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The two walk along as Cherry follows Tetsuga through the streets in search of Derrick. "So how do you know where he is?" Cherry would question as she watched from behind the now glowing man. "I just do," Tetsuga would say as they continued walking. It took them a bit, but they eventually happen upon the end of the trail as Tetsuga's sees the footsteps turn a corner, which leads to a railing that oversaw some of the kingdom, with Derrick himself leaning onto one of the railings. admiring the sight. "Fund them," he would say as they stood by behind the boy. "Derrick!" Cherry was the first to greet him as she made her way over while the boy turned around after hearing her voice.

"Cherry!" he would exclaim as Cherry came in with an embrace. "We found you!" she would express as she released him. "Look, cherry, I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't really mean for it to come out like that." Derrick would apologize, which she didn't really care for as all she wanted was to see this boy. Once he apologized, he glanced up and met eye-to-eye with Tetsuga, which made him awkardly smile. "Sup kid," Tetsuga would say as he walked over to the boy. "Look, Mr. . Tetsuga, I made up my mind about it, and I'm fine with it," Derrick would confess, which made Tetsuga a little confused.

"Fine with what?" he would reiterate, as he was still confused. "I mean with Pyxis. I'm pretty sure he's a shoe in. I'm just saying I'm okay with being replaced. I know I'm not that special," they would say, which made the man sigh as he took a swig. "Look, kid, you and the little lady over here might be troublesome problems for me," Tetsuga would start as he placed a hand on the boy's head. "But it'd be a cold day in hell if I ever tried to replace you," he says with a sly smirk, which makes Derrick perk up at him. "Despite how I like having Pyxis around, you are special, Derrick, to me," Tetsuga would say with a content expression, which Derrick would reciprocate with a smile of his own. "I mean, life is nothing without problems. Plus, we made a promise, didn't we?" he reminds him. Derrick remembers the day when they cemented their partnership. He felt glad that he remembered that.

"Thanks, Mr. Tetsuga. That's reassuring," Derrick would tell him. Once he heard it from him, Derrick felt assured. and once he was, he was right back to his usual self. "Don't worry, kid. Now you know," he would say nonchalantly as he drank from his flask. "its great that you two have made up now," Cherry would comment as she watched from the sidelines. happy that Derrick was feeling like himself now. "Now, let's go to that sky-watching thing!" she would suggest, which reminded Derrick that they did plan to do that. "Oh yeah, the sky-watching thing! You want to come with Mr. . Tetsuga?" he would ask him. he gave it some thought before he answered him.

"Well, I don't really mind, but I'm looking to let Pyxis join us. That is, if you're cool with it." He would try to make sure this time, seeing as Derrick didn't feel all that good with Pyxis. but now that Tetsuga would assure him that he wasn't looking to replace him, he was fine with him joining them. "Sure! The more, the merrier!" he would say as he pumped his fist in the air. Cherry would've preferred it'd be them two, but she was glad he was back to good spirits again so she could let it slide for now. "Alright, let's pick him up from the tavern and head to it," Tetsuga would tell them as he turned to walk away while the two followed behind him. But as soon as they turned the corner, he was met by Pyxis, who was leaning against the wall.

"Oh, I guess you followed us," Tetsuga would say as they met. "Yeah. As soon as the performer started to spew puns out, I left to go follow you," he would say as he pocketed the blue stone into his satchel. "Aw man..." Tetsuga was a little miffed; he missed that part. He did enjoy a little bit of humor here and there. Too bad for him. "Well, you wanna join these two for some skywatching?" he would ask him, seeing as he was already there. "Sure, I've got nothing planned," Pyxis would say. but something about it felt like something was hiding behind it. Cherry was still not sure of him so she felt so as much.

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