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Max's body froze as she looked around.
"I'm right here" he said coming up from the water beside her.
Just then Lucas went underwater. Max started panicking before swimming down there punching the shark multiple times aiming mainly for its eyes until it swam away. She grabbed onto Lucas carrying him as best she could.
"Help!" She yelled trying to get someone's attention.

El was waiting for her girlfriend on the sand when she saw her carrying Lucas the water become red around them.
"Help me get to them!" El yelled as she ran ran into the water.
Mike and Dustin ran into the water right behind El.

Max had managed to get Lucas on his surfboard.
"Mike your shirt give it to me!" Max demanded.
Mike took his shirt off so Max could try to stop the bleeding.
They all worked together to get Lucas out of the water.

"We called an ambulance" someone yelled towards them as the lifeguard did CPR on Lucas.
Max collapsed on the ground looking at her hands. Her knuckles were cut open blood pouring out. She winced a bit watching as an ambulance hurried Lucas onto a stretcher.

Dustin got into the ambulance telling us to meet them there.
"Babe are you okay?" El whispered softly grabbing Max's hand.
Max nodded breathing a little sharp and quick.
"Your so brave Maxine"
Max looked up at El tears in her eyes.
"His legs.." Max whispered staring behind El.
"He'll be fine babe..let's go meet them there okay? And let's fix your hand up" El said helping Max up.

Once they got to the hospital Max left into a room with a nurse to get her hand fixed up while the rest of the party waited in the waiting room.
"I hope he's okay" Will announced breaking the silence.
"We all do" Dustin whispered.
El was fidgeting with her hands waiting to see if Lucas was going to be alright.
"We got him out there pretty quick though so..maybe he didn't lose to much blood.." Mike said trying to lighten to mood up a bit.

A couple minutes later Max walked out of the room. She smiled softly at the party trying to reassure them. She sat down in between Will and El.

After a while of waiting a doctor walked towards them a clipboard in hand.
"Good news and bad news which one first?" He asked taking the cap of his head to run a hand through his hair.
"Good news please" Dustin said with a sad smile.
Mike lightly punched his shoulder.
"Dude you always want the bad news first!"

"Good news is.." the doctor said ignoring Mike. "He'll be alright..but..his left leg is gone knee under"

The party all exchanged glances Max just staring at the ground. She stood up hurrying outside El quickly followed her behind.
"Max come on stop acting like this! Your being selfish..your not hurt he is so stop moping we have to be here for him"
Max turned around facing El.
"Oh" she whispered.
"Really? You just..just stop..act normal..stop being depressed all the time"
Max stood there staring at the ground holding back the tears in her eyes. Why was El acting like this?
Max looked up at El clenching her jaw.
"Stop just be normal"
El rolled her eyes a bit.
"Why are you being so mean.." Max whispered.
Els face softened.
"Oh..Max I'm sorry I'm just stressed out" she said trying to give her a hug.
Max moved away and walked back inside the hospital waiting for Lucas to wake up.

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