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The two breathed a sigh of relief as they found a bit of reprieve outside the ballroom. They both leaned on the deck railings, with Cherry feeling exhausted, seeing as she had to book it out of there in her heels. "Okay, that was definitely something," she comments, as her plan on education proved to have failed in practice. This was cemented in by Derrick, as he adds in as well. "I'm sorry for the trouble. Guess this relaxing thing is something I really don't get. I hope I didn't waste too much of your time, Cherry." Derrick apologizes as he feels a little bad for not having been able to learn how to relax yet given the effort Cherry had to go through. Luckily, the girl had yet to give up on this. As someone who made him a promise to teach him the ways of relaxation, she was going to see this to the end or die trying. Figuratively speaking, at least.

"Don't go saying that now! We've yet to do everything. But what have we not done yet?" She says before muttering to herself. Going through the list of things they have yet to tackle. but while she did so, Derrick noticed some voices speaking from behind. He looks behind him and sees one of the ship's crew members talking about a problem within the ship's boiler room. "Maybe we could go for a dip! No wait. That would leave us.... stranded... Hey Derrick, what do you think about sun bathing?" Cherry said after doing some long, hard thinking. Finally, she suggests something to him as she goes to look over to her side. Unfortunately for her, Derrick had been gone from her side. Leaving the girl confused. "Huh? Derrick?" Cherry looked around confused. She swore he was with him just a second ago. "I can help you with that." She eventually found the boy as she heard him talking to one of the crewmen who was expressing some trouble down in the boiler room..

"Hey Derrick, who's this? A friend of yours?" Cherry walks over to where he was and inserts herself into their conversation. "I don't really want to be a stickler much. But we're still in the middle of something," she reminds him. "Oh, right. Well, this guy right here kind of needed a little help with something," Derrick defended as he gestured to the crewmate next to him. "And you know me, I can't say no to a little helping." he explains, explaining which cherry had an issue with. "Oh, but we kind of just met a few hours ago," she points out. she literally met this guy like hours ago but she was willing to let it slide. "But alright. I think we can take a bit of a detour. What was your problem?" she asks, immediately getting through the situation. "Oh, well, uh... the boiler room of the ship kind of has a problem right now. its somehow not heating right and its causing problems around the ship, and apparently your friend here knows how to help," the crewmate says as he gestures to Derrick, who was standing off to the side.

"I might! Just lead the way to the boiler room, and I'll see what I can do," the boy in goggles says with vigor as he waits for the crewmate to lead the way. "Yknow, I'm not supposed to just let anyone near the boiler room, but I'm kind of desperate right now, and we need this thing fixed, so just follow me, you two," the man says as he leads the two through the ship. meanwhile, Tetsuga was chilling up front on the ship as he was soaking in the sun's rays as well as feeling the sea breeze. he wished his whole life was this luxurious and unproblematic, but he soon notices something coming their way on the horizon. "What the..." but as this was happening, the two finally found themselves in front of the boiler room. the crewmate fiddling with his keys before shoving one into the key hole as he opens it for them

"All right, you two, no touching anything but the boiler itself. I don't want to get sanctioned again. That was not a good time for me or anybody," he says as he lets both into the dimly lit, dark room with the boiler situated at the wall across the door they came through. "Is that the boiler?" Cherry made sure for him to clarify while she stood to the side to let Derrick do his thing or something like that. "Alright, time to check this thing out!" Derrick exclaimed as he approached the boiler and opened it to see what was inside. And first thoughts of it, it was definitely what the boy was expecting. There are a lot of pipes that connect to a big chamber with coal and one distinct stone in the middle of the coal mountain. One distinction was that it was dim and wasn't saturated as much as he expected. As usual, he recognizes the stone as he takes it out to show them the problem.

