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"What is it with you and that freak stamina!?" Tetsuga yells into the air as he runs full speed down the road as the masked hunter gives chase. Tetsuga uses his magic to fling unattended objects and hurdle them back behind him in hopes of slowing the hunter down. But the hunter would either dodge or slice them apart before they could do any effect. "It's the criminal!" Suddenly, in front of him were a bunch of knights who had inadvertently intercepted his path after they were dispatched to check out the explosion. "God dammit! Out of the way!" Tetsuga tried to shoo them away and prevent the hunter from causing any collateral damage. "Halt! In the name of the law!" The knights were unconvinced, however, as they stood ground and raised their weapons. "Guess we're doing this manually!" Tetsuga says as he rushes them head-on. "Gimme!" Tetsuga shouts before using his magic to pull away the sword of the knight in front of him before jumping up and planting his feet on their chest. "Hup!" With one big thrust, Tetsuga pushes away the knight as he flips over a horizontal slash from the hunter behind him just in time, while also pushing away the knight from getting sliced apart.

Tetsuga lands behind the hunter before raising the stolen sword up over his head to block an overhead attack from the hunter, who swiftly spun around after failing to hit him with the previous attack. The hunter then disarms him by quickly raising his leg up in front of him and kicking Tetsuga's weapon out of his hands. He then proceeds to bring it down as hard as they could, which cracks the floor from their inhuman strength. Luckily, Tetsuga was able to dodge, as he used his magic to latch onto the floor behind him and pull himself back fast enough to dodge the hit. Tetsuga then switches over as he latches onto the floor in front of him. And like a slingshot, he pulled himself back and then let the telepathic line cast by his magic fling him forward and bash the hunter away with his whole body. The hunter knocks down multiple knights behind him as they all land hard on the floor.

"I got him!!" One of the knights foolishly went over while the hunter was down and raised their sword to strike at them. But thinking fast, Tetsuga uses his magic to pull them towards him. Preventing them from getting absolutely demolished by what's to come. "I said back away! That guy will not hesitate to kill you!" Tetsuga shouts as he tries to warn them of the hunter. The hunter grunts as they rise slowly from the ground. "You ought to listen. I have no patience for all of you," the masked hunter says as he points the sword towards Tetsuga. "By the order of the royal kingdom! You are..." another knight then tried to do the same thing as the previous one again and attempted to attack the hunter. But they were not dazed, as they quickly lobbed their heads off with perfect precision. "The hell did I just say!!" Tetsuga yells as he rushes back into the fray. The hunter anticipates it and uses the now-decapitated knight's body to obstruct Tetsuga's path as he throws it at him. They dodge the corpse by jumping over it. He then kneels below another horizontal strike, but fails to anticipate the hunter immediately turning around and slashing him in the back. Giving him a nasty gash across it. "ARGH!" Tetsuga yells in pain while the hunter tries to follow it up with a strike to his neck.

Tetsuga was fast enough to magically enhance his fist and punch the blade away, which stuns the hunter for a moment or two before delivering a back kick, which the hunter blocks with a kick of his own. Once Tetsuga's foot is caught by theirs, he uses his other leg to sweep theirs before using both legs to kick them away so he can get the chance to run again. The hunter wasted no time and chased after him again. "They're getting away! After them, men!" But as he did so, so did the knights as they attempted to chase both down but ultimately got left in the dust. "My magic is not going to last too long after this!" He mutters to himself, since while he runs, he uses his magic to close his wound up. But this, in turn, consumed way more mana than he'd like, so now he was going to have to use his magic sparingly, which is a problem considering who he was getting chased by. Speaking of which,. The hunter was now slowly gaining up on him while the knights lagged behind them as they struggled a little to keep up with them.

