Better than an Xbox One. - Kyle Broflovski

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(Y/n) had been dating Kyle for two weeks now. She was as happy as she could be, having been in love with the short, red headed, jew boy for quite some time. As she hopped off her bus onto the freshly fallen snow, her (e/c) eyes scanned the crowd of kids for his adorable green hat. Beaming as she saw his hat. Running over to him, gripping onto the (f/c) straps of her backpack. "Kyle!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Bringing him into a hug. Feeling someone grab onto her backpack, she turned, only to be knocked off Kyle. She sat there, dazed. "Well, go on Kyle tell her." (Y/n) continued to sit there confused as Kyle walked over to her. "Listen, (y/n) this isn't working." Brushing her (h/c) hair out of her eyes, she looked up at him sadly. "W-What do you mean Kyle?" Kyle sighed. "I'm breaking up with you! You're so clingy and I can't take it. Just leave me alone!" Picking up his backpack, Kyle marched away with Stan and Cartmen. Leaving (y/n) there, tears streaming down her face. She could feel the sobs rise in her body. Finally she got up hugging her self. "(Y/n)?" (Y/n) turned to see Kenny standing there with a sad look in his eyes. "Are you okay (Y/n)? What happened?" (Y/n) tried to smile sweetly at her best friend. "K-K-Kyle broke up with me." Kennys knuckles were white under his gloves, as his nails dug into the palm of his hand. "Do you want me to walk you home?" (Y/n) shook her head. "I'm gonna stay at school." Nodding, Kenny wrapped his arm around her shoulders. (Y/n) rested her head on his shoulder, trying not to cry her eyes out as they walked the hallways of the school. "I thought she was dating Kyle." "I wonder what happened." "What if Kyle broke up with her." "That’s what I heard from Cartmen." (Y/n) burrowed her face deeper into Kennys neck trying to hide her face. "(Y/N)!" Kenny turned to see a worried looking Wendy, running toward them. "Kenny what happened?!" Kenny gave Wendy a sad looked as her rubbed (y/n)s arms to comfort her. "Kyle just broke up with her." Wendy smiled evilly. "Well Kenny, lets get (y/n) here to class. Then we have some business to attend to." Kenny nodded as they continued to walk to class, both had plans brewing in their minds. They sat (y/n) at her desk. "(Y/n) we have to go take care of some business. We will be right back I promise." (Y/n) nodded as she pulled her older brothers red hat on tighter. Nodding to Wendy, they both left the classroom. Both looking for Kyle. As their eyes came to rest upon the small boys frame they raced toward him. Kenny slammed Kyle against the lockers. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU KYLE. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT KINDA OF PAIN YOU ARE PUTTING HER THROUGH?" Wendy balled her fist ready to punch, when Kyle held up his hands. "Look guys I'm sorry. But it wasn't my idea." "What do you mean?" Wendy questioned him, her fists still ready to beat his face in. "It was Cartmens idea. He said that if I didn't break up with her, he would break my Xbox One!" No longer holding it in, Wendy punched Kyles nose. "SO YOU BROKE HER HEART FOR A STUPID XBOX ONE!" Kyle whimpered as Kenny dropped him to the cold tile floor. Wendy rolled up her sleeves when Kenny held onto her arm. "We need to get to class before someone sees." Nodding they both turned walking away from Kyle. "I broke her heart?" He asked them. Kenny turned to look at his friend sadly. "Yeah dude, shes been in love with you since preschool." Finally, Wendy and Kenny turned around the corner, leaving Kyle alone with his thoughts. "I broke her heart." Placing his head in his hands Kyle sighed. His body shook with sobs as he thought of her face we he broke her heart. "I'm a heartless monster all this for an Xbox One." Kyle stood up, looking around the corridor. Finally he started to make his way to his class. Passing (y/n)s classroom on the way. He looked in to see her with her beautiful head down. "How could I do this?" "KYLE! What are you doing out here M,kay? You're suppose to be in class M,kay." Kyle turned to Mr. Mackey with tears streaming down his face. "Oh god." Kyle followed Mr. Makey back to his office. "Now Kyle. Whats bothering you M,kay?" "I-I broke the o-o-only person I care abouts h-h-h-heart." "Who Kyle, M'kay?" "(Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/n)" Mr. Makey nodded as he called for the (h/c) haired girl from Ms. Love's classroom. There was a soft knock of the door. "Come in (y/n) M,kay." (Y/n) walked in, to see Kyle sitting there. Tears streaming down his face as he looked at her with those bright green puppy dog eyes. Without thinking, (y/n) ran over to Kyle. Hugging him, she rubbed his back soothingly. "It's okay Kyle." Kyle hugged her back, laying his head down to rest on her delicate shoulder. "I'm sorry (y/n)." (Y/n) smiled down at Kyle. Neither had noticed that Mr. Makey had left. (Y/n) could feel Kyle drift off to sleep, his small snores rumbling in his chest. "If (y/n) would ever forgive me I would be so happy." (Y/n) took off his silly green hat. She watched his red curls fall and curl around his ears. Running her fingers through his hair, she smiled. "I do forgive you, you big idiot." Both soon fell asleep in the comfortable hair Mr. Makey had brought out. Mr. Makey walked in quietly, calling their parents. Soon enough, Kyles mom was standing out the office. But before she could hear Mr. Makeys approval to come into the office, she stormed in. She saw her sons green hat on the floor and looked toward the chair. Kyle was awake but he was holding (Y/n)'s hand and smiled down at her. Dave rushed into the office. "IS (Y/N) OKAY?!?" (Y/n) awoke glaring at Dave. "YES I'M FINE, SHUT UP DAVE!!" Dave smiled brightly as he tackled (y/n). "MY PRECIOUS BABY IS OKAY." Kyle watched as Dave dragged (y/n) out of the school. 'She probably forgot about everything and hates me again.' He thought to him self. When he felt a sudden warmth on his cheek. He blushed when he noticed (y/n) had pulled away from his cheek. "Bye Kyle." Kyle waved as he placed his other hand on his cheek, staring dreamily at were (y/n) had ran off. Kenny walked back the door and smiled, nodding at Kyle. Giving him a 'I don't have to kill you yet' look. Kyle rubbed the back of his neck shyly as he walked out to the car with his mom. Her rambling on about how (y/n) was one of the prettiest girls she had seen around the town. "Kyle bubbi are you listening?" Kyle only nodded in response as he noticed (y/n) running toward him. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled his face closer to hers. Gently placing her lips on his. Kyle could feel his face heat up as he kissed back. Before Kyle knew it, she was gone. Waving at him shyly. "She is so much better than an Xbox One."

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