"I see the problem here; the stone is out of juice! Guess you drained it all after all those voyages," he says as he reveals to them that the stone was Pyrocitite, which was all depleted of its main source. Now it was all but a shiny orange rock. "That explains it-not heating up stuff-but to get a new one is going to take a while, and we kind of don't have that luxury, damn," the crewmate says as he sighs in disappointment even when the problem finally got diagnosed. But that only left them at the same place yet again. "Well, that's unfortunate for sure, but is there anything you can do about it, Derrick?" Cherry asks as she looks at the goggled boy who looked at the stone with intrigue.

"Hmm... I can try adding just a little bit more juice that'll last us the rest of the voyage, but I don't really have my lab with me to probably do it right, so its going to be shoddy at best," Derrick informed, which the crewmate was okay with seeing as he was desperate for a solution right about now. "Sure, just as long as it starts to heat things up again," the man says as he basically lets the boy do what he needs to do. "Perfect! Let me just get my equipment; I'll have it for you in a jiffy," he says as he quickly exits the room, leaving the two in an awkward silence. "So, you like that boy?" the crewmate decides to make some light conversation by teasing the poor girl as she reacts by blushing and denying the statement.

"Sorry, sorry. I guess some mixed signals got bunched in. I just thought that you butting in the conversation was a little possessive of him," he says with an apologetic look. but it wasn't as if Cherry was asking for it; to be quite frank, she met the boy hours ago. And he seemed to have trouble relaxing himself as per her request to help him out on it. "I'm back!" Derrick says in a much chipper tone as he comes back in with a huge brown sack that slung over his shoulder, which puzzled the two. "What's with the sack?" Cherry asked. curious as to what it was.

"Oh, this?" he says, spilling the contents on the floor for everyone to see. "This is just the equipment I brought with me together with my friend," he says as the clanking of glass and other things sounds out inside the room. Like a cacophony of random sounds of bits and bobs all around. Anyway, after he got all the things unpacked, he proceeded to work on the stone as he took a squat and started fiddling with it while humming a non-distinct tune. One thing Cherry noticed was clearly apparent to her at the moment. "So that's the tick..." Derrick seemed to be relaxed and in the zone while he worked. as if it were all he knew and all he needed. He was different for her, that's for sure, but it proved to intrigue her more as she watched him work.

"Huh, there seems to be a slight complication," Derrick says as the two lean in over him to see what the problem is. "It seems the stone isn't accepting the juice it needs; its still depleted," he says as he has the stone inside a beaker with it submerged in a red liquid. "We might have to find a replacement," he tells the crewmate as they rub their heads amidst the situation. "I guess it can't be helped. Thanks for trying though," he tells them with a sigh. "Now where would we find a replacement at this time? It's not like we can just park the boat somewhere," Cherry comments as she crosses her arms in thought along with everyone else. "Yeah, it would definitely take a miracle for that to happen," the crewmate adds as they stand by inside the room. Suddenly, a massive tremble shook the ship. Some kind of thing had hit it from the outside that the three were clueless about.

"Woah! What was that!?" the crewmate exclaims as he looks around after the shaking stops. "It must've come from outside! That sounded like it was a doosey!" Derrick exclaims, as well as observing that the shaking was very strong. like it was hit by a cannonball. "I mean, we're not going to find out if we were standing in here! Let's go!" Cherry, taking the initiative, orders the two to evacuate the room and head back up as the two follow suit. "That better not have been something exploding, or else its going in my paycheck!" the man says as they run up the stairs and up to the surface.


Before the shaking, Tetsuga was still lying at the front of the ship and noticed that a ship was heading towards them. "What the? Is that a ship?" he says as he sees the ship get closer and closer with no sign of stopping but with a lot of signs that it was on a crash course on them. "Oh crap! Everyone off the railings!" he shouts as he uses his magic to pull the people that were near the side railings of the ship as the rogue ship crashes and scrapes against the side of the cruise ship. destroying the side of it while Tetsuga fell to the ground from all the shaking and crashing. He hops back up after the shaking and sees a line with a hook lodging itself onto the sails of the ship as it brings the two ships closer to each other with no way of release. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me! Pirates, really!?"

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