Chapter Eighteen: Cap, The Flying Pikachu

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[Author's Note]

Since not a lot is known about the characters' past yet.

A lot of the things in the previous chapter might need to be changed if some the characters' past is revealed in future episodes.

Like, we know that Lucca was Friede's teacher back in Kanto. But we don't know at what age.

We also know that Friede and Orla are childhood friends. But Orla did move to Hoenn. And I think that at some point before Atlas transferred to the school Orla had already moved Regions.

I might have do some changes if more of the past is revealed in the future.

Something I also forgot to mention, Atlas' hair is dyed light-brown which is why in the flashback he had black hair.

I recommend watching the Episode, because in this Chapter I shortened it a bit, and only write down the part where Atlas shows up.
Also, the Pikachu grabbing the berries to eat scene is one of my favorite moments in this Episode.

🗲 Destiny 🗲

[Fast Recap]

After the night both Friede and Atlas had talked, the next day went by like a blur.

Atlas, Ace and Brioche had all been in the Greenhouse when Roy was looking for Fuecoco and Wattrel.

Some time during the afternoon, Murdock had brought treats for the Pokémon.

"Everyone, I brought some treats!" Murdock said. There were bowls of Pokémon Foods and some berries on the floor. "But hold on, don't start just yet..." He told the Pokémon who were all waiting. "Okay!" He said and the Pokémon all went to their bowls.

Shuckle and Snorunt shared a bowl.
Noctowl and Pawmi shared a bowl.
Murdock's Rockruff and Liko Sprigatito shared a bowl.
Atlas' Pokémon Ace and Brioche shared a bowl.

The last bowl is shared between Roy's Wattrel and Fuecoco.

Everyone smiled at the sight of the Pokémon happily digging into their food.

Wattrel went towards the bowl first and grab some to eat. Fuecoco stood beside it and starts to eat.

Wattrel looks at Fuecoco annoyed, it grabbed a piece of the food and steps a few feet away from the Fire Croc Pokémon.

Liko asked Roy if he thinks that Wattrel find Fuecoco a bit overwhelming. Roy sighed commenting on how he hopes the two get along.

Atlas had noticed the tension between Roy's Pokémon and had asked the boy about it, apparently it had started back on the cargo ship.

Fuecoco noticed Wattrel a few feet away, it grabs the bowl and went towards the Storm Petrel Pokémon.

Wattrel became more angry while looking at Fuecoco, the vein on his popped out. It begin attacking Fuecoco, making the Fire Croc Pokémon throw the bowl into the air.

Ace was the first to noticed the bowl, he quickly went forward and jumped to save the bowl. In the process landing on his back with the bowl of Pokémon food on his belly.

"Pika..." Ace tiredly laid on his back and on the floor.

"T-Thank you, Ace." Atlas thanked him while sweat-dropping a bit.

The day went on, Atlas was with Friede when Cap and Charizard were training together. Friede had given a few training tips to Atlas for future battles incase whoever the Toxicroak had belonged to decided to battle with him again.

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