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"What do you mean by wait!?" Tetsuga complains, feeling that waiting was just spelling out their doom. "Trust me, Mr. Tetsuga! All we need to do is just stall them," Derrick tells him as he hesitantly thinks about it. Deciding that there were no other plans, he agrees as he gets up and turns towards the smugglers who were approaching them both. "Hey, butt munches! Y'all like to play with magic, right? Then let me show you real magic!" Tetsuga exclaims to them as they look on, perplexed as to what he would do after declaring such a thing. Tetsuga then puts his thumb into his other hand, then miraculously and magically detaches it. "Yeah, you see that? Magic!" Tetsuga says with a cheeky smile as he performs a simple parlor trick in an attempt to stall them. "Mr. Tetsuga, what are you doing?" Curious, Derrick asked him as he tried to look over his shoulder to see. "Cut me some slack; it's been a while!" Tetsuga whispers to him back as he performs another. "You guys don't look too amazed, how bout I detach ALL my fingers?" He says as he magically shows them all of his fingers gone from his one hand and are seen on the other.

"Hey, he's pretty good." One of the people commented which earned them an elbow from one of them. "Shut up... is that all you can do? Do another one." They commanded as Tetsuga rolled his eyes, but followed as he showed them yet another trick. This went on for a bit, him entertaining the people while Derrick kept his gaze upon the rodent that was next to their saving grace. "C'mon little rat... all you need to do is nudge it." Derrick muttered under his breath as he waited for it patiently. Then suddenly, the rat scuffled away but not before hitting the vial on its way out. "Yes! Mr. Tetsuga! Now!" Derrick shouts as the Vial rolls over and falls through the hole. Descending upon the two in a free fall. "Shows over!" Tetsuga says before quickly going down face first, placing Derrick on top as the vial lands and breaks upon the ropes that bind them two together. The acid didn't take long to take effect as it instantly corroded the robes as it easily broke apart after the slightest pressure Derrick applied to free himself. "We're free!" He yells as he gets off of Tetsuga who immediately after being set free, uses his actual magic to latch onto the tables behind the wall of people in front of him before pulling, dragging the tables behind them towards their backs. Tripping them all up. "Argh! Get him!" They shout as they get up to attack. Tetsuga rushes in this time as he takes on the offensive.

One throws an overhead strike which was disarmed quickly by a swift punch to the side of the face. One tried to come in from behind which was then met by a hard kick to the stomach, making them drop their weapon. Tetsuga takes advantage of it as he grabs it before it hits the ground then clashes it against another. Preventing another attack from hitting him. He pushes their weapon to the side before kicking him away when he had a clear shot to their chest. "What enchantment you got sword?" He says before noticing three other attackers coming in. He decides to stab the sword down to see if anything would happen and it indeed, happens as a stream of ice trails away from the sword and creates a slippery floor. Causing them to start fumbling on their feet. Tetsuga then uses their momentum towards him and clotheslines them with the blunt end of the sword. "Ha! Ha! And they said I can't use a sword!" Tetsuga stated as he checked the sword out. "Raaahhh!!" Suddenly, the club man comes in with a vengeance as he goes to swing at him. "Ah!" Tetsuga tried to block the hit but it ended up flinging the sword out of his hands due to its power enchantment.

"What'd you say about me not being able to use a sword!?" The man mocks him as he looks at Tetsuga, who is now unarmed. "Mr. Tetsuga! Head up!" Derrick yelled before tossing over a club for him to use. He catches it and points it towards the man with a club in front of him. "Even Stevens! Rah!" Tetsuga shouts as both rush towards each other to clash. The hits were pounding, and the vibrations rattled the very surroundings around them. The man hits Tetsuga with a side swipe, which he blocks with the club. Sending him a few bits away. "You can do this, Mr. Tetsuga!" Derrick cheered, but so did the smugglers as they started to root for the club man as well. "Beat his skull in!" "Take him out!" They shout. "Grah!!" The clubman rushes in, his club held up high. But Tetsuga stayed put and dug his heels into the ground as he prepared for a swing. Once he got into a perfect distance, Tetsuga kicked the dirt onto the man's face. Blinding him. "Argh! My eyes!" He says as he is now rushing in, blind. Using this opportunity, he set himself up. He swings his club to their faces, a slow motion view as his face caves in from the impact while the other looks on with a slight cringe. The hit knocks the man away. All the way to the other side, to a support pillar.

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