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"Tetsuga's awfully late today, don't you think?" A man says as he sips on his beer while conversing with the bartender of the tavern, who was polishing the counter with a white cloth. "He'll come around soon, Finch. He probably forgot his money or something," the bartender replies. which he scoffs as he takes yet another sip of his drink. "Well, he better come around soon. I'm itching for a rematch! I've been practicing my skills ever since our last bout," they say as he glides his hands through his locks in confidence. "Wasn't your 'last bout' yesterday? And, pray tell, how does one practice holding their booze?" The bartender inquires. But before he could get an answer to his question, his attention was taken away as the tavern doors opened. "Make way! Royal Adviser Blackwell is within your presence!" The knight yells, announcing Mortimer's arrival, which stirred up some murmurs amongst the tavern goers. "The Royal Adviser? Why's that schmuck here?" Finch whispers to the bartender as he gives Mortimer a rude stare. "Play it cool, Finch. Don't go causing a scene like before," the bartender warns him. "That duke had it coming, and you know it!" He whispers back to make his point. After which, Mortimer arrives at the counter, where the bartender entertains him as he greets him. "Mr. Blackwell, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," the bartender says to him as Mortimer nonchalantly waves it off. "Yes, yes, thank you. Now, I'm here for an important business and would like to speak with you," Mortimer tells him as he fixes his tie. "... alone," he continued as he glanced over at Finn, who was giving him a mean stare.

"I'm not." Finch wanted to detest his request but was immediately shut down by the bartender. "Finch. Not the time," the bartender says to him as he hesitantly backs off and gives the two some privacy. "Why don't you take a seat, Mr. Blackwell? While we talk, though, would you like a drink? On the house, of course." The bartender offers Mortimer, who agrees as he sits down on the stool. "I'm not a beer sort of person. Do you have wine?" Mortimer inquires as the bartender nods. "Wine it is," he says before grabbing a bottle of wine and pouring it onto a glass, then serving it to Mortimer, who proceeds to swish it around first. "So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" After setting the mood for their conversation, he goes to ask. Starting it off. "Tell me, Mr. Bartender, do you get a lot of customers?" Mortimer spoke. Taking a gentle sip of the wine before placing it back down on the counter. "Well, the place does get pretty packed now and again, but I'm wondering why you, of all people, would be so interested in that," the bartender says. I was curious as to why the Royal Adviser would come all the way here for that little tidbit of information. Clearly, he wanted something more, and the bartender could tell. "Perceptive. I'm here for information. And of course, you will be rewarded if you do so much as to tell me what I want." Mortimer strikes the deal. Revealing his intentions for visiting the tavern. "Depends... what kind of information are you trying to dig up here?" The bartender asks.

"Tell me. Do you know anyone by the name of Derrick Barnes?" Mortimer says, which takes the bartender off guard. I was surprised that someone like him would want business with Derrick. Something didn't sit right with him. The way it was posed. Was Derrick in trouble? It wasn't hard to piece two and two together that he and Tetsuga were behind the collapsed house of Solomon, considering the amount of dust he had to sweep off the floor when they came back. Maybe he was here for that, but that's just speculation on his part. One thing was for sure, though. "Sorry, but customer information is not allowed." The bartender says it bluntly, which takes Mortimer aback. Did he refuse him? Him of all people. "What do you mean?" Mortimer inquires while he tries to bottle up his frustrations that were slowly building up inside. How dare a simpleton refuse his request? he thought. "I don't share that kind of information." The bartender puts his foot down and stares back at Mortimer. "But that means you know something about them, don't you?" Mortimer tried to pry, but the bartender stood strong and didn't budge an inch as he put on a bold face. "Like I said, not going to happen... not my place to go sharing that type of information out." The bartender explains his decision, which did not sit well with Mortimer at all, as the man slams his palm against the counter. Making the people around them perk up and get defensive, which the knight noticed. "Sir, I think you should calm down." The knight tried to reel him back, but Mortimer snapped at them. Shut them up before they can even finish.

