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Christmas soon rolled around and Max invited Dustin and Will to go Christmas shopping with her. She knew exactly what to get everyone and the only reason she invited those two was because she already got there presents. Max wanted to make this Christmas the best Christmas ever for her girlfriend.

The three teens arrived at the Star-court mall around noon.
"How about we all go get our gifts for Mike first" Will suggested.
Dustin and Max agreed, following Will into a comic store.
"Dude he has like all these comics" Dustin said as he looked around.
Will mumbled something but it wasn't audible.
"How about we get Mike something else?" Max asked.
Will nodded.

We decided to go to different stores for the each of us. Will wanted to get Mike a new phone case ( this is places in modern time).
"This one's nice" Will said looking at a Mario themed case.
Max squinted to see the price.
"That's expensive Will" she said
He just shrugged and grabbed the box.
Max rolled her eyes a little.
"Just tell Mike your in love with him already" Dustin mumbled coming up from behind him.
Will and Max shared a glance before turning to Dustin.  His face was bright red as he looked at him.
"I don't love Mike" Will objected.
Dustin rolled his eyes.
"Yeah whatever man"

A couple hours later they finished shopping and Max had bags full of stuff just for El. She called Robin to pick her up.
"Holy shit Max!" Robin said as she walked up to her.
Max just responded with a smile, she had to take three trips to get all the bags to the car since Robin didn't help at all.

The two girls soon got home and Max started wrapping Els gifts. Christmas Eve was tomorrow and everyone was meeting at Mikes house including their parents and siblings. Max pulled out the clothes she got El and sprayed them with her perfume before putting them back in the box and wrapping it. She then took out the makeup and skin care stuff she got putting those in a paper bag. After that she got out all of the candies and chocolates she bought for El wrapping all those as well. The last thing she bought for El was a acoustic guitar. El has been talking about getting one for months now so Max thought now was the perfect time to get her it. She started writing El a letter when El called her.
"What's up?" Max asked a bright smile on her face.
"What's your favorite animal?" El asked.
Max smiled a little.
"Fox" she said through a giggle.
El laughed a little.
"Funny..I'll see you tomorrow. I love you!"
"Love you more" Max said before hanging up.

Max finished writing her letter and put 50 dollars in the card before putting it in the envelope.

Authors note—-
Okay okay okay, this chapter is really short and I know I said I was going to write a longer one but I completely forgot. But the Christmas chapter will be reallyyyyyyyy long I promise. Don't forget to comment and vote! I really like reading comments!!!!

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