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I woke up with a start my breathing heavy and sharp. I was drenched in sweat. A nightmare..again. I looked over and luckily I didn't wake up El. Taking a shower always seemed to relax me so I got up quietly,
glancing at the clock. 5.37 super fucking early..

After the shower I put on some light grey sweatpants tight around the waist, a black cropped tank top hugging around my chest, and I wore my hair up in a high pony. I went downstairs putting eggos in the toaster for El.

Hopper was drinking his morning coffee at the table.
"Your making El her eggos..?" Hopper asked a look of confusion on his face.
"oh uh yeah if that's okay.." I said quickly.
He shrugged as he continued to sip on his coffee. 

"Good morning Dad" El said once she came out of here room.
El was wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie with white letter sprawled across the top reading "California"
"Is that my hoodie". I asked staring at El.
She looked down at nodded before grabbing the eggos I made for her with a smile.

Time Skip~

"Dad I'm heading out!" Els said pulling on her coat.
I was waiting for El to finish watching a movie before her phone rang. I stared at her leaving she wouldn't even look at me.
"Where" Hopper asked coming out of his room.
He glanced over at me still sitting there.
"And with who"
"I'm just going to dinner with Becky" El said glancing over at me.
I looked back at the Tv feeling an insane amount of jealousy.
"Oh is it a dateeee" Hopper said in a kid like tone.
A light blush covered Els face.
"Yeah.." she whispered with a soft smile.
I looked down at my fidgeting hands as I could feel eyes on me. I looked up seeing El staring at me. She waved before walking out.

I cooked myself some dinner since Hopper left with Jonathon and Will to go out. I was sitting home alone watching tv when El came back, a girl a little taller than her, with blond hair, green eyes, and really skinny walked in with her.
El looked at me confused.
"I thought my dad took you and the guys somewhere?" She asked a little sharply.
"Oh..I didn't feel like going" I whispered.
"Well can you like go skateboard or some stupid shit like that" El asked rolling her eyes.
"But I-"
"It's not your house just leave for a little bit" she said obviously getting annoyed.
I sat there in shock. Why was she acting like this?
I went in Els room and packed my bag.
"Alright I'm leaving since you know this isn't my house" I said sharply as walked out bumping Els shoulder with mine on the way out.

. It was freezing outside but I didn't care I had everything I needed for school and lots of clothes.
I jumped onto my skateboard going to a 24/7 gas station. I hid in the corner getting as much sleep as possible before the cashier kicked me out.
Luckily it was about time for school anyway. I went to school wearing the same outfit as yesterday. I had dark circles under my eyes and my hands were constantly shaking.

I headed to my locker avoiding all the weird stares.
"Hello Mayfield" Will said with a smile as I got to my locker.
I didn't respond I didn't want to ruin there perfect family.
"Max? Are you okay? Where were you last night?"
"Ask your stupid sister" I muttered before slamming my locker and walking away.

I avoided and ignored the whole party but when lunch rolled around I didn't know where to sit. I wanted to sit with them but Mike was giving me dirty looks today so I decided to sit in the corner. There wasn't a table there but it's fine. El went to go walk over to me but Becky came along stopped her and sat in my spot. I felt a pinch in my heart as I looked back down at my food. I didn't feel like eating anymore so I just picked at my food until the bell rang. Once the bell rang I threw the food away and quickly left the cafeteria. I know I'm overreacting and being stupid and rude for no reason but, that's me.
"Max wait" El called after me.
"What" I asked in a monotone voice.
"Are you okay?"
"Did I do something?" She asked fidgeting with her hands a bit.
"Yeah you did? Do you not remember?"
"No I got a little drunk last night I'm sorry I didn't mean whatever I did or said.." she admitted looking down.
"Oh...I'm sorry I was over reacting"
I gave her a hug and she did not hesitate to hug back. I pulled away after about 30 seconds.
"Please come back home..all your stuff is gone and you look exhausted"
"Okay fine I will"
"I promise"
Just then Mike walked over to us.
"Sorry Max but your out of the party...You chose not the sit with us and a replacement came so" he said shrugging before leaving.
I stood there in shock as El looked at me.
"I-I'm sorry" she whispered backing up from me.
"I don't care" I said my voice breaking a little.
"I can try to make him change his mind..and everyone else's"
"Wait everyone wanted me out..."
"Well we had a vote.."
"Who voted for me?"
" didn't vote for me" I whispered feeling a pinch at my heart.
"Max..Becky's my girlfriend as your just a friend.."

Please don't forget to vote and comment if you want to....if anyone is reading this or not.

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