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"DIE!!!" The hunter screams as he charges right for Tetsuga. With a newfound determination after seeing Derrick being attacked and wounded,. He faces the hunter head-on and decides to catch their blade with his hand as it pierces through it like butter. "Not!" Tetsuga shouts. Throwing his arm to the side along with their sword. "On your!" Tetsuga continues before landing a critical blow straight to their face as it cracks the mask even more, though not enough to shatter it completely off. "Life!!" He finishes as the hunter gets flung backwards by the hit. They luckily caught themselves with their legs as they skidded to a stop. Tetsuga pulls the sword out of his hand as he winces in pain from it before taking it with him. The hunter whips their heads back forward but then notices that Tetsuga has started running towards the castle wall and has started to scale it with his sword in hand. "Come get me!!" Tetsuga taunts, which prompts the hunter to run after him and scale the wall as well.

"I'm coming for you, Derrick! Just hold on!" Tetsuga yells as he scales it up the wall towards the broken window. The hunter, however, wasted no time and started running up the wall. Defying gravity almost. Tetsuga glances down, sees this feat of his, and executes his plan. "If you love your sword so much, go and get it!" Tetsuga exclaims before throwing the sword straight up into the air. The hunter plants his two feet firmly onto the wall and pushes off, gaining a massive boost. He nears Tetsuga in mere seconds, but in those seconds, Tetsuga leaps off of the wall in a backflip as the hunter just about misses him. And as time slowed down for him, the shots lined up like a solar eclipse, as the hunter was now directly in front of him and the broken mirror. At this point, he had little to no more mana left to use. But Derrick's safety mattered more to him in this instance and gave him enough reason to push through, force himself over the limit, and use his magic to latch onto the wall with both hands. And with a mighty pull, he flings himself towards the hunter with both feet at the front. His feet connect and smash the hunter through the already broken window with him. The hunter's body hits Mortimer's back as both of them get sent flying straight into the wall, creating a big dent in it before falling to the floor.

Tetsuga lands on the floor on his back as he takes a moment to lay still and take a breather. "How... you like that, Punk?" Tetsuga mutters in between breaths before gradually getting up from the floor. "Tetsuga, thank you for saving me again." Derrick thanked him as Tetsuga helped him up. "Don't sweat it. You're not alone in this fight. Not as long as I'm here," Tetsuga says as he dusts off a little snow from his shoulder. "He's still alive!?" Mortimer yells, which gets the attention of the other two. "Quiet! You don't order me!" The hunter scolds as he gets up to fight again. Tetsuga gets into a fighting position with Derrick on his side. "Derrick, go for the sword. I'll handle the masquerading douche," Tetsuga says before quickly turning a 180 and forcing one more out of him as he catches the sword he threw earlier outside with his magic and flings it straight at them like a bullet. The hunter strafes to the left and dodges the sword as it imbeds itself deep into the wall before spinning around as he takes it, then proceeds to start slashing at Tetsuga.

The two then start to duke out on each other again as Derrick sets his sights on the sword. He quickly limps over to it but gets stopped as Mortimer lunges at him and pins him back down to the ground. "Derrick!" Tetsuga glances for a second in Derrick's direction before getting thrown across the room by the Hunter as his back hits the wall. "Ough!" Tetsuga grunts as he lands on the floor. "You ruin everything!!" Mortimer says as he goes to stab Derrick in the face, but the boy blocks it with his forearm. Once he stopped the attack, he shoved their arm to the side and headbutted them as his metal goggles impact their nose with a crunch. "Grah!" Mortimer shouts in pain before Derrick uses his good leg to kick him off of him as they then land on their backs while clutching their bloody and bruised noses. Derrick quickly gets back up and finally gets the sword. "I got it!" Derrick exclaimed, which the hunter noticed. "Uh, oh..." They then start heading over to Derrick, but Tetsuga shows up behind them and socks them in the back of the head before grabbing onto their back and throwing them over to the wall.

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