Thank God.

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Max put her hand on Els quickly.
"Ima protect you okay? Nothing is going to happen to you" Max whispered.
Someone barged in through the door holding a pistol. Max covered El quickly without hesitation burying her face in El.
"I love you.." Max whispered.

"Thank God you two are okay!" A man voice said.
Max and El looked up to see Hopper standing there putting his pistol down.

"Dad!" El yelled jumping off of the bed allowing Hopper to pick El up into a hug.
Max smiled softly she felt horrible for feeling upset El had a father who loved her. She sat there awkwardly watching as El and Hopper hugged.

The two hugged for a few more minutes before Hopper pulled away and looked at Max clearing his throat a little. He gave her a nod with a soft smile.
"I'm going to need the story..the full story" Hopper said.
Max noticed El becoming uncomfortable and even though she was as well she decided to explain it for her.
"So uh.." Max cleared her throat.
"We were sitting in this exact room..with the door shut. A window broke from outside this room. I peaked out the door to make sure it wasn't just Will or something..."

When Max finished explained she found her hands shaking. This situation reminded her of many things she did not want to be reminded of.
They were told to spend the night at Mikes house since this was a crime scene now.

The two girls were now standing outside Micheal Wheelers house each with a small bag on there backs containing some clothes and some other needs. Max of course got medical attention since she was you know shot. They found out she was going to be fine since the bullet barley hit her. They stopped the bleeding putting a gauze on it and set her off. They looked at El as well even though she insisted many times she was okay and nothing happened to her.

Max ran the doorbell to the Wheelers house her face still not returning to its regular color. She would find herself quickly looking over her shoulder at every sound or her heart rate speeding up rapidly anytime someone spoke. I mean it was reasonable she was shot in the shoulder, she would definitely be back to normal in no time.

"I heard what happened" Mikes mom Karen said the second she opened the door.
Karen started talking both of the girls just nodding to whatever she was saying, occasionally answering with a "yeah" or "no". After what felt like hours the two girls were finally let inside.
"I think Mike invited the boys over as well to help cheer you to up" Karen said with a smile.
El nodded with a slight smile on her face as she looked over at Karen.
"Thank you Mrs Wheeler" she whispered softly.
"No problem El. If you two need anything just ask" Karen smiled as she disappeared into the kitchen.

A blonde girl came running down the stairs Nancy right behind her.
"Robin wait!" Nancy said trying to grab her hand.
"Max!?" Robin yelled stopped dead in her tracks.
Nancy groaned as she ran into Robins back.
"Why'd you stop!?" She asked holding her nose.
Robin didn't say anything as Max ran over and hugged Robin.

"How do you two know each other?" El asked walking up to them.
"She tried adopting me before. She heard screaming at my house and knocked on the door to make sure everything and everyone was alright. After a while of no one answering she let herself in and saw Neil hurting me, my mom just standing there" Max explained maintaining eye contact with El the whole time.

Nancy turned to Robin.
"Your 17 you can't even adopt!?" Nancy said crossing her arms.
"Sad I was trying to have a kid without you Wheeler?" Robin asked in a teasing tone.
Nancy's face turned a bright red as she rolled her eyes a bit, looking away to hide her red face.

El turned to Max.
"Max, you know I love living with you and you know my family loves you as well but, maybe if Robins okay with this she can still take you. Our house is pretty small and I know you feel out of place in our home"
Max looked over at Robin to see Robin already looking back at her with a smile.

Max found out she was legally moving in with Robin. She wasn't 18 yet but Hopper was able to pull a few strings. Robin didn't live with her parents since they kicked her out years ago for being a lesbian so the two girls had a whole apartment to themselves. Max was also told about the rules in the house. That she might have to help pay but Robin wasn't forcing anything on her. She would also have to listen to Robin since she was the adult in the house which made sense to Max. The last rule was to clean up any mess she made which also seemed reasonable to the redhead.

Before she knew it she was all moved into Robins apartment, staring at the ceiling in her own bed. The bed was actually comfortable unlike the one she used to have. Even though she loved El to death she was glad to have own space.

She hopped out of her bed and walked over to the closet. Robin took her shopping (with Nancy's money) and bought her a whole new wardrobe. She smiled as she went through her new wardrobe along with some of Els hoodies. She decided to wearing some Jean shorts with a white hoodie with a small teddy bear on the front she stole from El.

Max walked out of her room and saw Robin on the couch eating a bowl of cereal, watching tv.
"Hey Robin? Can you take me to Els" Max asked slipping her shoes on.
Robin groaned as she dramatically leaned her head back.
"In a few minutes" she complained taking another spoonful of cereal.
Max rolled her eyes as she patiently waited at the door for Robin to drive her.

Soon, Robin was dressed in her uniform for work and grabbed her wallet and phone.
"Alright let's go little red" She said ruffling Max's hair as she walked out.
Max smiled softly as she quickly followed Robin out.

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