I can't like El

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Thoughts were swarming inside my head as I walked to first period.
"Do I really like El?"
"I can't Neil is going to kill me"
"Why can't I be normal..?"
My thoughts were cut short when I ran into El.
"Oh hey Max" El said bending down to pick up my stuff.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's no big deal..I think your going to need this" she said handing me my stuff.
"Yes Max"
"How do you know when you like a g-" I was cut off by Dustin and Lucas approaching us in a fight.
"You two are always fighting" El said rolling her eyes a bit.
"Yeah it's getting old" Mike said as he walked to us with Will.
I honestly think Will likes Mike. He blushes a bit around him and he looks at him like he's in love. I kinda want to talk to him about it..good thing I have Will in all my classes and in art it's just us two. The perfect time.
"Oh Max I'm so sorry about yesterday" Lucas said as the others agreed.
"We would love to have you in our party" Will said quietly.
I looked at him surprised I've never heard him speak. He laughed a bit at my expression.
"We've been wanting Lexi out for a bit buuttt El is like crazy in love with her" Mike said rolling his eyes.
"I am not" El responded a bit harsh before slapping his shoulder.
"Oh really..why don't you tell that to her face" Dustin said pointing behind El.
"Hey El" Lexi said before kissing Els cheek.
"Hi" El whispered.
"I'm so sorry but..the cheerleading squad wants me to sit with them now" Lexi said.
The boys all smiled at each other practically jumping with excitement.
"Oh that's totally fine" El replied with a smile.
Lexi leaned in to El and whispered something in her ear causing El cheeks to turn a bright red.
Lucas looked at El.
"Holy shit El your a tomato"
I looked at them all rolling my eyes.
"Okay leave her alone" I said nudging Lucas with my shoulder a bit.


I sat down next to Will and turned to him.
"You like Mike right?" I asked in a low voice his cheeks immediately turned a bright red.
"W-what No of course not he's my best friend"
"Will it's fine I won't tell him"
"Fine..yes I do" he responded letting out a sigh.
"You like El right..?" Will whispered.
Max felt a small blush on her cheeks.
"What no!" She yelled.
She looked around as everyone's eyes were on her.
"Youuuu suuurreee" Will whispered in a unconvinced tone.
"Well..I'm not sure we only met like two days ago but she's funny and super pretty"
"Yeah well..she's my sister so"
"Oh what? Shit..you better not tell her anything"
"Don't worry as long as you don't tell Mike" Will said holding out his hand.
Max shook his hand.
"Deal" she said smiling.

I walked down the cafeteria with my lunch I saw El and the rest of the party and instantly smiled.
"Okay so we are going to switch our spots around for this year" Mike announced as I sat down.
"On the side I'm on the will be Dustin, me, and Lucas... and then Will, Max, and El"
We all moved to go to our new spots.
"Hey Byers" I said will I nudged him with my shoulder.
"Mayfield" he said with a soft smile.
I could feel the party looking at us.
"Damn is she making you straight Will?" El said leaning to look at him.
"El you can't make people straight" I said pushing her a bit.
"You would make me straight if I was a gay guy" she said shrugging.
Everyone looked at her than me. I looked down to hide my red cheeks but it wasn't helping..obviously.
"Awww she's blushinggg" El said putting her hands on my cheeks forcing me to look up at her.
That only caused me to blush harder. El then placed a kiss on my forehead..I felt like I was going to explode.
El smiled as she let go of my and turned back to her lunch. I felt the boys smirking at my and I flipped them off when El wasn't looking.
"She likes you I think" Will whispered.
"I don't know..I think she likes Lexi" I mumbled.
"Nah" Will whispered glancing over at Lexi.
"I mean she is pretty" I said looking at her.
"Who is" El said leaning towards me.
I was faced to Will so she placed her chin on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my waist. I looked at Will with wide eyes. I glanced over at the rest of the boys..they were in their own conversation not even noticing what was going on. 
"Oh I uh-was talking about L-Lexi" I said in a low voice.
"Oh yeah..I guess but youuuu are prettier" El whispered in my ear before pulling away from me.
Will raised his eye brows and smirked at me.
"Shut up" I mouthed to him.
"Okay Max we always have sleepovers on Fridays...so today" Mike said.
"You in..?" Lucas asked finishing Mikes sentence.
"I'll probably have to sneak out but sure" I said.
El stood up and grabbed my arm pulling me with her to the girls bathroom.
"Why do you have so much bruises on your face" She said touching my face gently.
"Skateboarding" I said shrugging a bit.
"Oh realllyyy" she said crossing her arms.
"Okay then let's go back before the bell rings" El said holding my hand.

It was after school. I hurried home and packed my bag excited for my first sleepover at Hawkins!
I packed some clothes for tomorrow and pajamas. I was told we would have a sleepover all weekend due to it being the first week of school.
I got the rest of my things and locked my door before climbing down my window. I started walking to Mikes house when I heard a car horn honk at me.
"Hey red!?"
I turned around to see El hanging half way out the window.
"Need a ride?"
I smiled as I walked towards her car.
"Do you mind?" I asked the man driving the car.
"Not at all" he said with a smile.
"Thank you sir" I said getting into the car.
"Call me hopper" he said laughing a bit.
"Okay" I said softly pulling my seatbelt on.
"You excited?" Will asked me turning around form the front seat.
"Yeah a bit nervous though"
"Why?" El asked.
"I don't know..it's kinda embarrassing but I don't sleep over at peoples houses a bunch" I admitted.
"Oh well..that's going to change real quick!" El said smiling at me.
"Oh Will by the way is Joyce your mother?" I asked leaning foreword to look at him.
He turned to face me.
"Yeah..why do you know her?"
"Yeah I know her" I said leaning back in my seat.
"She's nice I like her" I added.
"Yep" Will said smiling.
We then pulled into Mikes driveway

This is the longest chapter yet! If you have any ideas pleaaaaase comment I'll be happy to do just about anything as long as it makes sense. (If anyone is even reading this)).

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