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A guy on a table looks at a piece of paper he got off one of the walls outside. it was a wanted poster with a hefty bounty on it. their faces were covered by a cloaked hood, but their mischievous smiles were all well present as an idea crept up to their heads. "Oh, this is going to be fun," they say as they take a spoon full of their soup while keeping their gaze on the paper. a diabolical plan hatching under the seams while the three were unaware of it. speaking of,

"Okay, let me get this straight: we're escorting her to her house because her butler can't," Tetsuga asks as he and the other two embark on the cruise ship after surviving a pirate disaster. "Yeah, is there a problem with that, Mr. Tetsuga? I'm sure she won't be much trouble," Derrick says to the man. Cherry, on the other hand, was leaning in a much more teasing fashion. "Yeah, is there a problem with that? she says, and Tetsuga decides not to entertain much as he takes his flask out to drink. "I guess I'm outvoted. again," he expresses before downing a swig and storing the flask back in.

"Just make sure you don't make too much trouble on the way there," he tells her, which was a little intrusive to the girl. Her, troublesome? to him? preposterous, she thinks. "says the drunkard," she points out. though it wasn't too hard to figure out when they literally took a swig from a flask, which all drunkards like him have at least once. "Practicing alcohol, get the right fruit basket," Tetsuga corrects her. "Fruits basket!?" she exclaims, all offended.

"I'll be back on the sea, you'll see! you'll all see." To the side of them, they see the leader of the pirates. Red Beard, who was being arrested and cuffed by the local coast guard while they filed out the remaining pirates from their ship,. "Huh. guess little red head over there got what he deserved. sucks to suck," Tetsuga comments as he chuckles to himself. "Hey, isn't that your wanted poster, Mr. Tetsuga?" Tetsuga immediately chokes on his own as he looks over to see Derrick pointing towards a wanted poster with his face on it. He then quickly snatches it off the wall and crumples it. he then meekly tries to hide himself as he covers his face behind the cloak Derrick had provided him so as not to raise suspicion, as the coast guard men were now staring in his direction for some reason.

Luckily, though, they lost interest and went back to focusing on the pirate and his men, which made Tetsuga sigh in relief. "Okay, how about we find a place where we can rest our legs a little bit, preferably not teeming with knights that aim to arrest me?" Tetsuga expresses his distaste for the situation and suggests the two find a place to unwind before continuing on their now-newfound quest to escort the young lady back home. "Right, we need to discuss our game plan! we need a quiet and secluded place to..." but as Derrick listed off ideal components of where they should go, Tetsuga was already beelining it at the local Tavern that they had for visiting ships and people. "Derrick, he's gone." Cherry was quick to tell him as soon as she saw Tetsuga walking away.

"Oh, I guess the tavern it is. I guess that's a good place too," Derrick says as they both follow the man into the tavern. The tavern was definitely not one of the first things to come to mind for Derrick but with all the patrons drunk and minding their own business, i guess he could live with the fact that no one would pry into into their conversation as they discussed plans for their escort quest. "Ah, you smell that?" Tetsuga says as he breathes in hard to really soak it in.

"the smell of booze and no shower, middle-aged men sweat? yeah, it's kind of hard not to," Cherry quipped, as she wasn't too fond of places like these, unlike Tetsuga, who felt almost at home. the only downside was that the bartender he used to know wasn't the one running the place. instead, it was a gruff old man with stitches on his arms and an eye patch to boot. clearly some kind of pirate, or maybe a reformed one by the looks of it. but Tetsuga wasn't one to judge much, as he had the two pick out their seats or the three of them.

"Oh, how about this one? its off to the side, away from prying eyes," Derrick suggested as he presented them with an empty table off to the side of the tavern, which they could use to discuss plans. "Alright, nice going, kid," he congratulates as he takes an empty seat, but not before ruffling the kids' hair a bit. Cherry was more polite with her way of seating, as she took one next to the drunkard, which she minded a little bit, but she knew that in situations like this, you get more conversation out of someone if you are face-to-face. so she was willing to suck it up for that for now. Derrick obviously sat across from the two. right behind the hooded man from before, but I haven't seemed to notice yet.

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