Stupid Neil.

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TW: abuse

As soon as the weekend started it came to and end. El was walking me home her hand slightly touching mine every now and then, causing me to blush and smile like an idiot.
"Here you are" she whispered with a soft smile on her face once we got to the front of my house.
"Here I am" I replied biting my lip.
The tension between us since the Ferris Wheel could be cut with a knife.
"Tomorrow?" El said grabbing my hand.
I looked down at are hands my cheeks turning a light pink.
"Tomorrow" I whispered with a smile.
She kissed my cheek before walking away. I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. I walked inside not expecting anybody to be home but of course I was wrong..
"What the fuck was that Maxine!?" Neil questioned.
He walked towards me a beer bottle in his hands.
"W-what was what?" I said chuckling nervously as a wave of fear washed over me.
"Oh you know what I mean" he sneered as he pushed me into a wall.
His fists repeatedly connected with my face and stomach. I groaned falling onto the floor once her stopped hitting me. He moved to kicking my legs and arms.

Once he decided he had enough her bent down eye level with me.
"Stay away from her!" He yelled his breath ranked of beer.
"Y-yes sir" I said softly.
"Your not going to school tomorrow" he said as if it was a punishment before throwing me into my room locking the door from the outside.

I groaned as I crawled onto my bed. I've just met El but the thought of never seeing her again was killing me. She has been so kind to me and no one has made me feel that way that she my life. She made my nervous and soft which a lot of people could not do. But now I was no longer aloud to see her. Neil was probably going to send Billy to make sure I don't talk to her.

I woke up the next morning unable to move. My shoulders felt heavy as I sat up groaning. I immediately laid back down my head pounding. My whole body was in extreme pain whenever I moved a muscle. Before I knew it the world went black once again.

I woke up getting greeted from the beeping from a heart monitor. I lifted up my shaky hand to see an IV.
"Oh good your awake" I heard a familiar voice say.
"That's me" she said smiling.
A nurse came into the room with a soft smile.
"You will get out of here soon Maxine but we have some news to discuss with you" she announced her smile fading a bit.
"Neil..your stepfather did this to you correct?"
"Y-yep" I said getting a bit nervous.
"He's arrested your mom lost custody of you..but this young ladies father will take you in"
I glanced over at El.
"Oh" was all I could manage to get out.
The nurse nodded.
"I'm going to talk to him and get you outta here" she said leaving the room.
"No don't say a word! Why didn't you tell me Max!"
"Oh I-uh"
El took a deep breath.
"Are we..sisters?"
"WHAT-no!" El shook her head quickly.
"Oh Uhm..why?"
"I-I don't know"
"Soooo am i your favorite out of the party" El said sitting down on the bed.
"I don't know I think Will beats you"
She put on a fake offended look "rude"
I smiled at her.

I finally was able to get out of the stupid hospital. We drove to Els cabin it wasn't very big so me and El were going to be sharing rooms..and a bed.
"I can sleep on the floor" I offered once me and El walked in her room.
"Nah it's not a big deal plus I like cuddling" she said winking at me.
I felt my cheeks go hot and she giggled once she noticed.
"Neil tried to not let me see you again" I said as I looked in her mirror.
"Is it because I kissed your cheek?"
"Homophobic Dick"
I turned around to face El.
"I would have still hung out with you though" I said with a smile.
She smiled back a light blush on her cheeks.
"We should..uh- probably go to bed.." El said fidgeting a bit.
I nodded as I laid down next to her. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to her.
"Night El"
"Night Max"

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