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The sun shone brightly upon the land as the birds sang from under its rays before flying majestically away into the sky. The leaves swayed in the forest breeze as the rustling hum they produced could soothe one's soul. But within the forest, a man walks through the lush green grass as his boots crunch the grass beneath him with every step. The man wore what could be a brown jacket that covered his outfit beneath, which was a red top with yellow dividing his chest from his neck like a star, with the wrists of it having the same concept as well. His pants matched his long-sleeved top, as it was all red from waist to legs.

The man aimlessly walked through the emerald green forest. But was he really doing so without purpose? The fact of the matter was that he had a simple goal. A destination, to be precise. To wherever this place must be, he must've been close by as he looks up in front of him after not having done so in a while to see what was in front of him. Though faintly, he could make out what seemed to be an archway that led to a town of sorts. He expressed his feelings about this revelation with a smirk on his face as he rubbed the stubble on his face with his fingers.

Once he got close to the archway, he was then stopped by two individuals who were clad in iron armor as they pointed their steel-tipped spears at him. "Halt! State your business!" One of them shouts. Questioning the intentions of this mysterious traveler. The traveler raised his hands casually to make a note for them to know he wasn't dangerous. After doing so, he then spoke to them. His voice was a little bit gruff.

"I'm just a simple traveler. I come in peace," he tells them. His hands are still up in the air for them to see. The two guards look at each other as they size up the traveler. Carefully determining whether or not his words were as true as he said them to be. After a moment or two, the guards then back down as they lower their weapons, which signaled the traveler to do the same with his hands as well, seeing as they don't see him as a threat anymore.

"Very well. You may proceed, traveler!" The guard says as they step aside for the traveler to pass through the archway. The man casually takes this offer of theirs as he walks through the both of them, walking with his hand waving back at them as he passes by. "Thanks, fellas! I'll make sure to treat you guys to some beer whenever I see you around!" He promises before heading deeper into the town that stood behind the archway entrance.

Once he was in a good spot, he stopped in his tracks as he took in the sights. This town he had now found himself in was no ordinary town; it was a city in a very big kingdom. This was the Kingdom of Viridian. A kingdom nestled inside a deep emerald forest. The kingdom had a lot to do with nature, as seen with its scenery outside and inside the kingdom premises, as the streets were lined with a lot of trees and bushes, which contrasted the concrete buildings and roads, as well as the kingdom's emblem being plastered on banners hung up on light poles.

"Pretty nice city they got here. The greenery really livens up the place." The traveler comments as he looks around the place, seeing all the people go about their daily lives within the city. Though he knew he couldn't stay in one place for too long,. "Now then," he says, clasping his hands together. "Where do we start?" He asks himself. For him, this wasn't much of a new experience, seeing as he was a traveler. But with every new kingdom he visited, there was always a change of culture as well as the attractions that came with it, so it was hard to just choose something right off the bat.

But with little thought, he already found the first thing he wanted to do. So he went deeper into the city in search of something. The place was certainly bigger than most he's visited, so maybe roaming around aimlessly this time wasn't going to help him in the slightest. So he decides to ask someone for help. But even though he could've just asked anyone on the street he passed by, he felt like looking around for a bit. Perhaps he wanted to find someone interesting, or someone he knew? The latter part was highly doubtful since this was a kingdom he hadn't been to yet, so the former was most likely a good assumption.

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