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It was now a day later, after the Solomon house collapsed, that workers and guards surrounded the area to make sure no one got hurt. "Tch, tch, tch... such a mess," a man comments as he stands atop the rubble of where Solomon's house was. "The rubble didn't take out much in the surrounding area, but our men have identified multiple bodies trapped under the rubble." One of the guards reports to the man as they rub their chin in thought. "Troubling... I want all your men to collect the bodies under the rubble and have anything else you find under it sent to me." The man orders as the guard gives him a salute. "Right away, Mr. Mortimer!" They then walk away. Leaving Mortimer to gaze upon the wreckage. He turns to leave, but not before sparing one last glance at it. After taking in what he needed, he finally leaves. Walking away to have the guards and workers do their work. "So Solomon's abode has finally collapsed upon itself after all these years." After inspecting the wreckage, Mortimer went directly back over to the royal castle as the king spoke to him. "Yes. And evidently, we've also discovered the basement, which was used to smuggle and enchant weapons," Mortimer informs the king before sighing in disappointment. "If the inter-kingdom summit were to hear about this, then it would cause catastrophic events for this kingdom's future," the king says. "May I suggest we cover it up? If we truly want the safety of the people to be assured, we should leave the news to a minimum," Mortimer tells him as the king contemplates doing so.

"Do you really believe that should be the case, royal adviser Blackwell?" The king asks for confirmation as Mortimer nods his head. "Ignorance is bliss, one would say. Besides, this is but one incident. I'm sure it's perfectly fine to cover up just one," Mortimer states as the king decides to just agree. "Very well then. For the betterment of it all, none shall speak of it. Dismissed." The king then let's Mortimer go as the man bows respectfully before leaving. He leaves the grand doors before they are shut behind him by the royal guardsmen that stand at the command of the king. Fast-forward to a little bit later, and the sound of a grandfather clock reverberated down the dark halls of the castle as it's eerie ticks and rocks echoed. At the end of the hallway, a lone door stood with a faint light passing through the bottom. From the other side, a voice could be heard as they talked seemingly to someone. As we get closer and closer, their voices become more and more clear, as it is revealed to be the voice of Mortimer talking. "Yes, yes. I understand your complaint, but the deliveries are delayed for the most part. Of course, I'll have them shipped to you in post-haste; you need not to worry," he says. Looking inside, Mortimer was seen talking to a mystical-looking glowing crystal that was sitting upon the desk while he sat right in front of it.

"Preparations will go as planned; I just need a little bit more time to establish another hideout. The last one unfortunately collapsed into itself," Mortimer stated. "You have 5 days to make up for this delay." A voice came out from the crystal as it spoke back to him. "Of course, of course. I understand." He responds as the crystal glow darkens before disappearing. As silence filled the room, so did the metronomic sounds of the grandfather clock as it ticked and tocked and ticked, which eventually led to Mortimer angrily grabbing the crystal before throwing it over at it. Shattering the glass of the grandfather clock in a fit of rage. "Lousy decrepit house!!" He yells as he breathes heavily, glancing upon the broken glass on the floor before him. "Once I get my hands on the twerp who destroyed that house, I swear I'll make them bleed out on the floor!!" Mortimer expresses his violent tendencies as he steps on a glass shard. Shattering it more into pieces. Suddenly, a knock was heard outside his door. Taking his attention back into reality as he composes himself for whoever was behind the door. "Ahem, come in." He welcomes them in as the doorknob turns as the door slowly opens to reveal an armored knight. "What is it that you want? It better be good news for me," he says, not wanting to dally on this conversation of theirs. But oddly enough, no response came back as the knight stood still. Like a statue, almost. "... out with it! I don't have all night!" Mortimer yells, expecting them to answer him again. There was nothing said.

And as the silence turned loud, suddenly. The knight begins to cough up blood as it trails down his chin and onto the floor. Volleys of it gushed from his mouth. "Gah!" Mortimer couldn't help but jump back in surprise as the knight before him had started dying all of a sudden. They then fell to one knee before planting on the floor. Blood was oozing, creating a puddle beneath him. The body twitched. then still. Mortimer couldn't believe it. The knight just died inexplicably right before him. What could have done it? He wonders. But as he looked up from where the body stood, he saw another figure standing there. A man in a hood was carrying a sword stained in blood. "W-...w- who are-" Mortimer struggled to say as he tried to grab something to defend himself with. But the man was quick. He disappears a little too quickly, then reappears in front of him. His hand is clasping at his wrist, preventing it from grabbing anything. "That is not for you to know," the hooded man says. Mortimer gulps, anxiety filling his system. "I don't know what this may be about... but if it's money..." Mortimer tries to bargain with him, but he gets shut up by the man as he presses his sword up against his neck. The stench of iron from the knight's blood wafted over to his nostrils.

"I'm not here for money. I heard you have connections," the man says, lowering his sword a bit to let Mortimer talk. "Yes, I am. I'm the royal adviser after all," he says. Assuming that's what he wanted to hear,. "I also heard about your little operation going on. You're playing with fire," the man comments. Mortimer couldn't help but scoff. "And what of it?" he says as the man takes his hand off of his wrist. Giving him a chance to step away from him. "If you want it under wraps, away from the king, then I suggest you listen to me," the man warns as Mortimer sweats under his collar. A witness to his crime. And using it as blackmail, no less. He was now backed into an offer he couldn't refuse, or he risked getting his head lobbed off at Town Square. "Then what request do you want to make for me?" he asks. Cutting right to the chase. "I have a target I need information on. An alchemist by the name of Derrick Barnes," the man shares as Mortimer sneers at the fact. "An alchemist? Really? That's the man you want me to tell you about? Hardly worth the time." Mortimer's ego was showing. Quite obvious to see that he didn't think of it much. But the man begged to differ. "You think I would be such a fool to ask for your help then? The reason I'm here is because of that. An alchemist-nay, a boy of his caliber-could not possibly liberate an entire village by himself," he tells him as he puts Mortimer back into his place. "You tell me everything you can about him to me, or else your weapon-dealing operation goes public to the kingdom," the man says. A chilling feeling crawled on Mortimer's spine as he nodded.

"I expect results. And the last time I didn't get what was asked, someone died." The hooded man spoke before seemingly disappearing into thin air. Leaving behind a message. "So don't disappoint me..." was the last thing Mortimer heard before the sinister man was now fully gone from the room. Leaving only him and the dead knight. "Tch!" After knowing that the man was gone, he clicks his tongue as his cocky persona comes straight back to him. "I'm Mortimer Blackwell, the royal adviser to the king! To be handled in such a way..." he monologues to himself but gets interrupted as he accidentally steps on the bloodied corpse that was still on the ground. "Derrick Barnes..." Mortimer mutters. The moonlight was shining through the only window to his room. He walks over the corpse and heads for the door. Then, without any more words to be said,. He closes it behind him. The corpse is the only thing left in the room as it rots on the floor. The metronomic ticks of the grandfather clock fill the silence once again.

Tick, tock....

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