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Heyy guys!

I just wanna first apologize for not getting any new chapters in and taking so long.

I'm am currently going through a really bad writing block and I'm struggling to complete my book. I have a chapter done but as I was going through it I hated the whole thing so i deleted it and started over, now i'm stuck on a certain part because i have no idea what to put.

I'm gonna take a little break from writing for a while because I have a trip i'm going on this weekend on the 3rd and I wont be back till the 11th. (Im going to Georgia for those who care😂).

ANYWAYS... this is not the end of my writing because I still have so much I wanna share and do, but after I come back I still wont be able to get right back into writing because I have a volleyball game literally the day after we return, on the 12th, then I have summer workouts/training, so ill be very busy.

I'm trying my best and will even try writing on the way the Georgia, since we're driving and its a 14+ hour drive, it may help take my mind off things and give me a little more motivation to write.

Thank you all for understanding, I appreciate and love every single one of you and hope you aren't to angry with me.

And also thank you for all the love i've been receiving on this book it truly amazes me to see such high numbers on a project that I created.

Ill be back soon and cant wait to be!

Bye guys!!



Im Not Going Anywhere | Neyteyam x Reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now