STIP DOING THAT 💀) and he runs into his room to fix his bandages and puts some sHoEs On because people would think they're weird if they didn't wear shoes.

By the time he got back into the living room Say was already done getting dressed. So Arc grabs Say's hand and he runs out the door "LETS GOOOO!!" Arc said while running on the sidewalk

"Arc! Calm down!" Say says with a stern tone. Arc let's go and starts walking. "You're so boring." Arc says. "At least I agreed to go to the circus where you belong."

Arc gasps "Take that back!" Arc says angrily. "No." Say says while walking faster "Fuck you." Arc starts walking faster too to catch up to Say.

"If you say that again I'll cut your head off." (LORE REFERENCE!?🤯) Arc just pouts and crosses his arms "Fine!"

They both stay quiet while they walk there. When they got to the circus there was a lot of music playing. Arc and Say walked around the place, it was like a carnival.

There was people selling drinks at stands, there was a lot of children that Arc wanted to slap but Say had a tight grip on Arc's wrist so he couldn't go anywhere.


"Why are you giggling?"

"Child torment."

"No Arc."

Arc looks over at some people performing as he walk walking. It was two boys having centipedes crawling all over them. Arc immediately got interested in it.

"Say! Can we watch that?"


Arc and Say walk over to the crowd of people watching the two boys playing with centipedes and letting them crawl into their bodies. Say was very disgusted but Arc was fascinated. It seemed like it hurt though.

When that finished, Arc and Say continued to walk around until they found a big white and red tent. They both walked inside. It had a lot of seats and people waitng for the show to start.

Arc and Say sat down right at the second the show starts. Arc was laughing from cringe and Say was unamused. The star of the show, apparently named Nana Macne came on the stage and started to do cool tricks. she was wearing earplugs though, probably sensitive to noise? Maybe.

"At least she's like, probably the only cool one here." Say whispers to Arc. "I agree." Arc said before giggling quietly.

Suddenly, something went wrong... The rings of fire started burning the wooden floors and it started to spread. Everyone was running out in panic, Arc and Say stays for a while

"Oooo, this just got epic! Some good fucking arson!" Arc says happily, Say was just watching the fire with a smile.

After a few seconds Say started to get a little worried "Arc, we should leave before we burn along with this place." Say grabs Arc's arm and walks out.

"That was so cool! I know it wasn't a part of the show but fire is amazing." Arc says while jumping up and down. "Yes, Arson and fire is cool, let's go home." Say says while dragging Arc away.

"Awww, but I wanna watch the rest of the people die."

"No Arc."


"Because we have to get home."


"Because we don't want to burn."




Say sighs and let's go of Arc. "Ok! We can watch the people burn." Say says while crossing their arms. "YAY!" Arc sits down Infront of the burning tent and watches as people burn and kids screaming.

Say sees that girl named Nana crying as the staff comforted her. Say looks at Arc with a death glare. "Stay right there or else if I find you you're head will be hung up on my wall." Say says before walking over to Nana

"Hey." Say says to her. "Hello, you're probably disappointed that the show was ruined huh?" Nana says while wiping her tears away.

"Actually, no I am not disappointed. I just wanted to say you did a good job. Even my bro thinks you did a good job too, but I think he's more interested in the fire.

They both look at Arc giggling while staring at the fire. Once they looked back and Nana smiles "Thank you, what's your name?" Nana says, her mood now changed to happy and relieved.

"The name is Say."

"Say? That's a unique name, I like it! I hope you don't mind me asking but what's that boys name?"

"Oh, his name is Arc."

"That's also a unique name!"

"Thanks, now I should get going, I'm tired."

"Alright, bye bye!"

"Bye." Say walks over to Arc and looks down at him

"Arc, let's go home now." Say says before grabbing Arc and dragging him home. Arc was too mesmerized by the fire so he just watches as he gets dragged away by Say.

(HEHEHEH arson YAY also YIPPEE Centipede reference and star of the show referencE!! Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a while I was dealing with stuff I'd rather not say but we aren't talkin about that! I hope u like this one it took me an hour 🤯🤯🤯)

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