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It's been a long and arduous journey for the two boys. Now having escaped the kingdom, they were now on their own, whisked away by the salty sea waters of the grand ocean. Bringing them along with the tides to their fated destination. And seeing as they had all this time to themselves now, they took it as an opportunity to lay back, relax, and enjoy the ocean breeze as Tetsuga sipped on his flask while basking in the sunlight out on the deck. "Mr. Tetsuga, are you sure we should be out in the open like this?" Derrick asked. I was worried about their status getting them into trouble. "Lesson one, kid, when you get free time, you use that free time. It won't be everyday we could relax like this. Also, everyone here is a bunch of rich folks. They don't really care about anything but themselves," Tetsuga explained as he continued to sip on his flask.

"I see," Derrick said. Before, a tranquil silence encompassed them both. "Are you going to do anything besides sit around?" Tetsuga asked as he noticed Derrick was not moving at all. "Oh, I thought I'd do what you're doing. You're relaxing, right?" Derrick tells him, which perplexes Tetsuga a little bit. Had this kid not relaxed in his life? granted, he's been living as an orphan for most of his childhood, and more recently, it wasn't any better for him, that's for sure. "I am. But this is what I find relaxing. I doubt you'd have the same tastes as I do, so go around the ship! Go find something you'd like to do. If you want to find me, I'll just be here... chillaxing," he tells him. "Oh, well, I guess I'll see you later then!" Derrick was then quick to change his mind as he decided to go walk around to find something he could do while Tetsuga was left to his own devices. "Heh, kids, am I right?" Tetsuga would say as he patted the arm of the person next to him who looked at him weirdly while he watched Derrick go on his little adventure around the ship.

"Wow, this ship is way bigger than I expected it to be. Quite the walking distance, I have to say," Derrick comments as he walks down the boat while passing many wealthy-looking people who didn't pay him any mind. "Okay. Mr. Tetsuga said I should use this time to relax. What should I do to relax?" Derrick then starts to question himself on what he should do to'relax' since he didn't understand the concept of it at all. In retrospect, all he did was make potions and mixtures and synthesize rocks he found lying around. Would that be considered relaxing? He wasn't too sure because, for one, he enjoyed the creation process, but he also knew that it wasn't something anyone would do in their free time, as far as he knew. He kept on walking and looking around, seemingly having no idea what to do. That was, until he saw an umbrella flying past him from behind as it was whisked away by the wind. Upon reflex, Derrick grabbed the handle of the umbrella to stop it from getting away. Luckily, he did, because the person who owned it came running from behind.

"Hey!" they say, which made Derrick turn to them as he sees a blonde girl about his age wearing a round pink dress with a cherry hair pin attached to their hair. "Thanks for saving my umbrella. I've been chasing it down the docks after a strong wind blew it away!" She explained the situation to him as she tried to catch her breath. "Oh, well, here you go. I suppose you'd need your umbrella with the sun beaming down on us out in the open sea," Derrick says as he hands her the umbrella, which she accepts. "Yeah. So what's your name?" She proceeds to ask. Normally, Derrick would respond in kind, but he was a little hesitant now that he was a fugitive. But then he remembered what Tetsuga said about rich people. He looked at the girl again and saw that she looked very wealthy. She was definitely cute to a degree, but she also had an air of wealth about her, so it was safe for him to say that she was rich.

"It's Derrick. Derrick Barnes," he tells her as he stretches his hand for her to shake. "Well, my name is Cherry P. Berrybottom, daughter and heir to the Berrybottom family name." She responds back as she daintily accepts his hand to shake. "Cherry, like the berry?" Derrick asked. I was a little curious if that was the origin of her name. "Yup. My family essentially owns the largest fruit production and distribution company in all of the kingdoms," she explains. "My family is kind of into themes and such," she adds at the end. She pointed out the naming conventions of her family tree and everything else that was associated with their name. "Oh, it sounds like you have a lovely family," Derrick says. "Yeah, but it gets a little suffocating back at home. It's why I like to travel a lot," she says. But there was a hint of hesitation in her voice. As if there was something she was leaving out. But Derrick wasn't one to pray when it came to personal stuff. Not unless it's related to alchemy and rocks. Then he'll be nosy to an annoying degree.

