Adored By Him ~Ex!Wendy x Stan x Reader~

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                                           "I... I don't know how to say this," he whispered. He was being awkward about it. 

"Just say it."

"Okay. I don't feel the way I did at the start. I don't feel it anymore."


"Can you say something else?"

"Yeah. I'll let you go now."

"I'm sorry."

I held my breath and felt his gaze on my shoulder. It was now or never.

"Can I ask something though?"

"Yeah. Yeah of course."

Did you ever love me? When did it stop? What changed? Is... Is there someone else?

"Did I make you happy?"

He hesitated but took a step towards me. He placed his lips on the top of my head.

"So happy," he said, "but things change."

He shook his head.

"I'm sorry," was all he managed to say. "I never meant for it to be this way."

That was months ago. I have yet to stop losing time since those words left his lips.

  Pretty girl with the butterscotch hair
Your eyes and the sunshine smile you wear
I can see how you make his soul glow

Pretty girl with the adventurous mind
you envision so much you make me look blind
You spark his life in ways I'll never know  

Wendy would watch as Stan looked at her. The pretty girl with the (h/c) hair. She would watch how his blue eyes would light up when she said something. Or how hard he would laugh when she said something funny. Wendy had noticed when they had skipped class, off having some adventure. Something Wendy never could have brought her self to do. School was far to important for her to just up and leave, even if it was only for one day.

  I won't hate you
but oh it stings
how does it feel
to be adored by him

Wendy didn't hate her. No Wendy could never hate such a pretty girl. It just hurt. It hurt to watch her with Stan. It hurt to hear her talk about all the sweet things Stan did for her over the weekend. It... It just hurt.

It hurt to hear Stan say 'I love you' to her. Knowing she may never appreciate those words like Wendy did. That pretty girl could never know Stan like Wendy did. At least, that's what Wendy told her self.

  pretty girl there's no need to fret
Cause it's midnight, he's drunk and you're the one in his head
You don't even have to try at all.

pretty girl oh he looks at you
as if life is perfect cause the world is new
In those moments I just feel so small.

Wendy knew why he liked her. She was beautiful, she was smart, she was adventures, she stood up for her self, she was everything Wendy knew Stan didn't see in herself. 

Wendy would hear from Kenny how Stan got drunk and all he could talk about was the pretty girl. How much he loved her, he went on for hours. According to Kenny. When she was with Stan he never talked about her when he was drunk. Just how sad he was or how she was pushing him to do things.

Wendy only wanted the best for Stan

She guesses the best thing wasn't her.

  I won't hate you
but oh it stings
how does it feel
to be adored by him

how stupid to think
that I could compare
to the pretty girl
with the butterscotch hair

Wendy would try to move on. Knowing full well this was high school and it wouldn't matter later in life.

But for now, she was in agony. She would cry and scream cause she just wanted to be the pretty girl. 

She wanted to be like her and maybe then Stan would love her again.

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