Watch the Queen conquer (SoT) - Helen Brooks & Kyle Broflovski

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Kyle looked around at his kingdom. He had the stick and his kingdom was thriving. "My king! My king!" Kyle turned to look at Stan, who was running at full speed toward him. "Yes, sir Stan?" Stan got on one knee in front of Kyle. "I come bearing bad news." Kyle feared for the worse, he quickly checked to make sure the stick was still in his possession. He looked back at Stan confused. "What's the bad news." Stan stood up looking at Kyle wearily. Stan pushed Kyle into the tent. "I'm sorry my king but we need privacy. It seems that a new kingdom has arose." Kyle wasn't worried. He had successfully kept the stick in his possession for a week now. He has taken down Cartmen, Douchebag was the ruler of Kupa Keep now. They had moved their territory to his backyard now. He wasn't scared of some puny new kingdom. "Stan why are you so worried? I'm not scared of some new King. We are the strongest kingdom in all of Zaron." Stan still had the worried look in his blue eyes. "No Kyle you don't understand. This isn't some normal kingdom. Everyone is calling them the sky kingdom. And there is no king, Kyle. It's a Queen ruling over the sky kingdom." Kyle's eyes grew in size. "Why is it called the Sky Kingdom?" Stan sighed worriedly, scared that at any moment the sky kingdoms knights would come bombard them in search of the stick. "Because, the kingdom is spread among trees. Its made up of tree houses Kyle. They have watch points all over town in the trees. The kingdom consists of master thiefs and fighters. No one knows who the Queen is yet. No one had met the sky kingdom knights and lived to tell the tale." Kyle couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Stan! Stan!" Stan and Kyle turned and ran out of the tent to find a beaten and bruised Butters with Douchebag on his back. They collapsed on the ground. "Butters! what happened?" Butters coughed trying to stay awake. "They came in swarms from the trees. It was a flurry of white. T-The queen was there. She was searching for the stick. S-She knows you fellas are the only one's left to search. She took down Clyde's army in a matter of minutes. We fought for as long as we could. But they were to strong." Stan called a healer. "We need a healer over here stat! Butters who was the queen, did you get to see her face?" Butters nodded. "Who was it Butters?!" Butters coughed then wheezed out his answer. "Helen." Kyle could feel his face heat up. "T-The kingdom, it doesn't have any boys. It's only g-g-girls. Every girl has got together to bring us down." Butters passed out, as he and King Douchebag were carried off to the healer's tent. Kyle growled as he grabbed his golf club. "Kyle! were are you going?" Kyle turned to look at Stan. "I'm going to go talk to Helen." Stan nodded. "I'll take care of the kingdom." Kyle walked toward Helen's house, aware of his ever changing surroundings. He walked into her backyard. "Helen!" Suddenly he was brought to his knees. Masked figures were holding him down. They were clothed in white armor with cloaks and masks hiding their identity. "Girls, let him go." Kyle looked up at her tree-house. It spread from the biggest tree in the middle to the other trees lining the inside and outside of her backyard. "What brings you here High Jew Elf?"  She stood on the balcony above him, dressing in a white dress. The light blue details twisted like vines. Her blonde hair was pulled into pigtails that matched Princess Kenny's. Her crown made up vines and small purple flowers. Around her waist was a black belt that held a sword and throwing knives. Her staff stood almost as tall as her, its twisted wood looked shiny and new. "I have come with the hopes of peace." Helen stared at him with her chocolate brown eyes. "You may take off your masks girls. Kyle watched as the two girls holding him down, removed their masks., to reveal Bebe and Wendy. Their hair tied back to stay out of their face. They moved so they stood beside Kyle at attention. Their hands resting on the hilt of their swords. They were ready to attack. "Is that the real reason you came here. Or were you hoping of bringing me down. If so I must warn you. I won't be as easy to take down as Clyde or Cartmen." Kyle looked at her when two girls walked out to stand beside her. "Oh hey Willow." Kyle said as he noticed her short curly hair. She waved, smiling at her brother before slipping her mask back on. Red stood silent as she watched them. "Kyle, I must warn you if you do betray me. I will not hesitate to take down you and your puny kingdom. But for now I guess we could have a peace treaty." Helen motioned for Bebe and Wendy to bring him up into the tree-house. Kyle was pushed up the rope ladder that was dropped down to him. Willow grabbed him arms and tied them behind his back. "Sorry dude, orders are orders." Grabbing onto his arm and pulling him into the main hall. Kyle watched as he walked into a big room, with a table resting in the middle. A throne stood at the table. Helen rang a huge bell on the top of the tree, notifying the other knights that they were needed. Helen sat down at the throne. Willow sat beside her watching as Bebe and Wendy took their respective seats. Red, Nichole, Annie, and Heidi came into the main hall sitting in the other four seats. Kyle stood behind Willow, her still holding onto his arm. "Girls, I have told you that before I do anything I will consult with you seven first. Kyle, the High Jew Elf wants us to sign a peace treaty. How does that stand with the Sky Knights?" Willow smiled. "I'm for it as long as the promise not to steal from us and not to break said treaty." Nichole, Red, and Heidi nodded in approval. Helen turned to Bebe and Wendy. "What do you two think?" Bebe thought. "I'm okay with it as long as we are allowed to put some of our knights in their kingdom to make sure everything is okay and they don't break the treaty." Wendy nodded in agreement. Helen turned to look at Kyle. "Does that sound okay with you. We will send two or three knights to stay with you in your kingdom. You can't have any of my seven sky knights though they stay here. You may send two or three elves to stay here if you like." Kyle thought. "That seems good to me." Willow untied Kyle so he could sign the treaty. Helen look him in the eyes. "You tell no one in Kupa Keep or any other kingdom that arises of what you saw here today. You may come back to see your sister, but that will be your only bussniess here are we clear?" Kyle nodded as Helen escorted him out. Dropping the ladder so he could climb down. Kyle turned to look at her. "You make a lovely queen." Kyle said as he leaned in kissing her softly. "See you later Helen." Helen blushed as she watched her boyfriend run off. Willow smirked. "That was bad ass, you acted like you didn't know why he was here." Helen chuckled as she turned to Willow placing her mask back on along with her hood. "Watch the Queen conquer Willow, watch the queen conquer."

*This is for Wish4aWish I hope you like it, also SoT in case you didn't know mean Stick of Truth*

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