He made me feel like I was everything ~Glenda x Kenny~

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~This is my first Kenny one-shot in a while so just bear with me, might be a little rusty. Also this is a Crystal Gem AU. Because I love Steven Universe so much and I wanted to do this. So Kenny is basically Rose Quartz in this. Yah! Also any thing in Italics besides this is a flashback. Also this is longer then I thought.~

"I'm going to stay and fight for this planet. You don't have to do this with me." Kenny told her, the orange gem shined brightly as it rested just above his heart. They had only been on this planet for about 250 years. What could he love so much about it? Glenda's thoughts raced in her head. They stood atop one of the many floating islands. She had followed him up here, the gem telling her that they needed to talk. Kenny still continued to be a mystery in her mind. The gem against her stomach glowed as he crouched in front of her. "There is no need to kneel like that Glenda." Rolling her green eyes she stood and hugged him. "There is all the need to kneel when in front of you. You're royalty after all." Kenny pulled her away to face him. "Glenda listen. If you stay with me it could go one of two ways. If we lose, we'll be killed. But if we win, we can never go home." "Why would I ever want to go home if you're here?" The smile that over took his face could have made flowers grow. "Oh Glenda." His soothing voice said as he ran his fingers through her brown hair. "You're wonderful." 

Glenda shot up as she heard Karen calling her name. "Glenda!" Her sweet voice called brightly. Style and Cartmen stood behind Karen. Glenda came out of the temple, seeing all four of them. "What is it Karen?" She asked, looking longingly at the orange gem over her heart. "I want you to teach Ruby how to sword fight!" Glenda looked taken back. "What?" "I want you to teach Ruby how to sword fight! So next time when you guys are all fighting the monsters me and Ruby can help. She can use Kenny's sword!" The sound of his name leaving her mouth made Glenda's back go stiff. Style pulled Karen away from Glenda. "How about me and you go get donuts and bring them back. That should give Glenda some time to think yeah?" "Yeah!" Karen said, pulling on Style's hand as the exited the small house. Breathing a sigh of relief Glenda turned to look at Cartmen. He just shook his head and turned away from her. 

"Kenny! No!" Glenda pleaded. Tears steaming down her tanned face. "I have to. I promised to  protect her and if I don't do this she'll die." "But if you do it then you'll die!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Kenny transferred the gem to his baby sister. Having not been his actual sister she didn't have a gem. She was adopted by him, he always had a soft spot for the humans. Glenda watched in horror as he disappeared into a flash of light. All that was left was Karen, now an orange gem situated above her heart. Style picked up the small child and walked toward Glenda. "No! Don't get away from me!" She cried, trying to push Cartmen and Style off of her. Finally agreeing they left her alone. Kneeling on the beach. "Everything I ever did. I did for you. Now you're gone. But I'm still here." 

Glenda told Karen she would train her friend to be a knight. It seemed like the right thing to do. It's what Kenny would have wanted. "This is an ancient sky arena Ruby". Ruby was in awe as she stared at her surroundings. "It was here that I became familiar with the human concept of being a knight.. Completely dedicated to a person and a cause." Glenda continued to explain then started with the training. Ruby was doing surprisingly well, though she was just a human she had a gift. Though she was just a beginner. " Everything begins with your stance and remember. You do it for her." Showing her how to hold her self and the blade. "And you would do it again. You do it for him. That is to say, you'll do it for her." Glenda walked around Ruby. "Keep your stance wide, keep your body lower. As you're moving forward, balance is the key. Right foot, Left foot. Now go even faster and as you're moving backwards, keep your eyes on me." Glenda watched as she let Ruby fight by herself. "Keep my stance wide." "Good." "Keep my body lower." "Right." "As I'm moving forward." "Concentrate! Don't you want her to live?" "Right foot, left foot." "Right, but put your whole body into it." "Everything you have everything you are, you have to give on the battle field." Using her gem she showed them one of the most dangerous battles she was apart of. 

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