Sledgehammer ~Bebe Stevens x Reader~

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If you could take my pulse right now

It would feel just like a sledgehammer

If you could feel my heart beat now

It would hit you like a sledgehammer

Bebe Stevens looked like a goddess in everyone's eyes. Everyone was in love with her or they wanted to be her. Everyone wanted her. Everyone except the one girl Bebe wanted to notice her. Bebe wore high heels and short skirts. She wore dresses and flats. Jeans and t-shirts. Hell she even debated against wearing lingerie to school just to get her attention. But nothing, not even a glance. 'What the hell does it take to get her to fucking notice me?' The blonde girl wondered as she twirled a piece of curly hair on her finger, staring at the (h/l) (h/c) girl in the front row. 'Maybe I should just go up and talk to her. Right after class, just stop her and talk her up. Maybe invite her out for coffee.' The loud shrill of the bell set Bebe's plan into movement. 'Gotta find her. Gotta find her. Gotta find her.' As she raced out of the classroom and into the hallway she smiled widely. Only to lose her in the crowd of high schoolers.

I don't admit it

I play it cool

But every minute

That I'm with you

I feel the fever and I won't lie

I break a sweat

My body's telling

All the secrets I ain't told you yet

"Hey! Wait!" Bebe called out to the girl in front of her. Turning around, wondering what the most beautiful girl in this high school could want with her, (y/n) smiled brightly. "Yeah?" Bebe stopped in her tracks, that smile. That smile was too perfect to be given to her. "Hi, Bebe is my name. Cute you are. I'm not good with words. Date with me at 7?" (Y/n) giggled at the flustered girl. "Y-Yeah, I'd love to go on a date with you Bebe." Fingers running through her (h/l) (h/c) hair she bit her lip as she looked back up at Bebe. Before Bebe could stop herself, she kissed the (s/c) clean skin on the girls cheek. "I

ll see you at seven then?" "Y-yeah, for sure."

Oh oh

I struggle to contain

Whoa oh

The love that's in my veins

Oh oh

And how it circulates

Oh oh

If you could take my pulse right now

It would feel just like a sledgehammer

If you could feel my heart beat now

It would hit you like a sledgehammer

Seven o'clock was when the girl of her dreams would be picking her up. 'What to wear. What to wear.' The young girl thought to her self as she dug through her closet. Finally her (e/c) eyes landed on a (f/c) dress sitting in the back of her closet. Slipping it on she admired the way the dress clung on to her curves. 'Holy shit. I look fucking hot. Okay, lets go with the black shoes then. Maybe do a little make up, not too much as I don't want to spend the rest of my time doing my make up.' As she followed the steps in her head she thought about the date. 'I never even realized Bebe noticed my existence. I've been trying to get her attention for years now. Hell I even tried out for the cheer leading team just to be near her. But sadly I am just a small star and she is a sun.'

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