New Years Eve

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I was laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I was so excited for tonight. It was New Years Eve and we were having a small party at me and Robins apartment. Robin had been cleaning like crazy, especially her room. We're inviting El, Will, Nancy, Steve, and Mike. (Lucas and Dustin were not able to join)

I decided to clean my room since it was super messy. I honestly don't know why I waited so long to clean it. I finished an hour later completely exhausted from the deep clean. I decided to take a nap so I would be well rested for tonight.

I woke up with a start and looked at my clock. It was already 6:00 and the party started at 6:30. Did I really sleep for that long? Robin was standing in my doorway, arms crossed. She was wearing a nice shirt with some dress pants.
"What" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.
"Take a shower and get ready!" She ordered before hurrying out.
She was taking this way to seriously.

I showered and changed into a white button up and some grey pants. I curled the ends of my hair and put some mascara and lip balm on. By the time I came out every one was here so it was like awkward when I came out. The second I saw El I could feel my face heating up but I quickly looked away.

Another thing to mention is that El and I decided to just be friends. The day after Christmas we had a long talk..that led to an argument. The argument led to us breaking up and deciding to just be friends..well El decided that.

I walked over at sat down next to her and smiled a bit. She looked amazing. She was wearing a black dress that cut off right before her knees, her hair was curled as well. She hugged me and smiled.
"You look...amazing" I whispered as I hugged her back.
"Thank you! You do to Max"
I felt a small pinch in my heart as she pulled away and started talking to Mike. It wasn't cause she pulled away, it was because she called me my name..not Maxy and I hated that. She recently told me she was bisexual now and I'm starting to think she likes Mike, how else would she realize that she's into guys as well? Maybe she always was..I guess I never actually knew her sexuality.

I could feel Robins eyes on me so I looked up at her. Her eyes were full of pity so I quickly looked away. I didn't need that right now.

I was talking to Steve when I stole a glance at Max. She was watching Mike and El, fidgeting with her hands that were in her lap. She had so many emotions that were written all over her face. You could see the tears building up in her eyes but her jaw was also slightly clenched. Once we made eye contact we both looked away. I knew she loved El a lot but they broke up. Honestly I was sad to! I knew they both loved one another a lot and Max had been bottling her feelings up for almost a week. I shook out of my trance when Steve started snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Did you hear me?" He asked a little annoyed.
"Yeah!" I smiled and he quickly returned the smile.
"So? What do you think"
I sat there a moment trying to think.
"Yeah go for it!" I decided to say after a few seconds.
He nods as he looked over at Nancy. I could feel my heart stop.
"Do you like Nancy still Steve?" I asked looking at the carpet.
Steve laughed a little and shook his head.
"No Robin I don't and to be honest I think she had a thing for blonde girls named Robin" He said nudging my shoulder a bit.
I could feel my face flush red and looked around the room to make sure no one one did, except Max who was smirking at me.

Soon we all were sitting down waiting for Robin to pick out a movie. I was sat down in between Mike and El and they just were talking across me like I wasn't there. Honestly I was feeling left out this whole time. I wouldn't have if Will was here but he got sick and had to say home. Steve, Robin, and Nancy were all on the other couch all laughing and talking while Robin looked for a movie stopping to talk occasionally. I looked down at my hands.
"Max can we switch spots?" El asked looking at me.
I looked at her then at Mike before nodding. I switched spots with El and she was now in the middle, continuing her conversation with Mike. Nancy stood up and handed us one container of popcorn. Mike held the popcorn between him and El and I rolled my eyes.

Robin finally picked out a movie and turned the lights off. It was a horror movie and I noticed El was a little uncomfortable so I was about to scoot closer to her when she instead scooted closer to Mike. I felt a pinch in my heart as he wrapped her arm around her. I decided to just enjoy New years Eve so I turned my attention back to the tv.
Around half way through the movie I saw Mike whispering stuff to El and her giggling. I clenched my jaw as I forced myself to look away.

Soon it was 11:00 and we decided to spend the hour outside. We were gonna light a few fireworks and just talk. I bit my lip as I laid down onto the grass and stared at the stars. Steve had left by now to go hang out with a girl so Nancy and Robin were talking and Mike and El were talking. I would never admit it to anyone but I was super jealous. I don't like how El looks at Mike, she doesn't look at me like that anyone..she doesn't even look at me anymore.

I decided to look over at Mike and El and saw them..kissing. I quickly looked away and fought hard to keep my tears back. I should've known this was going to happen. I sat up and turned to talk to Nancy and Robin but they were now gone.

I stood up and walked to my room, shutting the door behind. Nancy and Robin were laughing the kitchen before going back outside. I was starting to feel invisible. I changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and laying down.

After thirty minutes of me trying to sleep I heard a knock on my door, I figured it was Robin so I groaned a bit knowing Nancy would be with her to.
"Come in" I mumbled.
To my surprise it was El who came in not Robin. She had a huge smile on her face.
"Why'd you go inside?" She asked.
To be honest I just wanted to insult her and yell at her but I could never do that to her.
"I'm not feeling good" I said trying to smile.
"How have you been? I haven't seen you know" she said sitting down at the edge of my bed.
"Fine" I whispered closing my eyes hoping she'd take the hint and leave.
"Would you be okay if I dated Mike?" She asked quietly.
I didn't say anything as I could feel my heart shatter.
"Max?" She asked after a moment of silence.
I just nodded slightly and she smiled at me before leaving the room. She moved on from me in less than a week. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes and I finally let them out. I sobbed into my pillow for what felt like hours, getting all or it out.

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