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After realizing his blunder, Tetsuga decides to just ask a random person this time around since he forgot to when he was talking with that Derrick lad. after talking to a random citizen, they point him in the direction of the kingdom's guild hall. he starts walking all the way there as he takes in all the sights while he walks. after walking a fair bit, he finally reaches the guild hall, where he is presented with a huge building where a bunch of adventurers come in and out of the building, as well as some loitering around a big bulletin board that was posted up outside in front of the building.

"Here we are! let's see what they have here." Tetsuga mutters to himself as he scans the board for a certain something. the board was filled with lots of posters. some of which were about quests. they ranged from fetch quests, extermination quests, escort quests, etc., but what Tetsuga wanted to see were the bounty posters. but why would he be interested in such a thing? it wasn't as if he was a bounty hunter himself, let alone an adventurer. so it was a bit odd for him to be doing so. though for him, he had a good reason.

after skimming the bounty section of the board. he seemed to have not found what he was looking for. but instead of sulking about it, he jumped with joy as he expressed this revelation. "Whoohoo!!! hahaha!" he exclaims. gaining the attention of all the other adventurers, which he quickly addressed as he cleared his throat as soon as he got back down. "Excuse me folks, nothing to see here," he says, which was enough for them to not mind him anymore as they went back to what they were doing. Tetsuga promptly left the area, seeing as he'd done what he wanted to do. but what was it still?

It turns out he was trying to make sure his face wasn't plastered on the quest board because he was the kind of person one could call a "fugitive," allegedly anyway. but this little title of his wasn't given as a frame job. he did commit the crime. it's the fact that a certain knight he knew blew it so much out of proportion that his likeness was now branded as a criminal with a hefty bounty on his head. but enough of the backstory. Tetsuga wanted to celebrate this fortunate opportunity of his by doing the one thing he knows: getting hammered in a tavern.

"Helloo people!" the tavern doors swing open as Tetsuga walks in with so much bravado you'd swear you saw him sparkling as he walked through. but with his very loud entrance, it did not leave out the patrons in the establishment, as they all looked towards him with questioning looks. "Hey! how are you doing? nice mustache! I like your hat!" he goes through, greeting everyone he passes. he was in such a good mood that he didn't care if the customers were giving him weird looks.

he reaches the counter as he sits himself down on one of the vacant seats. "Hey there, bartender! mind making me a drink?" he says to the bartender manning the counter. the bartender gives Tetsuga a weird look for a second, seeing as he did come right in with quite the ruckus. "I don't mind making you one... but next time, try not to bust down my doors," the bartender says, as if it were on cue. the doors behind Tetsuga fall off their hinges as they flop down to the floor with a loud smack.

"Uhhh, sorry. I'll pay for that," Tetsuga says. his bravado brought down a peg as he realized he might've kicked the doors a little too hard. "Uh, huh..." the bartender mutters as he fills a glass mug with bear before serving it over to him. "Anyways, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new in town?" the bartender asks. trying to make some small talk with the new face as they down the whole mug in one go.

"Yeah. Just arrived, actually," he tells the bartender as he gestures to him to fill his mug up some more. "You just arrived, and your first instinct is to drink up a storm?" The bartender assumed, which wasn't far off from the truth as he handed back the refilled mug. "Yup. And there ain't nothing better than this!" Tetsuga exclaims before downing the mug again.

"Jeez, you just keep downing the beer like it's nothing." The bartender was a little bit amazed at his prowess at getting hammered. "Hehe! Guess you could say I got a lot of practice in," he tells him as he hands back the mug yet again for another refill. As the bartender went to refill his mug again, it seemed like their conversation was going to get a bit silent. So it was an ample opportunity to hear his surroundings better. One particular conversation caught his interest as he listened in.

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