Chapter 37

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 Eternal Bonds

Our house became lit. My family has arrived. They had a big gift box with them from my beloved Durga. And it contained a letter just like her with some pictures. Durga who married after me is now a mother of two children. Her firstborn is a boy and her second one is a girl. I still remember the day she called me, yelling that she is going to be a mother. He and I went together for her valaikaapu*. I couldn't see her second child, but I know from Durga's words how much she enjoys her motherhood.

Dear Sathya, My King,

First of all, let me say, don't do it while you are pregnant, suppress your urge. (Huh! She and her big mouth) Mama, me, Vishnu and Priya are doing amazing here. I got a job at the primary school, I will start it once I return to Madras. (Thank god, she got a job) When your Amma said you are pregnant I was so happy that I forgot Priya in your home and ran to Mama also got scolded, so it's on you. (you are the one who forgot your kid, why is it on me?) Anyways, I am so happy for you, it is going to hurt like hell, even though I am so happy. (she just wanted to scare me) I am writing this letter with a proposition if your baby is a boy, let him marry my Priya and if it's a she, my Vishnu is free, cause I am going to make him a doctor. (I knew this would happen if she became a mother. Poor kids!) Mama also wishes you the best, I have put your favourite snacks and some oils helpful during this time. Eat plenty and make your doctor do everything. Men should work for their actions. (Sometimes I think you were supposed to be born as a queen in the past, god accidentally made mistakes in your date of birth) Sathya, tell me if you are coming to the village in the future. Let's hang out again, like in the past, on the top of Ayyan mountain. I want to listen to music with you, eat guava, play and laugh. Let's teach our kids too. I miss you di. (As always, she sure knows how to make me cry)

Your's lovingly,

eternal friend Durga.

I looked at the thenmittai* she send me in a big jar, and I remembered how I became friends with Durga. It was when we were five years old. We were neighbours and family friends, we met many times and played together, yet we were not close. We went to nursery together. She was a crybaby, always screaming to return home. So one day to make her stop screaming I gave her my thenmittai. Then from the next day onwards, she tailed me around for the candy. We became friends, went to school together, play, read novels, groom each other, skip class, explore and laughed together. She was like a beautiful mirror, I could gaze freely to know myself.

"So why are you crying staring at the sweets?" asked the doctor as he sat beside me.

"I just remembered Durga. She sends me this, with a letter and some photographs of her kids." I said, giving him some thenmittai.

"She is hilarious," laughing while reading Durga's letter doctor said. "Do you miss her?" he asked.

"Yes, I wish to see her,"

"Then let's go to your house after Chellam comes," he suggested.

"Is it ok?"

"Yes, of course. I may not be able to come, but I will try. Can you go alone?"

"I don't want to go without you,"

"Sathya, you should learn that too. Nobody is permanent. I am sure I will leave before you," those words - are the words I never wish to hear.

"Doctor, you cannot leave me. I don't care how old you are, you cannot leave me," I know I being selfish and greedy here, but can't I be? I hugged him.

"Don't cry, I was just saying. I won't leave you, even if you kick me out." his warm kiss on my head is comforting, his scent soothes me, his hands embrace me, his body heats mine and words that care for me, how can I let him leave when he has become me. "Sathya, what should we name our child?" he asked.

"Hmm... I never thought about it. We don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl, so let's wait."

Days certainly pass like the wind, swoosh! Just like that. Our house has become lively.

"Sathya, are you still studying?" my Appa came from the nearest stationary store with some chocolates. I was dozing off a little.

"Yes, Appa, my exam is next month," I said wiping my eyes. He sat on the bed and stared at me eating the chocolates. I know he wants to tell me something. "Appa, tell me, what is on your mind?" I asked. He looked hesitant.

"Sathya, do you ever felt hatred towards me? After all, it's us who forced you to marry Bala," he said.

"Appa, you raised me for eighteen years, can't you tell the difference? I am happy and thankful. I was angry, I was sad and also hatred, but everything moulded into love and bliss after meeting the doctor. I know it doesn't make any sense, at first, I was also confused. Appa, I don't particularly believe in anything but my marriage with the doctor and this life he gave made me believe in destiny. I was the one for him. I am not sad or angry at you or Amma or even Akka. Wherever she is, with whoever she is, I only wish her happiness and success in life. I pray and hope she might return one day to us," I smiled.

"My singakutti has all grown up into a mature lioness. I can see the difference. You have become my pride, Sathya. I must tell you this, your sister eloped with her professor Daniel Joseph, you remember him right? I heard they are in Madras." he said, I was shocked. This is the first time I am hearing something about my Akka. After all these years, a clue about her existence.

"Appa, why don't we go to Madras and search for her? We can bring her home. She may have kids," I stated excitedly. His face changed, it was sullen more.

"She is the one who abandoned us, since I know where, how and who she is with, I will wait for her to come back. It may take some time, but she will come back one day. She is my first child," he answered as he stroked my head gently and then left the room.

"First child? Of course," even before Chellam's birth, I can feel how special is its presence. Just like my Akka to my parents, firstborns are special, they are the first connection between two souls, the first bond between two hearts. So, Appa is stubborn. I hope Akka will come to us, soon. Chellam, you too. Now, I need to focus, the exam is near.

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