WHY IS THIS STILL UP? ~Veronica x Kyle~

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Imagine your OTP meeting under the mistletoe in July.  

Veronica had been dating Kyle for almost two years now. But with her living halfway across the country, their relationship had been pretty rocky. 

So she decided to surprise him. Having just been accepted into the college right outside of South Park, she was super excited to meet him in person for the first time. 

"Okay, here we are. South Park University" Veronica gave a happy sigh and walked to the front office. 

"Can I help you?" A sweet voice asked her. Veronica turned to look at the couple behind the front desk. A short girl with curly dirty blonde hair sat in the lap of a tall blonde haired boy, his orange parka laid on the girls lap. 

"Uh, yeah actually. I got accepted here and I don't know where anything is." The girl smiled and held out her hand, after practically jumping with joy. "Willow you are sitting directly over my balls, please don't jump like that again." Her boyfriend said as he laid his head on her shoulder. 

"Sorry Kenny, any way! I'm Willow. An Animation major, I work at the front desk for both community service hours and they actually pay me. Seeing as the actual staff is really fucking lazy. So I am usually here, helping out the newbies who need it. But this is a relativity small school, so you shouldn't have any trouble adjusting to your new life here."

 Veronica listened thoroughly, the girl had obviously been doing this for a while.

 "And I'm Kenny. Former town wide ladies man, now a dedicated boyfriend. Yeah I know weird right? Anyway, if she's not here because she has class or something I'll be here. Probably snoozin' or chillin' or doing anything else that ends in in'."

 Veronica nodded at the couple. "Uh, can you direct me toward the dorm rooms?"  Willow smiled, her gray eyes shining. "Yeah, they're around the back. If you drive around toward the back you should see the big U shaped building. Those are the dorm rooms. Have a nice day! If you have any questions just ask!"

 Waving, Veronica quickly ran to her car. Trying to get out of the heat. 

As she settled in she could hear the room beside her blaring it's music. She sighed and sat down on her bed. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I haven't even heard from Kyle yet and yeah this is a small school, but I literally don't know anyone here except for that weird girl at the front desk and her creepy boyfriend." 

Sighing she ran her fingers through her short brown hair. Her honey colored eyes filling with tears. There suddenly came a knock at the door. Groaning she ripped open the door. 

"Hello and welcome to the South Park University. My name is Kyle Broflovski, I am the DA. DA stands for Dorm Room Assistant. DA does not stand for Dat Ass. As the FA's have pointed out. If you have any questions please call the FA's. It's their job, they get paid for it. The FA's are Willow Love and Kenny McCormick. There is a phone in your room, press 1 for the FA's, press 2 for the Library, press 3 for the Cafeteria. All other numbers can be set to anyone's number.  This is a Co-Ed dorm room, so please for the love of god, do not walk outside of your dorm room naked. You are allowed to decorate your dorm room door, there is also a small whiteboard on the wall next to your door. You can write messages to other students or anyone visiting. Thank you for your time. My room is at the other end of the hallway. Please do not bother me. If you break any of the rules stated in your handbook, I will ordered to evict you of your dorm room. Goodbye." 

Veronica stood in shock, her boyfriend stood in front of her. His red hair curly and messy, his jacket unbuttoned to reveal the shirt she had bought his months ago. "Kyle?" She said quietly as he started to walk away. As his mind registered the girls voice he turned quickly, dropping the clipboard in his hands. "Veronica!"

 He cried, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" He asked as he broke away from her. "I wanted it to be a surprise." She said with a giggle. "Come on! I gotta introduce you to Stan!" 

Kyle yelled as he pulled her to his dorm room. "Stan!" He screeched, kicking down the door. "Jesus Christ! Kyle, what the hell?" "Veronica's here!" Stan looked up with a knowing smirk. "You guys are standing under the mistletoe." 

Veronica looked up with a questionable look. "Why the hell do you still have mistletoe up?" Kyle shrugged and kissed her. "Guess we forgot about it."  


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