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"Hup hup hup hup," the knights sound out as they march down the street as they patrol the area for any suspicious activity. Once they pass by an alleyway, two cloaked figures emerge from it before they start running away. "It looks like they didn't notice us. Which way do we go now?" the cloaked figure asks, which is revealed to be Tetsuga. "The next turn should be right up ahead." The other cloaked figure replies, which is also revealed to be Derrick, as he lowers down the map to see where he is going better. They turned the corner and kept making their way down the street. They did get some weird stares as they passed by, but luckily no one seemed to call them out, meaning their identities were still safe. Though one particular guy seemed to keep their eye on them for a lot longer than everyone else,. "The marina..." the guy muttered as it turned out to be the hunter himself, walking among the people as a lowly 'worker' of sorts. Soon after, he descends into a crowd of people before disappearing from sight.

"Uh, oh," Derrick sounded out, which got the attention of Tetsuga, who looked over at him curiously. "What's up, kid?" He asks before they both start hearing a lot of metal footsteps. He looks back forward and sees a bunch of knights marching down towards them in the distance. "The path leads straight through them! There's a high risk we get caught if we run it through!" Derrick informs them as they still keep running. Tetsuga thinks up something on the fly and notices the buildings around the two. "I got an idea! Get on my back!" Tetsuga tells the boy as he makes a hard left as Derrick jumps onto his back as he does so. He enters another alleyway and starts to look up at the roof. "Hold on tight, kid," he warns as Derrick's grip around him tightens. His hands then start to glow a blue hue before magic telepathic lines shoot out from them and latch onto the roof. He then reels himself down and flings himself and Derrick up over the roof as he catches the ledge with his hands.

He climbs up and starts to run across the roof. "Haven't done this in a long while! So I'm a bit!" Tetsuga says before he proceeds to jump the gap between roofs and land it on the other side. "Rusty!" Tetsuga says as he glances back behind him to relish the first jump. "Haha! Still got it!" Tetsuga says before continuing to run and jump from roof to roof. "How much time have we still got?" Tetsuga asked as he jumped, landed on another roof, and passed the marching guards undetected. "We still have time! I'm starting to see the marina in the distance a bit, so we're getting closer!" Derrick says as he looks to the horizon. "Alright! Just gotta keep this up until we get there. He kept it going for a few more jumps, but then suddenly something struck the roof tile from below, which tripped him up in the process. "Oh, fudge biscuits!!"Tetsuga yelled as he and Derrick started plummeting down towards the wall of the house in front of them. "Wall!"Derrick shouts, but Tetsuga acted quickly and maneuvered Derrick to his front, then forced his back to hit the wall, preventing the boy from smacking straight into it.

"Ough!" Tetsuga grunts as they fall some more. They then hit a door shade on the way down, which Tetsuga took the hit for again before finally smacking onto the ground. "Ough!!" The two grunt from the impact as they are both sprawled across the floor after it. "You alright, kid?" Tetsuga asks as he slowly gets back up. "I'm fine. Nothing seems to be broken, fortunately, he says as he inspects the sack full of his equipment, which was tied around his neck. "That's good. Man, that loose roof tile almost killed us. Though I swear it almost looked like something..." Tetsuga was about to explain, but then his eyes slowly noticed something from across the street from them. It was a man in normal clothes but had cloth wrapping around his head. "Hit... It," he says as he stares at the man from across the street with a strange look.

"Do you see something, Mr. Tetsuga?" Derrick asked before also noticing the man across the street as well. "That guy..." Derrick tried to speak, but Tetsuga finished it for him. "It's the hunter," Tetsuga said. Derrick quickly looked over at him in worry. "The hunter? Are you sure? Maybe it's just a coincidence." Derrick tried to deny the suspicion of it being the hunter, but Tetsuga seemed adamant about it since, as soon as the man started walking away into the alley and disappeared, Tetsuga immediately wanted to give chase. "C'mon, Derrick! We gotta catch that guy!" Tetsuga says as he quickly helps Derrick up and drags him with him. "But the marina!" Derrick tried to remind him, but Tetsuga wasn't budging from this decision. "Don't worry about it! We can still make it there after we deal with this persistent asshole!" Tetsuga says as he follows the man through the alley before losing sight of him after rounding a corner. "Hey! Get back here!" Tetsuga shouted as he and Derrick picked up the pace. He rounds the corner and finds himself at the city square, where crowds of people were seen loitering and buying from vendors that had set up shop in it.

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