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Derrick steps back in anticipation as the pirate approaches him with menacing intent. Derrick accidentally falls over an outdoor lounge chair, which he uses to block the first slash the pirate threw at him. they toss the chair aside and free the sword for another slash, but Derick was fast enough to roll away to dodge it. they stood back up, facing the pirate, who was somewhat amused at the evasiveness of the boy, though he was far from going all out on him. he still needed the hostages for ransom, but he wanted to play with his food a little bit, as some would put it. Derrick ducks under a sideward slash before rolling away yet again to dodge another slash. he recovers and sees that the saber had embedded itself into the floorboards, which was something the pirate didn't really account for.

Derrick then takes this chance to attack as he collides with the pirate. shoulder, bashing him away from their weapon. leaving them with only their fists. the pirate easily recovers from the hit as he confronts the boy again, but this time, it was the last straw. this boy was going down, he decided. "That's it, you little brat," he shouts as he goes to sucker punch the boy, but they dove right under it. dodging it again. the pirate threw more haymakers at the boy, but the lad just kept on waving and bobbing through them like a slimy snake. "Stay still!" the pirate threw one last punch, but luckily, Derrick didn't have to dodge this one as Tetsuga came back into the action by slamming the sole of his foot into the pirate, sending them away yet again.

"Not today, dirtbag!" Tetsuga says as he stands with a fighting stance next to Derrick. "Sorry about leaving you out. Guess I need some help with this guy," he admits, which Derrick was happy to hear as he puts up a fighting stance of his own next to him. "Apology accepted! now let's give him what for!" Derrick exclaimed as the pirate stood back up with malice in his eyes. all he wanted now was for these meddling kids and adults to be taken care of asap, or else his little job here will be for naught. so much for an easy steal, he says to himself quietly. "You'll regret ever crossing Red Beard!!" he screams as he runs towards the two. ready for another scuffle.

"You got a plan, kid?" Tetsuga asks on the fly as he dodges a hit. "I do, actually! I just need a set-up!" the boy says as the pirate alternates with him as he punches to grab him, which he avoids by spinning around them. once they were behind, they dropped down for Tetsuga to jump over him and drop-kick the pirate down again. "Alright! I'll keep the pirate busy while you do the plan!" they say as he gets up along with the pirate, who recovered from the kick. "That's all you got?" Tetsuga eggs him on as he shuffles in place in anticipation for him to start charging him again. "Why you?" the pirate spoke before charging at the man again. "I'll make you understand why they call me the king of the sea!!" they scram as they throw haymaker after haymaker at them, with Tetsuga focusing on them this time and dodging the hits sent his way.

Tetsuga, after dodging all those hits, decided to fling the pirate sword that was still lodged on the ground over at them, which the pirate dodged by leaning to the side before using his hook hand to hook onto the hooped handle of the sword before bringing it down on Tetsuga, who jumped back to avoid it. they then take the handle with their hands and wield it once again. "What's the matter, shrimpy? scared of a little cut!?" they say as they slashed away at him. Tetsuga was able to dodge some of the slashes, but with cunningness and expertise, the pirate was able to cut Tetsuga up a few times. the lad was able to, however, lock their arm with his arm before he followed up with an elbow to the chin before using their magic to fling them over themselves and into the ground again. "Grah!"

the yell in pain as he tries to rush Tetsuga again, who was well and ready to go scrap with him again, but what they didn't expect was a champagne bottle to come flying in and crashing right into the pirates balding red hair. "Argh!"" They try to turn around to see who threw a bottle at them, but they are then met with Cherry throwing more stuff at them in an attempt to help the two. "Hey! stop that! stop it!Yeah!" the pirate yells as he dodges the onslaught of miscellaneous objects being thrown at him. "Yeah! Let's go, Cherry!"Derrick was even cheering the girl on as she continued to throw more stuff at the red-bearded pirate, who was starting to get more and more irritated with each item thrown.

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