Prologue: The Calm Before the Storm

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🗲 Destiny 🗲

It was a stormy day, the rain was pouring and thunder clouds were covering the sun.

In an unknown forest somewhere, two figures could be seen running down the path.

These figures are a guy with short light-brown hair and hazel eyes, and an altered-colored Pikachu, "shiny" for short.

The guy is Atlas, and the shiny Pikachu is Ace. Both of them were running, as an unknown Pokémon chased after them.

Eventually, both Atlas and Ace stops as the two were standing on a cliff, the two saw running water below the edge.

Both Atlas and Ace turn around, intending to go another way, but they were stopped as the unknown Pokémon stood there.

Atlas tries to talk to the unknown Pokémon, while Ace stood his ground.

The unknown sends a projectile attack at Atlas.

Everything happened in slow-motion.

The attack was headed straight for Atlas. Before the attack could hit, Ace jumps in front of Atlas and takes the hit.

Ace was knocked back due to the force and was falling down the edge of the cliff.

"Ace!" Atlas exclaimed, he jumps down the cliff and caught his Pokémon partner. He covered Ace with his body, as they fall into the water.

Now in the running water, both Atlas and Ace resurfaced, panting heavily.

"Are you alright?" Atlas asked, looking at Ace who is in his arms.
"Pika Pi!" Ace's ears drops.

Atlas felt around his pocket, he sighed relieved as a small box is still in his pocket.

Suddenly Atlas head falling water. Both him and Ace looked towards the front, and saw a waterfall.

Both Atlas and Ace screamed as the two fell.

🗲 Destiny 🗲

Some time has passed.

An eighteen-year-old guy and his Pokémon partner, a Gible nicknamed Buddy, were walking through the Viridian Forest. The two were walking down the road, when they saw a guy and a shiny Pikachu were washed up on land.

"Are you alright?!" The boy, Cosmo, asked. He went towards Atlas and Ace.
"Gible!" Buddy follows behind.

"Dad, Mom, come quick!" Cosmo called.

Cosmo's parents, his sister and brother, and family Pokémon all appeared, when they saw the unconscious male and Pikachu, they all quickly became worried.

Cosmo's father, Cerise went to check up on the conditions of both Atlas and Ace.

Cosmo's mother, Talia were with her other two children, Chloe and Parker who were also worried.

A Yamper is seen standing next to Chloe.

🗲 Destiny 🗲

Both Atlas and Ace were brought to a hospital, where they have their conditions checked.

Atlas and Ace eventually woke up, with no memory about their past, except only having memories of each other.

Atlas looks at a small table next to him, there he saw a small box that he recognized.

🗲 Destiny 🗲

Some time later, after being in the care of Cosmo's family.

Atlas and Ace had both found a job, and are now working and living at the Indigo Academy.

Though now having a job and someplace to live. Atlas still feels unfulfilled, as he saw a bunch of students finding their destiny, while he wonders when will his destiny come.

With Ace being with Atlas, Atlas knows they'll be alright.

🗲 Destiny 🗲

Before the opening ceremony.

Both Atlas and Ace's are about to be full of adventures.

"Let's go, Ace!" Atlas said.
"Pika Pika!"

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