You're such a sweet girl and I'm such a terrible guy - Craig

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Give me all your love now
'Cause for all we know
We might be dead by tomorrow

I can't go on wasting my time
Adding scars to my heart
'Cause all I hear is
"I'm not ready now"

Craig stared up at the ceiling. Holding onto (Y/n). Even though he never told her. He loved her. He loved her with all his heart. There was something about her that just made him want to do better. To be a better person. The minute he saw her, he didn't flip her off like he would have normally done. He couldn't, not to her. Not her, in her (f/c) jeans and (2ndf/c) hoodie. The way she looked at him with those (e/c) eyes. It was like she could see past all the ugly and the bad, and just see him.

And I can tell
That you didn't had
To face your mother
Losing her lover
Without saying goodbye
Without saying goodbye
'Cause she didn't had time

When he finally asked her out, he was the happiest boy in the entire school. No one had ever seen him smile and here he was smiling like an idiot at this (h/c) haired girl. She made him feel happy. Something no one else had ever done for him.

I don't want to judge
What's in your heart
But if you're not ready for love
How can you be ready for life?
How can you be ready for life?

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open. She looked up at Craigs pale face. "Craig?" He looked at her and smiled softly. His blue hues flickered with love and admiration. "I love you." (Y/n) smiled as she leaned in kissing his cheek. "I love you too Craig."

So let's love fully
And let's love loud
Let's love now
'Cause soon enough we'll die

"What is love Craig?" Craig thought at her sudden question. He was use to her asking random questions like this. "Its like you become more you, which normally is like BOOM, but now it's okay because the person chose to take all that on, all that weird stuff, whatever is wrong, or bad, or hiding you and it's alright because you don't feel like such a freak anymore." (Y/n) smiled as she kissed him softly. "Why me?" "Why not you?" Craig smiled to himself as she laid her head on his shoulder drifting off to sleep. "I'll always love you (y/n)."

*wow this one is super short. Okay sorry I have been updating like crazy (/n\)*

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