"I'm so close! I just gotta reach it and hope Derrick got the sword already!" Tetsuga says to himself as he nears the front entrance of the castle. But unluckily for him, a bunch more guards start marching out of the front. And seeing as he was still deemed a criminal to them, he was not eager to have more people chasing him at this point, so he took a detour and headed to the right. "Enough of this game!" The hunter shouts. Finally fed up with playing tag with him, he knocked Tetsuga down as he skidded on the floor. "It's over. Once I kill you, I'm going for the alchemist next. So make this easy and stand still," the hunter says with a menacing tone as he lifts up his sword to deal a finishing blow. "Fat chance! Now eat a log!" Tetsuga shouts before using his magic to latch onto one of the logs on the pile, which was to the side of him, and rolling his whole body to the side to not only dodge the hit but also fling the log towards them. The hunter looks to their side and sees the incoming log. They then duck down to avoid getting hit, which inadvertently causes the log to bust through the castle's perimeter wall, which Tetsuga uses to get inside.


"I can't believe I'm getting punished for destroying the freezer box! I'm not even the one to do it!" Elaine complained as she walked down the courtyard as she went to tend the flowers there. "I just hope nothing like that ever happens again," she mutters as she starts trimming the hedges. Suddenly, she starts to hear frantic footsteps on the grease that are gradually getting closer. "Am I hearing things now?" she spoke before suddenly getting surprised by Tetsuga, who burst through the hedge she was trimming. Giving her quite the scare. "AAAHH!!" She screams as she lays flat on her buttocks, which Tetsuga notices and immediately takes action by frantically shaking her violently. "You! Tell me where the royal adviser's office is!?" Tetsuga yells in a panic, which causes Elaine to panic as well as spill on the location of Mortimer's office. "South west wing! It's on the south west wing!" She yells back while still being violently shaken by him. "Thanks!" Tetsuga replies shortly before tossing her into another hedge before running away in the direction of the west wing. Not long after, the hunter burst through the same hedge Tetsuga came through and continued to chase the man while Elaine was left speechless in her spot. "I can't do this anymore," she says before laying her head down on the hedge as she tries to process everything.

Tetsuga sprints through the outside of the castle. Desperately trying to get to the west wing and find Derrick before his head gets lobbed off. But then he was struck from his side and got sent through a window. Landing him inside the castle with the hunter on top. He quickly kicks him off and proceeds to run away again. But given the narrow path, he knew the hunter could tackle him again in no time. Luckily for him, though,. There was a lot of stuff to throw, so while he ran. he used his magic to fling more objects at the hunter. He continues to do so before noticing that his telepathic lines have dimmed a bit and their latching onto things has been a lot weaker. "Running out of mana, are you?" the hunter says as he menacingly approaches. "Crap biscuits!" Tetsuga exclaims under his breath as he continues to flee by jumping through the window at the end of the hallway. "Gotta get to the west wing fast!!" He yells as he runs with the hunter on his tail. After a bit more running, he eventually reached the west wing. But to no one's surprise, he didn't have a clue where it was still. Running out of time, he screams at the top of his lungs. "DERRICK!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" His voice echoed into the night before another joined it.

"End of the road. Your death is now." The hunter says as he points his sword at the man. Essentially backing him up to a corner so to speak. "C'mon buddy... You gotta show me where you are..." Tetsuga mutters to himself as he watches the hunter slowly approach him. "C'mon Derrick! Give me a sign or something!" He says with frustration in his voice. But by the graces of lady luck, his pleas were answered. Though, not in the way he expected as from one of the windows of the Castle, Derricks' head gets shoved through it. Breaking the glass and alerting him to it. "Ough!" Derrick grunts in pain as flakes of snow and cold air escape from the room as Mortimer held his head out. "DERRICK!" Tetsuga shouts as his eyes widen. "T- Tetsuga!" Derrick managed to speak out his name before getting shoved back into the office which was now filled with white cold snow. Mortimer now having a crazed look on his face, raised his fountain pen like a dagger and in unison, Mortimer and the Hunter shouted out "DIE!!" Before the hunter rushes Tetsuga and Mortimer brings down the pen directly to Derricks' heart.

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