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•Teaching and Learning•

Me and my sister helped the sully's carry some of there things to their marui, i had a basket in my arms and a bag like thing wrapped over my shoulder.

i slowly started to fall behind the group as my sister took the lead in the front, i noticed the two young boys walking slightly in front of me and decided it would be nice to learn some names.

"i'm Y/n" i said as i caught up to them looking between the both of them, waiting for a reply. they must have been surprised i was talking to them cause they just stared at me with wide eyes.

i cleared my throat when it got weird, i saw how they both very visibly came out of the 'shocked trance' they were in.

"uhm...i'm Loak" the shorter one says first breaking to awkward silence that fell between us three. "thats my older brother Neteyam" he finished

i looked over at Neteyam and saw he was already looking at me with slightly raised eyebrows, he smiled sheepishly at me and let out a breathless "hey"

i just laughed and shook my head, "what about them?" i said pointing to the two girls a little bit ahead of us, the smallest one stopped to say hi to an ilu that popped his head out of the water, the older girl just called for her to keep up.

"thats Tuktirey, but we all call her Tuk." neteyam finally spoke, "Tuk" i repeated, watching the small child bounce around on the marui pathways. i found myself smiling at the little girl and all the energy she seemed to have had.

"and thats kiri" he continues i nodded and repeated the names in my head to get them locked into my mind.

we finally made it to the marui for the sully's "this is for you, your new home" i heard my sister say from the front of the group. as they made their way inside i stood next to her.


i dived into the water, my sister, brother, and rotxo right behind me. the ocean was always so cool and comforting, i blinked my eyes a couple times to get used to the water in them, smiling as i looked around at the beautiful ocean.

looking up at the surface i saw the sully's jump in the water rather differently, i tilted my head at their weird posture, but decided to let it pass since it was their first time.

as we swam deeper and deeper, i noticed my sister turn around and smile at the sully kids behinds us, i turned also smiling softly, using my hand to tell them to come on.

i was enjoying the ocean and the beauties it held inside, i also found it comforting, a place where i could go to relax, and relieve some stress, the ocean never once failed me.

i stopped swimming and turned around again, but this time i noticed three of the four sully kids break the surface, for what I'm assuming was to get air.

they popped their heads back under to see us "swim together with us" my sister signed to them using her hands. they looked confused as if they didn't know what she was saying. so i just smiled and told them to come. thankful that they understood.

we continued swimming for a bit, but stopped to try and let the forests kids catch up, they definitely swam slower than us, but we we're patient with them. i looked over at the two boys and noticed Neteyam tap Lo'ak's shoulder telling him he needed to go back up for air. i frowned a little, and looked over at my siblings.

Im Not Going Anywhere | Neyteyam x Reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now