"I am calm!" He yells before looking back over to the bartender. "Do you even understand who you are denying!? Withholding information from an investigation is grounds for arrest, don't you know? And realize this: I can make this place go under if I so choose!" Mortimer rambles as he inches closer and closer to the bartender's face. His frustrations are clearly shown. But before things between him and the bartender get heated anymore, Finch yells from his spot. Stopping Mortimer from berating the bartender. "He said he ain't giving you anything! So back off scum or else!" Finch wars as Mortimer turns his attention towards him. "Or else what!?" He yells but then slowly notices that the entire tavern was now staring daggers at him as the tension became palpable. "It's best that we leave now, sir." The knight advises him to back down to prevent causing an even bigger scene. "You will regret this," Mortimer says to the bartender's face. He turns to leave, but before he takes a step, he slaps the glass of wine off the counter as it smashes on the floor. Spilling the wine all over. "Let that be a reminder of what could happen to you if I so choose to have this place torn down nail by nail!" With that, Mortimer storms off with the knight following behind him. Leaving the tavern in silence as they processed what had just transpired. "Serves him right. Egotistical bastard," Finch says scornfully as he approaches the bartender. "Thanks for the save, Finch. But it looks like we're swimming in deep waters now thanks to that whole thing," the bartender says as he sighs. Already feeling spent. "Alright! It's drinking time!" Suddenly, Tetsuga appears at the doorway, all chipper, which definitely contrasts the mood of the tavern.

"Why are you guys so quiet? Did someone kick the bucket or something?" Tetsuga asks. Noticing the lack of chatter and drinking in the establishment. "It's nothing. Something just went down with a guy earlier. Stormed off just a second ago." The bartender informs him as Tetsuga enters the tavern fully, approaching the counter as usual. "Oh damn. Well, whatever the case, I'm sure you handled it. Now gimme beer, bartender! Papa's thirsty!" Tetsuga says as he takes a seat in front of the Bartender as he continues their conversation. "Not so fast, Tetsuga! I'm declaring a rematch for last time!" Finch then immediately butts in. Taking the opportunity to challenge him. "Can it be Cornwall. We both know that I'll mollywop you any day of the week! Without question!" Tetsuga confidently says, which only proved to egg him on. "Oh yeah!? Then prove it tough, guy!" Finch says as the two proceed to butt heads. "Alright, I will. Bartender! Whip us up some booze! Time for Round 8!" Tetsuga declares, which immediately changes the mood of the room as the tavern goers start to get riled up with anticipation. "Isn't it a little too early for this?... ah, what the hell. You're paying for this anyways." The bartender begrudgingly agrees as he goes to whip up a batch for the two. "By the way, I got something to tell you after this. It's important," the bartender tells Tetsuga in advance as he places the two mugs of beer in front of them.

"Well, whatever it is, it can't be as bad news as Cornwall's 8th defeat! Haha!" Tetsuga quips as Finch does the same. "Oh, it's on now, pajama man!" Finch quips back, referencing Tetsuga's full-red with gold accents attire beneath his traveling jacket. "Not my fault they're comfortable! Now drink!" Tetsuga barks back before both proceed to chug down the beer in their hands. And as the match between the two began, something else was also going down at the wreckage where Solomon's House used to be. "Hey, I found something," one of the workers says as he gets the attention of one of the knights, who were standing on guard to make sure no one got near the rubble. "What is it?" They ask as the worker takes what they found over to the knight for inspection. "I don't know, but it looks like a fancy sword to me, chief," they say as he shows him the sword, which had a golden guard with a leather handle. The blade looked worse for wear, which one could assume was the effect of not being used for a long time, but one certain thing was most apparent about it. An indent where something was supposed to be but isn't there anymore. "Put it with the rest of the things. Mr. Blackwell will decide what to do with it," the knight says to him. But then, out of nowhere, another worker calls for the attention of the knights, as they had found something odd from within the rubble.

"Hey! I think I found something here! You might wanna check it out!" The worker calls as some knights and other workers start to gather around him as they await to see what he has discovered. "What'd you find?" one of the workers asks as he then shows them by lifting up a piece of wood to reveal a hole that looked to have been corroded by something, as well as glass shards and bits that indicated that there was such a thing. "I guess we'll take note of that," one of the knights says as they all just look at each other with no other plans.

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