"So, Derrick, are you doing anything right now?" Cherry asked as she was curious to know what the boy was doing. "Oh., my friend told me to go and relax and have fun. But I have no idea how. So I'm just walking around trying to figure that out," Derrick says as he scratches the back of his neck. For a kid, he wasn't good at being a kid. Fortunately for him, someone who knows how to be one was standing right in front of him. And luckily, they were kind enough to lend their services for a while. "Well, I can help you. I know a lot of fun stuff we can do!" She says with a smile. "Really? That'd be great! I can really use some pointers," Derrick admits before Cherry grabs his wrist to lead him away for some fun around the ship. "Lucky you! You'll be learning from the best!" She tells him as they are now on their way to spend the day having Derrick learn how to relax and have fun.

"What I like to do when I want to relax is have a nice cold drink. We can go get some from the indoor bar!" Cherry suggests as she sets their first activity. Leading Derrick inside the ship. Inside the ship was a gorgeous and very fancy common area that had a buffet corner, the indoor bar Cherry had suggested, and a dance floor where classical music played for the folks who were willing to slow dance on the said dance floor. "Let's go sit down there so we can order some drinks." Cherry kept leading the charge as she guided Derrick through and over to the indoor bar, where they eventually sat on their many bar stools. "Say Derrick, have you ever drank any cocktails and such?" Cherry asks since they were in a place where they sell those naturally. "Well, I did have champagne with my friend when we got here. Well, I did. He just had his beer." Derrick recounts the events to her. "Oh, your friend seems like an alcoholic," Cherry points out. "He says he's a practicing alcoholic. He's beaten a lot of people in drinking matches, so I think his efforts are fruitful," Derrick says with the most innocent smile while Cherry just sits there. Absorbing that little piece of detail. Luckily, she knew better than to try and wrap her brain around that and decided to forgo it at the moment as the barman came to take their order.

"Hello, you two. You both fancy a drink, eh?" The barman says as he addresses the two. "I'll have a pink margarita. Non-alcoholic, and make it sweet, please," Cherry tells him as the barman takes note before moving onto Derrick next. "How about you, sunny boy? What do you want?" He refers to Derrick's choice. "I've always wanted to taste wine. Do you have some wine?" Derrick asked. "Sure, I do. I'll go whip those up for you two," the barman says as he goes and gets to work on the orders. "By the way, Derrick, I was wondering about something." Cherry starts as they decide to chat a little while they wait for their drinks. "Go ahead, Ms. Cherry," he says. "Derrick, I can tell we were both the same age here. You can just drop the Ms. Silly," she tells him as she bumps him on the arm. "Sorry about that, Cherry. I'm just so used to being around people older than me. That and it's how I call my friend." Derrick apologizes, which Cherry chuckles at. "It's fine. Anyways, I was going to ask..." She then goes back to her main question before her correction.

"What's with the goggles?" she asks. He pointed out his most prominent feature, which was the metallic mask that covered his eyes with three green lenses each. "Oh, this. Well, it's kind of a thing I made to help with my poor eyesight," he explains. "The green lenses are made from luminocitite, which is synthesized into a type of glass lens that has the odd effect of increasing a person's scotopic vision," Derrick explained, which Cherry didn't get at first when he said scotopic vision. "Scotopic vision?" She repeats for him to define it. "Well, to put it in simple terms, it basically gives me night vision so I can see in the dark better," he explains as she finally understands, which she expresses with a slow understanding nod. "Oooh... Okay, that's pretty neat!" She comments, finding it interesting to hear about such a concept. "Here you are. One pink margarita for the young lass, and red wine for you young lad," the barman says as he slides the two their drinks before walking away to serve more customers.

"Mmm~ the sweetness is so good," Cherry comments as her cheeks light up in red while she enjoys her beverage. "Do you like sweet things, Cherry?" Derrick asks after witnessing such a reaction from her. "I kind of have a bad sweet tooth. I just love the sugar! And the sweetness!" She explains as she drinks more. "If that's the case, you want me to get you a pastry from the buffet? I spotted some earlier," Derrick asks, which Cherry was very much agreeing to. "Would I!? Take me back several, please!" She says, like a giddy child, which Derrick found a little cute. "Okay, I'll be right back then," Derrick says as he goes to get those pastries with his wine in hand. Leaving Cherry all by her lonesome in the bar. And as she sat there, she so happened to have caught the eyes of a certain someone from afar as they started to approach her now that Derrick was away.

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