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"Just hold out for a little longer, Mr. Tetsuga! I'm on my way!" Derrick exclaims as he runs through the village with haste. On Tetsuga's side, the onslaught kept on coming as bullets rippled the air. "C'mon! Just run out already!" Tetsuga thought to himself as he waited for them to reload. "Crap! We're out!" The bandits say as they look at their ammunition to see they are all running on empty. Hearing this, Tetsuga develops a slight smirk as it is finally his time to shine. He cracks his neck before peeking out the corner of his cover to attack.

"See how you like 'em!" He says. His arm starts to glow a blue hue again, but this time, the hue converts into a glowing blue rope as it latches onto the flintlock that a bandit was using. He pulls it back, bringing the gun with it, before whipping it back at them. "Ack!!" The bandit's head reels back as the gun smacks him in the face. "Screw the guns! He can't take all of us!!" The other bandits say as they throw their guns away to switch over to their blades as they go in to rush him. Tetsuga runs towards the bandit that got hit by the gun and uses him as a springboard as he leaps onto his face before pushing one of his legs off of it.

A bandit tries to swing at him while he is midair but gets countered as Tetsuga maneuvers himself to kick the sword away before delivering a backspin heel kick. Taking out the bandit as he lands. "Don't mess with us!!" One of them screamed as they rushed in wildly. They swing their swords diagonally, but Tetsuga leans to the side to avoid contact before landing a punch to his face. "Back off!" Tetsuga yells before delivering a kick to their chest. Sending them towards the bandit behind them, taking out both in the process. "Rah!" Suddenly, a bandit screamed from behind as they threw a punch towards him.

Tetsuga spins to the side, avoiding the bandit. After failing to land the hit with his fist, the bandit tries to hit him again with his sword as he swings it towards his chest. "Nuh uh!" Tetsuga spoke before blocking the sword by grabbing a hold of their hand before the sword could make contact. He then elbows the bandit in the face before pulling him so they could shield him from the next attack. That attack was another flintlock shot as the bullet hit the bandit that Tetsuga used as a body shield. "Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t!" The bandit rambles as they struggle to quickly reload their flint lock. Tossing the injured bandit away, Tetsuga used his magic again and attached the blue rope to the bandit's leg and their hand as well.

"Uh, oh," the bandit said before Tetsuga pulled on his leg, grounding him on his. "Take you out on a spin, why don't we?" At this point, Tetsuga seemed to enjoy this moment, as right after his little quip, he proceeded to pull the bandit through the ground into a spin, which knocked down the other bandits within the area due to the magic rope that extended from Tetsuga's hands being tangible. Once he had taken out the majority of the bandits, he released the one he latched onto as they skidded on the ground to a stop. "Alright! Who else wants some?" Tetsuga yells, the adrenaline coursing through his body. Then, from the distance, an old challenger comes in as Yurie bolts towards him with plenty of fury. Ready to cut Tetsuga down.

"Uh oh!" As Tetsuga sees the incoming Yurie, he thought fast as he quickly approached the bandit He spun around and used him as a hostage bargain as he put him in a headlock in front of himself, hoping to stop Yurie from attacking. "You wouldn't hurt your own men, would you?" Tetsuga asked to receive but one response was an angry shout, as not only did Yurie not stop, but he went faster. "Oooohhh, yeah, he's not stopping for you," Tetsuga says before releasing the bandit and kicking him In the direction of Yurie as they screamed in fear. "Aaaahhh!" Yurie shoves the bandit to the side as they land on their face before swinging his saber at Tetsuga.

Tetsuga leans to the side, dodging a diagonal upward strike before sending back a right hook. Yurie drops down, missing the hit, before using the hilt of his sword to hit him in the ribs. "Argh!" Tetsuga yelled in pain as he clutched his side. Yurie tries to go in for another strike with his sword but Tetsuga intercepts it with his foot as he pushes it away, creating some distance between them. "Do you know how long it took me to get here!?" Yurie starts yelling as he rushes back in. "Probably not long since all you do is steal!" Tetsuga retorts back as he sends a backspin kick at Yurie, who grabs his foot with his free hand. Taking this chance, Tetsuga jumps with his free foot and spins, sending his heel towards Yurie's head.

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