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Derrick walks over to the buffet tables and looks at all of the delicacies that were lined up in front of him. He knew Cherry said to bring back several, but he wondered. He probably should've specified, but he's already there, so he couldn't just go back and ask since it'd be a time waste. "Well, Cherry said she loves sweet things. I'll just bring back one of everything then. That'll do," Derrick says to himself before he starts to pick out different pastries to bring back for Cherry. Speaking of the lady, she had been sitting alone for a bit after Derrick went off to get her the pastries. But this in turn gave someone the opportunity to waltz right up and initiate a conversation with her, as they started it off by leaning on the bar counter next to her suavely. "How does a fine young woman like you sit alone on a bar stool like this? It's quite hard to believe someone would leave a girl like you all by their lonesome," the guy says as he, in stereotypical fashion, slicks his hair back as he addresses Cherry in her seat, who was minding her own business.

"Do we know each other?" Cherry asked. Having not seen him in her life, as looks go to show, she has definitely seen a lot of men just like him. "Well, we don't. But I'll be happy to know you as you will for me," the man says as he slides a little closer to her, which she preemptively dodges by sliding away. The man notices her gesture but decides to recover by continuing on. "Ahem... Would you like a drink? On me," the guy says as he snaps his fingers before a glass of champagne slides into his hands. "Uhm, no thanks. I got my own drink," Cherry says as he sips on it to prove it. At this point in the conversation, Cherry was obviously trying to get this guy to go away by acting as uninterested as possible and countering all his advances. But the guy was persistent and stubborn, so a no wasn't going to cut it. "You don't really have to drink it. It's more of a gesture than anything," he says as he slides the glass over to her, which she slowly and quite obviously slides away from.

The guy was now getting irritated since Cherry was not going to give him the chance. But he tries to bottle it up to keep his cool. "You know what, that's fine. You're the first girl to catch my eye, so I don't mind," he says, which Cherry notices off to the side of her peripheral, another girl who was looking at them all dumbfounded and hurt before they angrily stomp away. Seemingly having had enough of the sight of them. "You don't say..." Cherry says as she continues to sip on her drink. As this was going on, Derrick had finally picked out the several pastries he was going to take back to Cherry as he started to walk back over to the bar. "You know I'm very wealthy. My family are quite the nobles, so I basically can get you anything. Just name it. It'll be yours," he says as he flaunts his wealth. As he did so, Cherry noticed that Derrick was coming back with the pastries and the wine they had ordered. Which gave her an idea.

"Well, how about we flip the script here? I know what I can do for you," she says, which fully interests the guy. Having assumed that she was interested in him, he finally went to shoot his shot as he slid in closer to her. "Oh~... Do tell? What can you do?" He asks. "This." Cherry responded by immediately crushing his toes with the heel of her heels. Making the guy scrunch up his face in pain before immediately jumping back in pain as he held his foot. "Ow!" he exclaimed. Unfortunately for him, though, he had backed up right into Derrick. Bumping right into him and spilling the wine that was in the hands of the boy onto the guy. "Ah! What the-my suit!" He exclaims in frustration and surprise as his expertly tailored white suit is now stained with red wine. "Oh my, I'm so sorry about that." Derrick immediately apologized. But the guy was fuming already as he began to puff his chest at him.

"Do you know how expensive this is!? How dare you spill?" The guy was about to berate Derrick, but luckily Cherry was quick to get the boy out of there. "Oh, that's really unfortunate! I hope you can fix it though; have your family do something about it? Anyways, me and him have to go!" Cherry says before grabbing Derrick and taking him away while the guy angrily gasped and stammered as he watched them go away. "Sorry about that, Derrick. I just had to get away from that guy," she says to the boy as soon as they are at a relatively safe distance and out of earshot of the guy. "Oh, no worries. Does that happen often?" Derrick asks as he wonders if it was a daily occurrence for her. "Yeah, being the daughter of a very successful family and company can get you a lot of attention," Cherry expressed with a stiff chuckle. "That's quite a dilemma. Pastries?" Derrick comments before offering the pastries to her. Luckily, there were still some on the plate after the bump. "Obviously!" She says before she starts stuffing her face full of the pastries. "They're so good!" she says as her cheeks flush pink.

"They are very delectable," Derrick comments, as well as taking a bite for himself. Once the plate was finished, they went back to the objective at hand. "Okay. What's next?" Derrick asks. Waiting for the next thing to do. As soon as he asked, the band playing for the place started to play some ball music, which prompted a few people from the sidelines to walk in with their partners and share a dance with one another. "Ooh! Let's go dance!" With little hesitation, Cherry drags Derrick onto the dance floor as they attempt to do some ballroom dancing. "So, do you know how to dance?" Cherry asked before they started. "No, not really." Derrick then answered honestly, which Cherry was well accepting of since she gets to show him the ropes. "Well, worry not. Not to goad myself up, but I have been trained in this sort of thing." Cherry flaunts her confidence to Derrick as she takes his hand and places it on her hip.

"Now for the basics, you keep your hand on my hip and the other on mine like this," she instructs as she takes his other hand and raises them up to shoulder level. "I see. So what now?" Derrick asked about what to do next, which Cherry obviously knew. "Just move your feet and follow my lead, okay?" She says as they begin to dance. It looked alright at first, but as first times go,. It went downhill with the next step. "Ow!" Cherry yells in pain as Derrick accidentally steps on her foot. "Oops! Are you okay?" Derrick immediately asked after having made the mistake. "Don't worry. It's your first time. Stuff like this happens all the time!" She reassures him. "Let's keep going." She leads on as they continue. But it proved a lot more challenging since Derrick flubbed every single step from here on. So much so that Cherry felt that her foot was smushed into a pancake. "Alright. Maybe we should take a break here, Derrick," she politely says, trying to hide away the fact that she wanted to scream in pain.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Derrick says with confidence as he moves his feet. Too bad it was a fluke, as his legs ended up crossing each other, causing him to trip up and fall. "Derrick!" Cherry shouts as she sees the boy fall face first onto the ground. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" "I'm alright, Ms. Cherry. Thankfully, I caught myself on something, so the fall wasn't too bad," Derrick explained as he got up. He then looks at what he has "caught" himself on and sees that it was someone's pants. "Huh," he muttered before slowly panning up to see the person who was flirting with Cherry before, now in their underwear because of him. "Oh..." was the only thing Derrick could muster up.

"My, why you little!" the guy screams as he is more than ready to throw down with Derrick. But luckily, Cherry was there to get him out of it. "Sorry about the pants! Let's go, Derrick!" Cherry says as she pulls Derrick away and bolts it out of there before the guy could do much. "Hey! Come back here!! I need reparations from you scoundrels!! My father will hear of this!!" The guy yelled as he watched the two exit the scene in haste.

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