The sleepover

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"Hey guys the rest of the boys are in the basement" a women said she looked and me.
"I don't think I've seen you before"
"Oh hey I'm Max a new friend of Mikes" I said holding my hand out.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm his mother you can call me Karen" she said taking my hand.
We went to the basement and Mike turned to El annoyed.
"Why is Lexi calling me every five seconds wondering if she can come" Mike asked with an annoyed tone .
"How the hell am I supposed to know that?" El responded shrugging before sitting down on the couch.
"Well she is definitely not coming or I'm leaving" Lucas joked as he took a sip of soda.
Mike sighed and looked at El.
"You gotta let her go dude"
"What? Why?" El asked standing up.
I took a quick glance at Will he was already looking at me with wide eyes.
"Because you don't actually like her your using her and we are tired of her" Mike said crossing his arms.
"Okay okay whatever" El walked over to the phone.
"Your breaking up with her right now?" Will asked standing up.
"Yeah what's the problem with that?" El said dialing her number.
"Well she knows where you are first of all and she is going to come over here and ruin the sleepover!" Will said the rest of the boys agreed.
El sighed and put the phone down.
"Whatever" she mumbled.
She jumped up.
"Max we totally forgot to give you the parties signature pajamas!" El said squealing a bit as she started to search through her bag.
"Your signature what..?" I asked generally curious.
"Our party has a certain type of pajamas we wear every-time we have a sleepover" Mike explained.
"Here you go red" El said handing me red plaid pajama pants and a black crop top.
"You guys all wear crop tops?" I said holding up the shirt.
"What no!" Lucas said looking at me weird.
"We just have plain black t-shirts" Mike said going through is bag then holding up his shirt.
"Shall we get changed" Mike asked.
Everyone nodded before taking turns in the bathroom. I was last I really liked the pants but the shirt didn't have sleeves and it wouldn't cover my scars.
"Shit.." I mumbled to myself.
The makeup had come off and I didn't bring any. Whatever no one will notice anyway. I walked out of the bathroom my hair up in a messy bun. I sat down in between El and Will on one of the couch's.
"There is just three people sleeping on a couch?" I asked looking at Mike.
"Well before you it was El and Will because they are siblings but Will is gay so you don't have to worry about anything" he said to me as he turned back to the tv.
"You look pretty"
I turned around to see El looking at me keeping eye contact.
"Thanks" I whispered smiling.
"Okay we are watching a scary movie" Mike announced turning the movie on.
Dustin then came charging down the stairs sodas and popcorn in his hands. Along with bags of candy.
"Here" he said giving our couch two tubs of popcorn, three sodas, and some candy.
"Here me and Max will share you can have your own" El said handing a tub of popcorn to Will.
"You sure?" I asked looking at El.
"Am I sure what?" She questioned.
"You want to share popcorn"
"Oh I don't mind" she said shrugging.

The beginning of the movie was kinda stupid to be honest but then it started to get good with lots of jump scares. Lucas kept screaming like a girl causing us all to laugh a lot. Some time in the middle of the movie I went to grab some popcorn. I felt Els hand brush mine. I froze as I could feel my face heating up. El then grabbed my hand and started holding it.
I could feel my heart racing like it was going to come out of my chest.

Els POV))
When I felt Max's hand I grabbed it without hesitation. I loved making her flustered she looked really cute when she was. I smiled as I glanced over at her. Even in the dark you could see her face was a bright red. Don't get me wrong I'm not playing her I actually think she's great. She absolutely gorgeous as well. Her red hair, her ocean blue eyes, her lips looked really soft as well. She was beautiful. I might have a small crush on her and I know she's bisexual so it might make it easier..but..I think Lucas has a crush on her. I don't want Lucas to hurt it I start dating her plus I don't know if Max likes me. She might have a boyfriend or girlfriend back home that none of us know about. I shook the thoughts out of my head and looked back at the tv. The movie wasn't scary at all but to Lucas and Dustin it definitely was. They were so scared they were practically under the blankets. I tapped Max on the shoulder and gestured over to them. She looked at them and giggled. Oh my god! I smiled at her before looking back at the tv. We were still holding hands which surprised me a bit to be honest I thought she would have let go by now. I looked down at our hands. I saw.. scars on Max's wrist up to her elbow. I bit the inside of my cheek before glancing up at her. I decided I would talk to her about it tomorrow.

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