Worthy of love

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Max sighed as she walked into the school doors. She walked to the front office as instructed.
"Hello Ms Mayfield..I'm Mr Nelson" a Man said standing up from his desk chair.
"So..sit?" The man asked after shaking the girls hand.
Max sat down on the chair in front of the principals desk.
"The first day is exciting isn't it" Mr Nelson said with a smile.
"I'm just touring today aren't I?" Max replied in a sharp tone.
She didn't care if she was being rude. She did not want to be here she had to leave her dad so her mom could marry some douche bag.
"Well yes I suppose you are correct. Here is your schedule I made it identical to the young girl who will be touring you today"
"I thought you were touring me?"
"Nope a young girl named Jane will be touring you"
Just then a girl wearing black-baggy jeans with chains and a 'beetles' shirt came into the room.
"Hello Jane this is Maxine you will be touring her around the school today"
"So this is why I have to come to school on a Sunday" the girl replied in a cold voice.
"Just tour the girl" the principal replied with a sigh.
"Fine let's go" Jane said holding the door for the redhead.
"Soooo by the way.." Jane started once they started walking to Max's locker.
"You this school is a piece of shit"
"Oh okay...also please don't call me Maxine or I will kill you"
Jane chuckled a bit. Max smiled and shook her head laughing along a bit.
"Still mad about having to spend my Sunday here" the brunette grumbled.
"Your not the only one" the redhead muttered back.
Once they got to Max's locker they went to the science room.
"I got told we have the same schedules" Max said to the girl.
"Oh cool!" Jane said
Jane continued to tour Max until 3:00 pm hit.
"See you tomorrow don't be afraid to sit at my table at lunch" Jane said getting into her Hoppers car.
Max smiled and watched the girl leave.

**The next day**

Max walked into the classroom room and headed to an empty seat before a man stopped her.
"Where do you think your going so fast?" He asked with a smile.
"Introduce yourself please" the man added.
"Oh um..well my names Maxine but just call me Max and I'm from California" Max said quickly.
"And I'm Mr Adams. Please take a seat next to Jane I'm sure you met yesterday"
Max nodded and sat down next to Jane who was talking to a boy with black hair.
"Oh hey" Jane said.
Max smiled as a way of saying hello.
"This is Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas" Jane announced.
The boys waved at the girl.
Mike turned to Jane.
"So...that date"
Max looked at them a curious look on her face.
"It's over Mike she hates me now" Jane said running a hand through her hair.
"She?" Max said.
The boys all looked at Max ready to defend Jane if needed.
"Yeah..She" Jane said looking at Max.
"You homophobic or something" Mike said narrowing his eyes.
"W-what no-I mean that would be weird since I'm bisexual" Max said in a soft voice before turning her attention back to the front of the classroom.
The boys all looked at each other in shock before eventually paying attention.

It was lunch and Max stood in the middle of the cafeteria a red tray in her hands as she looked around.
"Hey Max!" Jane yelled from a table.
"Over here red" Mike said waving her over.
"What did you just call me?" Max asked once she sat down next to a boy curly hair.
"Red..you know because your hair"
Max frowned she hated her hair. Everyone got nice gold locks or wavy dark hair and she was stuck with having red hair. She often got called nicknames like carrot or freckles.
"I think red suits her..she looks cute" Jane said shrugging as she turned her attention back to her tray.
Max felt a blush creeping to her cheeks as she exchanged glances with Mike.
"What the hell happened last night"
A blond girl approached the table her face almost red with anger.
"I-I didn't feel the best" Jane said suddenly turning shy.
"You couldn't have said something!?"
"Lexi what the hell do you want from me I'm my own person!"
Lexi stood there her big blue eyes filling with tears.
"Do you even like me?" The girl asked.
Jane looked at her.
"Of course I do!"
Max looked at all the boys who were all awkwardly looking down at the trays.
Max felt eyes on her and she looked up seeing Lexi staring at her.
"H-huh?" Max whispered.
"I said what are you doing in my spot" Lexi repeated.
"I-oh sorry" Max stood up quickly walking away to the other side of the cafeteria since each table only held 6.
She sat down at an empty table and finished her lunch by herself.

Authors Note
I hope whoever is reading this is enjoying this book so far. This is my first Wattpad story so it may not be all that good but I tried 🤷‍♀️

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